The object of this contest is to manufacture a blaster capable of firing the rockets at least sixty feet, in the same range as stock Roto-Rockets and Titans. Using existing assemblies for some portions of the blaster is great, but aesthetics will be graded as well. Simply throwing a barrel on to a Cobra is not an acceptable entry.
1. All entrants must officially declare your intentions to create a blaster for this contest in order to receive a testing rocket. But if you don’t produce something, you will face the ire of your peers and bear the shame of failure for all eternity.
2. All entries must be posted by August 15th, 2012. We don’t care about the time. Seriously, if it is slightly after midnight in your timezone or something, we are still going to accept it, because it isn’t a big deal.
3. The total cost of the components of your entry should not exceed the normal $30-ish price tag of a Roto-Rocket from Amazon. Please keep a detailed list of your costs for the parts. If you buy parts from a discount store or repurpose an existing assembly, such as a pump, please state this.
Categories and Prizes:
A. Spring Powered Homemade - We see this as the most challenging category, and it will have the highest prize value of five rockets for first place, three for second place, and one for third.
B. Air Powered Homemade - Four rockets for first place, two for second, and one for third.
C. Other - If it doesn't fit in the first two, it goes here. If you are unsure, ask and we'll decide. Four rockets for first, two for second, and one for third.
1. We realize that it will be nearly impossible to have a contest like this and exclude PVC as a building material, so we won’t. However, air tanks made of PVC MUST be constructed using at LEAST Sch 40 material. Don’t waste our time with pop bottle tanks. Seriously. You’ll be disqualified and ridiculed.
2. All pressurized components MUST be assembled using proper adhesives for slip joints, or NPT threaded components.
3. All pressurized blasters must include at least a gauge or OPRV. All entries must have permanent rocket barrels installed.
4. “Exotic” gas power such as combustion or CO2 are acceptable, but all components (save for the barrel) must be metal and have power regulation equipment. All entries of this type must be submitted by an adult because holy crap, kids don’t try this at home.
Points will be awarded based on a scale from one to five in various categories and added together. The blasters with the highest point totals in each category will place.
1. Range, which needs to be flat, measured by a long tape, lines painted on the sidewalk, measuring wheel, etc. Videos of test firing would be helpful, but not required. 0-5 Points.
2. Cost to manufacture. 0-5 Points.
3. Usability during play. Awkward priming or firing mechanisms are going to detract here. 0-5 points.
4. Aesthetics. 0-5 points.
5. Creativity. A massive reproduction of an Arrowstorm is likely to earn more points here than say, a stomp rocket. 0-10 Points.
Total: 30 Points.
Bonus of 5 points if you use the blaster in a war, and have confirming pictures and/or feedback from other attendees.
We welcome entries from all interested parties. If you do not have a Nerfhaven account, then either email us or hit up the Nerfhaven IRC channel.
Arms race, bitches!
Edited by Draconis, 17 July 2012 - 01:24 AM.