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California (North) Invitational Game

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#1 dagashi



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 12:37 AM

What/Who:The Davis Urban Gaming Group (DUGG) (facebook page) My link
*Note as of right now we will only allow people 18 years or older for safety issues and agreement with UC Davis campus rules (as we are a club through the campus). (sorry to disappoint anyone under the age of 18).

Where: University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616.
We will meet at the the south side of the memorial union near the grass fields call Wquad and Equad. campus map provided below. My link

When: We will be hosting this saturday the 21st of july a beta game invitational campus wide at UC davis from 330pm to 8pm.

It will be a hybrid of battlefront style capture points and a game mode called harbor assault (from the game navyfield).


Please if you can print out the rules specifically the maps in the end. *Note the map section is not yet complete so maybe print it out on saturday before you arrrive.

Important notes:
-No blaster can look real. this is uc davis the cops like our group so lets keep it that way.
-Fell free to bring any of your blasters, but all modified blasters and ammo will be tested on the equipment moderator (me)
-Note you can also bring clean balled up socks as throwing weapons. EMPHASIS ON CLEAN.
-Note we do allow shields if they are of a soft material and under 2.5 feet for the longest distance. Note if you use a shield you can only use a pistol type blaster.
-See the rules for more equipment requirements and regulations.
-Bring lots of your own water
-Bring a cellphone

Please post on the facebook page if you can make it and if you are bringing people.

Sorry for the late posting. We were originally going to do an HvZ but several of our moderators can not make it so we decided to move our hybrid game mode to a beta testing. NORCAL style
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