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A new game type by kid flash and myself.

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#1 nerf mafia

nerf mafia


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 09:04 AM

Objective: Get your team accross the field to the choppa which is behind enemy lines, and use the choppa to transport to safety.

Edit: What you need to play: The choppa can be pretty much anything I suggest a big box or something like that.

Rules: The 2 teams start on opposite ends of the field of play, the choppa is behind the opposing team, you must get your team there, then transport members of your team to safety, with a limit of being only able to transport a max of 3 people and the pilot. The out of bounds mark is on the other side of the choppa, so the enemy team cannot chase down the choppa. The choppa is killed after 5 hits by some sort of missle be it a titan or big blast missle or something else similar, but those shots must be fired from within bounds. The choppa must take the team members to a marked spot a couple hundred feet from the spot where it was to start with. Once the choppa drops the team members they come back for more team members until they all reach safety. All damage to the choppa that occurs is healed when the choppa lands in the safe zone, however a count of 15 must be taken for each shot from a missle that hit the choppa. If the choppa is taken out, all the members who were still waiting on the choppa must take out all the enemy team to win (granted they will already by defending from the enemy team while they are waiting for the choppa). The enemy team has a limit of 2 lives per player, the team trying to reach the choppa has 3 lives each. Once the game is won or lost the team switch roles and play again.

Recap of how to win: Get all team members to safety, or take out all the enemy team.

Below is something I drew up in an effort to explain the field layout, The green of course is the main field, the purple is where the team trying to get to the choppa starts, the yellow is where the other team starts. The red is where the choppa is, and is the semi safe zone, the yellow team can fire in to that area but cannot physically enter that area, the purple team is trying to make it to the area to wait for the choppa to take them to safety. The blue area is where the choppa is taking people to safety. The brown circle is something I came up with as an after thought in relation to some comments I got in relation to the game, if unlimited lives are wanted for both teams you could have the brown circle represent the respawn point for the yellow team, and the purple team can just stay where they are shot and count to respawn or have an area near the red box for a respawn point. If you choose to make it a game of unlimited lives I suggest competing by the fastest time of getting the whole team to safety. However when kid flash and myself came up with this game we intended for it to be kinda one sided like hvz, the team getting to the choppa being similar to the human role the other team similar to the zombie role.

Posted Image

I hope you guys like the general idea of this, and try it out at one of your future wars. I am open to suggestion on variations and rule changes so just post those here so others can get ideas.

Last off all:
Posted Image

Edited by nerf mafia, 28 July 2011 - 01:00 PM.

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#2 taerKitty



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Posted 27 July 2011 - 11:13 AM

Sounds interesting, but the grey block of text triggered my TL;DR shields.

Would be interesting to see how it plays. Looking forward to a post, either her or in your next war rehash.
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#3 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 27 July 2011 - 12:41 PM

I like, a diagram would help, but I have only one bit of feedback: I fear it may devolve into deathmatch since you can realistically kill off the defending team.

Suggestion: give the defenders unlimited lives but make their spawntime lengthly like a 30 count OR make their spawnpoint a fair distance away. Keep the rescue team at 3 lives: it us the objective for them to be eliminated but it I NOT the objective for the defenders to be eliminated, just over come.

This will keep focus on doing what you are supposed to do to win which is GETTING TO THE CHOPPA!
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#4 evilbunnyo



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Posted 27 July 2011 - 01:03 PM

I agree it should have respawn times but instead of just waiting to 30 and then spawning you should spawn in groups so to make it easier. This way one person who's in the spawn area waits and then when its time he takes another person with him and it will keep the game moving faster.
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#5 RedShot



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Posted 27 July 2011 - 07:40 PM

So just one thing that I need to understand is that what is holding the attacking team from just staying in or near the safe zone or pick up zone and making sure the chopper cant get there or the people cant load into the chopper?

Cool sounding game though! This could work for us because I have about 30some big blast missiles and tons of other missiles haha!
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#6 nerf mafia

nerf mafia


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 08:15 PM

Not exactly redshot, there is sort of like a boundary a semi safe zone where the wait for the choppa. I'll get a diagram made up when I get a chance, I'm pretty bad at paint, hopefully it will clarify what those of you who wanted a diagram are confused about. The logic with the how many lives thing is kinda similar to hvz, it's kinda leaning towards the team who is trying to get to the choppa winning, because they really have the most challenging goals.
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