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[6/25] Return to Elevator Action!

Presented by Nerf United Vancouver

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#1 mintee



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Posted 17 May 2011 - 10:08 PM

Nerf United Vancouver is proud to be hosting nerf wars again! Back in time for a few wars for summer/fall 2011, we're starting off with a throwback war.

Close-quarters urban combat is the name of this war's game. This is the PERFECT time to join if you're a newbie to foam ballistics, as we'll be playing mostly indoors, where stock weaponry is equally as useful as modded.

Yes, a few of the vets have expressed their interest in having Nerf Wars again, and have proposed we go back up to scenic SFU campus on Burnaby Mountain and revisit our old battlegrounds, namely...


You heard right; smack dab in the middle of Simon Fraser University, in the depths of the Faculty of Science halls, where many darts were lost, where many legends were created. Multiple levels of barren concrete halls, steel stairs, doors and elevators, and a bit of glass.

We'll be playing CTF, DM/TDM, Freeze Tag, et cetera!

Make sure to have your gear and darts marked! :D

I know this is the same date as Maker Faire, so I'll be organizing one for July and August as well.

And like it says on the description, it's a GREAT time for new blood to join us! We'll be playing mostly indoors where the advantage of heavily modded nerf guns disappears. So we're definitely welcoming anyone who is interested in the sport and new to the hobby!

Facebook event link|Facebook group link
UPDATE: We're organizing a group buy for Foam Sports stefans. Check out our Facebook group page for more details. Watch the video, be amazed!

Edited by min.tee, 18 May 2011 - 01:17 AM.

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