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War Gametypes

Find and Share Gametypes for Wars

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#1 KaptainKrazy



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Posted 23 February 2012 - 05:01 PM

This will hopefully be a comprehensive collection of gametypes, useful for war host, who want to find new and interesting ways to spice up wars, or for noobs, who have no idea what 3/15 TDM is. Please, do not make comments on other peoples gametypes! If you have a question, PM the poster, and hopefully they will make any nessesary amends to their post. When you post, please use the template below; this will help to stave off confusion, and keep everything neat and tidy. In addition, keep pictures to a minimum (or even better, none at all!). Before you post a game type, SEARCH THE THREAD to see if some else has already posted the same thing. We don't need a million posts about Defend the Core.
Well, that's enough rambling, here's the template!

Gametype Name

(introduce your gametype and give credit to people if needed)

Supplies, if Appliable

(insert list of supplies here)

Core rules

(give us a in depth rundown of the basic rules)

Variations, if any

(tweaks to the rules, if any)

Edited by KaptainKrazy, 23 February 2012 - 05:50 PM.

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the only mod you can have is the range extetder mod.

#2 KaptainKrazy



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Posted 23 February 2012 - 05:21 PM


Team Deathmatch

A basic gametype, perfect for any war

- Cones (Optional)

Core Rules

Divide up two teams. Each player is armed with one primary and one secondary. Decide how many lives each player will have, the respawn locations (one for each side), and how long it will take to respawn. A classic setup is three lives and fifteen second respawn, commonly referred to as 3/15. if you want, mark respawn areas with cones. To start the game, each team starts at their respective respawn locations, and battle each other. When a player is hit, said player loses one life, and has to return to their respawn location. Once they spend their allotted time respawning, they can return to the action. The player is out once they run out of lives. Game ends when either team is eliminated.


Death Match

Every man for themselves, respawn locations are neutral.
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the only mod you can have is the range extetder mod.

#3 cmeej



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Posted 23 February 2012 - 05:29 PM


Ironically enough, found it on the 'Nerf War' page on Wikipedia, It's damn good fun! Obviously based on the Hunger Games series.

Good spirits, melee weapons (optional), pistols and loaner Primaries.

Core rules
Free for all. All players select a loaner primary and a pistol. All of the selected primaries are laid in a big pile. Players start with their side arm and all primaries in the pile are up for grabs.

Players start the game with melee weapons instead of pistols.

Edited by cmeej, 23 February 2012 - 05:30 PM.

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Qualified Ginger
Deal affectionado and photo nazi.
"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it" -Albert Einstein

#4 KaptainKrazy



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Posted 24 February 2012 - 08:55 PM

One in the Chamber

A fun, fast paced free-for-all that encourages ridiculous maneuvers.


- Some sort of Pistol

- Short, dagger-like melee weapon, i.e. Klaw

Core Rules

Every player starts with two darts, one loaded, and the other in a pocket (or other orfice, he, he). All players start an equal distance apart. If you hit or melee someone, you claim their extra dart, and that player sits out for the rest of the round. If you miss, you can not use the dart that you are storing, but you can use melee weapons at any time. You can store surplus darts that collect from other players. Game ends when one person is left.


Each player has three stored darts instead of one (which means you have three lives instead of one) and respawn locations are implemented for extended play.

Edited by KaptainKrazy, 24 February 2012 - 08:56 PM.

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the only mod you can have is the range extetder mod.

#5 KaptainKrazy



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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:15 PM


This is mostly for shits and giggles. Stuffing grown men in wagons isn't exactly practical, unless you have a wagon fetish, in which case you shouldn't be nerfing.


- Couple of Wagons (the bigger the better)

- Cones to Mark Respawnd

Core Rules

Establish two teams, attackers and convoyers. The attackers goal is of the attackers is to eliminate the convoy. Set the attackers respawn points along the pathway of the convoy. Set respawn rate to whatever based on your setup. The "convoy" consists of wagons, with one armed person in the wagon, and one unarmed driver. Any leftover players can help to escort the convoy. The goal for the convoy is to get at least one wagon from point A to point B without having the entire convoy be eliminate. When a convoy member is out, they are out for the rest of round. If you are in the wagon and your driver is eliminated, you have to stay in the wagon, unless there is no one left except you. this game will take a little tweaking to get all the variables right; the pathway for the convoy, respawn points for attackers, but once you get it right, it is one hell of a game.


When convoyers are eliminated, they join the attackers.
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the only mod you can have is the range extetder mod.

#6 KaptainKrazy



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Posted 25 February 2012 - 06:57 AM

Defend the Core

Fun defense game, but can lead to stalemates.


- Some sort of heavy container ( I use cheap plastic bins from walmart with holes cut the sides, painted bright orange)

- Timer

Core Rules

Divide up your players into equal two teams, attackers and defenders. The objective of the attackers is to shoot as many darts into the "core" AKA the container as fast as they can. They have infinite respawns. The defenders try to prevent the attackers from shooting into the core. They have a limited amount of respawns. Decide how many respawns the defenders will get, depending on how much cover is in close proximity to the core. The more cover, the less respawns and vice versa. Choose respawn locations for attackers and defenders, and respawn times. Start the game and the timer (five minutes is good). The round ends when time runs out, then the teams switch around. Whichever team gets the most darts in is the winner.


Can't think of any.
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the only mod you can have is the range extetder mod.




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Posted 26 February 2012 - 11:11 PM

Fort Wars

Death Match game with class system. Based off Fort Wars on Team Fortress 2.


- 30+ boxes
- Wide variety of Nerf guns
- Clear flat playing area. Tennis court preferred.
- Honest players
- Two Moderators preferred. One on each side to count HP.

Core Rules

Players must choose a class. After the Moderator notes down player and chosen classes, he/she will distribute an equal amount of boxes to both teams. Both teams are given time to setup a fort. After both teams finish, the Moderator begins the game and standard Death Match rules apply. Players only take what they can carry. No stock piling weapons. Each hit from a dart subtracts ONE HP.

Player Classes:

Marksman- One HP. Can only use single shot front loaders and bolt actions ex: Nite Finders, Jolts, Protons, Longstrikes, etc. Head shots instant kill.
Gunner- Three HP. Cannot run, only walk. Can only use automatics.
Rifleman- Two HP. Can only use semi-automatic pump guns ex: Recons, Raiders, Mavericks, Vigilions, Hornets, etc.
Support- One HP. Can only use rocket and ball shooters. Can only fire from behind cover. Only indirect (artillery) fire is allowed. Any hits with indirect fire are instant kills. Can move and use barricades(boxes) as a shield or to reposition for artillery fire. May call out "AMMO." During Ammo phase, Support players may walk anywhere on the field and collect ammo for themselves and their team. Supports can not be killed during AMMO PHASE. Supports can not block darts or go inside the enemy fort during AMMO Phase. Can only exit AMMO Phase after taking cover behind team fort or previously used barricade.

*Melee Classes: Melee attacks are instant kill.*
Protection Warrior- Three HP. Can only use short melee Nerf weapon and shield ex: Battle Mace, Klaw Hatchet, Stonewall Dagger, etc. Shield must not exceed torso length. Can not run, only walk. Melee attacks may knocked down boxes.Shield bash not allowed.
Fury Warrior- Five HP. Can duel wield two short/medium melee Nerf weapons ex: Battle Mace, Warlock Axe, Marauder, Vendettas, etc. Melee attacks may knocked down boxes.
Hunter(AKA Pirate)- Two HP. Can use one handgun and one short range melee Nerf weapon.

Game: King of the Flag Death Match. Flag/Relic must spawn in the center between both forts. Flag must be held by team for atleast one minute.
Player: Fury Warrior- On kill, regains full health.

Edited by TESL4T4NK, 26 February 2012 - 11:23 PM.

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#8 Langley


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 11:13 AM

Everything about this thread is awful, but in particular:
KaptainKrazy: replying to your own thread several times in a couple of days. Any of that could've been edited into your first post.
Complete misunderstanding of 3/15 in the second post.
All of these have been written or paraphrased by people who have never been (or at least don't appear to have ever been) at an NIC nerf war.
Team Fortress.

I don't really understand the recent spike in new guys making compilation threads and trying to get them pinned. Unless you have a pretty substantial degree of expertise in an area, don't post a compilation thread. If you think there's something missing from the pinned threads we have, you are welcome to post your suggestion in the Site Feedback forum.

For now I think Ice Nine's List of Game Types is more than adequate.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

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