That's the paintjob, still needs a little work!
I'am not gonna make a regular topic, with all the mods in it, cause then it would be a very long, boring topic.
I'll just cover the interesting stuff, the things that are not done before (or the things that really made a difference)
So the first thing you'll say is:"well, that's an OMW recon, perhaps some dremeling, nothing special stupid FNG!!!"
Yes, and no, the OMW plungertube and trigger are perfect, but I personally don't like the plunger. It doesn't has that great of an seal with the dart, it's heavy and you'll first have to dremel it "open" before you can use it.
So I just took the plastic plunger, since it wouldn't break anyways (not enough stress on the structure).
I did a brass breech modification, that means to me that I put a piece of 2,5 cm brass in the breech (heating it first) and cutting it down to the right shape..
Then I plugged the hole in the breech/plunger. Now you have a problem, cause your seal is so good, it will start sucking the dart in the breech, and than making a vacuum, in worst case it sucks the dart in the plungertube. You don't want that, so me and a friend came up with this idea:
Drill the same hole that hasbro did (diameter 1,5-2 mm), but then on the top of the breech close to the connectionpoint with the boltsled, so the dart won't fly to one side (cause the original hole is on the left side of the breech).
If a dart is loaded, it will cover the hole, so there is nog air leak, but before and after you load it, there will be an "air stream" through the hole, preventing it from vacuumloading!
Then another new mod for the recon, modifing the dart tooth.
The basic mod is to make the dart tooth thicker, so it will push the dart in further! That's what I did with polyester filling! You can also use epoxy putty.
Shave down as much as you can (don't go to far) and fill it up! Make sure the dart tooth still works without friction..
Here are some more pictures of the whole thing:
Without PJ, and the custom stock:
How I did my logo:
At the beginning of the PJ:
The whole thing:
More and detailed pictures will be coming up, not sure when though..
Here is a shooting test, the ranges are:
Flat: ± 50 ft
Angled: ± 65 ft
And straight! I just love this thing, it's operating fantastic!
Don't forget to comment below, let me know!
P.S: I figured the picture posting method out! Lolz, finally!
Edited by Zumatrix, 16 October 2011 - 05:36 AM.