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The Hailfire letdown

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#1 StraXXuS



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 01:53 PM

Hasbro released a teaser video for the elite hailfire on their facebook page. This video let on to just how much of a let-down the hailfire is. Turns out all those who thought it was a flywheel blaster were right. And even though it has the capacity for 8 clips, hasbro decided to only package it with 4. On the upside however, we now know that the front handle is what advances the clip mechanism. What aggravates me the most, is that hasbro decided that the blaster with the highest dart capacity should be semi-auto(thats right its semi even though it can hold up to 144 darts) rather than full auto. Anyone else feel finger cramps coming on?
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#2 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 01:55 PM

Hasbro released a teaser video for the elite hailfire on their facebook page. This video let on to just how much of a let-down the hailfire is. Turns out all those who thought it was a flywheel blaster were right. And even though it has the capacity for 8 clips, hasbro decided to only package it with 4. On the upside however, we now know that the front handle is what advances the clip mechanism. What aggravates me the most, is that hasbro decided that the blaster with the highest dart capacity should be semi-auto(thats right its semi even though it can hold up to 144 darts) rather than full auto. Anyone else feel finger cramps coming on?

Cool story bro.
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#3 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 03:45 PM

Here's the official video.

The Humans vs Zombies players might like it.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 27 April 2012 - 03:46 PM.

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#4 Ambience 327

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 04:33 PM

Full auto for Nerf blasters is overkill in most circumstances. In the indoor wars I have participated in, the semi-auto capabilities of the RF20 we had made it far more useful and effective than the pair of Magstrikes we had, even when someone could run around with up to four loaded magazines for their Magstrike.

I for one was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that it was semi-auto rather than full-auto. If this thing gets halfway decent ranges, it would make a ridiculously powerful indoor blaster due to the sheer quantity of foam you can unleash before needing to unload.
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#5 Seven7h Man

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 04:34 PM

What a let down, hopefully we'll be able to put somthing nice inside of it like a +bow or an LS.
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#6 Pause



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 05:13 PM

What a let down, hopefully we'll be able to put somthing nice inside of it like a +bow or an LS.


Guys, how is this a let down? Every blaster is different. Even if it does take 8 clips and only comes with 4, doesn't mean that this is the only blaster that doesn't come with everything. I believe the Recon only comes with 1 clip even though it has a clip holder in the stock.

And the part about flywheels. Flywheels aren't that bad! Lately they have proven themselves of remarkable ranges (Rayven, etc.)

I think its too soon to say anything. Wait before it comes out in stores before you judge.
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#7 StraXXuS



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 06:58 PM

Full auto for Nerf blasters is overkill in most circumstances. In the indoor wars I have participated in, the semi-auto capabilities of the RF20 we had made it far more useful and effective than the pair of Magstrikes we had, even when someone could run around with up to four loaded magazines for their Magstrike.

I for one was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that it was semi-auto rather than full-auto. If this thing gets halfway decent ranges, it would make a ridiculously powerful indoor blaster due to the sheer quantity of foam you can unleash before needing to unload.

in the case of the stampede and vulcan(both full auto,save the vulcans manual mode) you could fire semi-auto if you pulled the trigger once rather than holding it down. I was hoping the hailfire would be a hybrid of a vulcan and a stampede(a.k.a. rain doom upon your enemies for extended periods of time before reloading) which is why i'm dissapointed.
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#8 Seven7h Man

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 07:18 PM


Guys, how is this a let down? Every blaster is different. Even if it does take 8 clips and only comes with 4, doesn't mean that this is the only blaster that doesn't come with everything. I believe the Recon only comes with 1 clip even though it has a clip holder in the stock.

And the part about flywheels. Flywheels aren't that bad! Lately they have proven themselves of remarkable ranges (Rayven, etc.)

I think its too soon to say anything. Wait before it comes out in stores before you judge.

I'm not a fan of flywheels, the mechanic of flywheels them self, and the fact that it's electrical can render a blaster relativity unreliable.
Also, I suppose you didn't understand what I meant. I was hoping that the shell of the blaster would be large enough to retrofit it, allowing accommodations for a plunger gun, but retaining the benefit of dart capacity.
Also I believe you mean magazines, not clips.
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#9 StraXXuS



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 07:42 PM

Also I believe you mean magazines, not clips.

No he meant clips. Hasbro refers to them as "quick reload clips." Though I suppose the names are interchangeable.
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#10 StraXXuS



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 07:43 PM

Sorry multiposted because of an error

Edited by StraXXuS, 27 April 2012 - 07:43 PM.

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#11 Seven7h Man

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Posted 27 April 2012 - 09:30 PM

No he meant clips. Hasbro refers to them as "quick reload clips." Though I suppose the names are interchangeable.

Yeah, Hasbro gets it wrong too, kind of upsetting.
For reference.
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#12 StraXXuS



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 10:52 PM

Yeah, Hasbro gets it wrong too, kind of upsetting.
For reference.

hmm I stand corrected. my geuss to why they did that is because "clip" is much easier for children to remember than "magazine"
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#13 ShaNayNay



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 11:02 PM

It's not too big of a letdown IMO, I'm working on a moderate difficulty modification with the Barricade to make it fully automatic, which
I'm pretty sure could be adapted to fit the hailfire quite easily as well. Instead of the Hailfire being a letdown, think of it as a modification opportunity. Looking at stick Nerf guns, they are all really letdowns until you mod them to their fullest potential. That's enough positive philosophy for today.

Either way due to how bulky and awkward it appears I most likely will not be getting it. It's the size of a normal Nerf rifle, but it requires being held by a Vulcan like handle. Perhaps it isn't as bad as it looks though.
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#14 arfink



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Posted 27 April 2012 - 11:15 PM

Nerf has always had a fair share of terrible blasters. I remember being pissed at how much the Longstrike sucked, and there have been and will be more blasters that won't be preferred by the NIC. Not a big deal.
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#15 Pointman9



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 12:47 AM

I will definitely be getting one of these and mounting a blowgun on it for HVZ. It's almost a perfect blaster for it.... Just needs an integrated small full-auto. Maybe a Swarmpistol?
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#16 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 01:16 AM

Yeah, Hasbro gets it wrong too, kind of upsetting.
For reference.

I don't find it upsetting in the least. Does that make me a bad toy gun owner?
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#17 Griever 2112

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Posted 28 April 2012 - 08:30 AM

Impression from the video is:
1) Its what we all feared.
2) That design looks so awkward.
3) Showed the video to my wife and immediate reaction was, no kid is going to wield that.
4) I don't think an adult can wield that comfortably.
5) Just because it is a "new" blaster doesn't make it a good idea.
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#18 shmmee



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:52 AM

It's big, bulky, only semi auto (we are modders right), but at least it isn't another reshell! As much as I hate flywheel blasters, I may pick this one up - just because it is so unique. It would really be a beast if someone modded the turn table under a stampede.
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#19 StraXXuS



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 05:33 PM

It would really be a beast if someone modded the turn table under a stampede.

thats exactly what I was hoping this blaster would accomplish, because of how Effeminate it would be!
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#20 Crusher9051



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:10 PM

I have a feeling that its gonna be one heavy gun maybe comparable to the Vulcan. Maybe it rotates clips fires once from one clip then the next then so on. Too bad they didnt shoot the inside of the barrel to show what type of blaster it is like fly wheel or plunger that would explain the acceleration trigger.
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#21 Exo



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 11:44 PM

I have a feeling that its gonna be one heavy gun maybe comparable to the Vulcan. Maybe it rotates clips fires once from one clip then the next then so on. Too bad they didnt shoot the inside of the barrel to show what type of blaster it is like fly wheel or plunger that would explain the acceleration trigger.

No, it's definitely a flywheel. The acceleration trigger and the semi-automaticity ensure that it is a flywheel. And it would bee too complex to make it rotate with each shot in addition to being utterly pointless. The top handle is the rotation mechanism's "trigger", mr. Tl;dr.
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#22 ShaNayNay



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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:11 AM

I personally think with a lot of modification that this gun could be made practical. The first being replacing the underbelly tactical rail with a horizontal grip. Since the top handle works the rotating mech, I'm think that it would be possible to remove the handle and make the gripbe able to slide back and forth, then use a wire setup similar to how the alpha trooper's barrel cocking mechanism works to attach the grip to the former handle to rotate. that may not make sense, but basically it could be possible to hold the Hail-fire like a normal gun rather than with the handle, and still have the rotating mech work. This partnered with a full-auto setup could really made for one sweet gun. If only it came out this summer when I have time rather than during school.
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#23 Langley


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 02:56 PM

What started as a pointless rant has now become a speculation thread. Closed.
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