Converting Super-soakers To Nerf Question.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 10:55 AM
I know where I can buy several nerf supersoakers, But the Scatterblast is the cheapest.
I have searched, BTW.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 11:54 AM
I know its possible to convert a Shotblast to nerf darts, but would the same work on a Scatterblast or Rattler?
I know where I can buy several nerf supersoakers, But the Scatterblast is the cheapest.
I have searched, BTW.
Simple Answer: yes.
More explanatory answer: If you find something that operates by firing anything with air pressure, it can be converted to shoot nerf darts.
Heck, I converted a piece of pipe to shoot nerf darts the other day. I just blew in one end and got a bazillion feets of range. I'll be posting a mod thread later today.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 12:41 PM
It is however a very kick ass looking shell, if that's important to you.
Why so serious?
Posted 09 February 2011 - 12:44 PM
Posted 09 February 2011 - 01:09 PM
Basically, be sure that you yourself konw what you are talking about before accusing someone else of having no idea what they are talking about. "Firing anything with pressure" does not necessarily mean that it has a tank which stores said pressure. The Maverick fires a Nerf dart by building up air pressure behind the dart as the spring causes the plunger assembly to compress, until the air pressure overcomes the friction of the dart on the barrel, propelling it forward.
* i.e. a plunger in a tube that forms a nearly/perfectly airtight seal, so as to apply pressure to said tube, forcing whatever is in that tube (air/water/medicine/etc) out of the tube
Edited by Ambience 327, 09 February 2011 - 01:13 PM.
The fourth exciting Nerf War in Fort Wayne, IN.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 01:19 PM
Posted 09 February 2011 - 01:57 PM
I'll admit, I do this quite a bit, as I can often find Super Soakers for cheap, and I'll see what I can do to make them good for wars. But you need to treat these things with even more precaution than you would for normal blasters.
General rule: if you do try something, have someone shoot you with it first. With the heaviest dart you have. If you can bring down the pain level appropriately (and I really don't have a scale for that; I'm just assuming common sense here), then it is probably safe for nerfing. With the war host's permission, of course. People aren't going to let you use it without inspection, or may not allow it at all.
TL;DR - You're entering a grey area. Be safe, and don't be surprised if things don't work, work too well, or aren't allowed by the rest of the community.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 03:29 PM
@ Buffdaddy, I know that the Shotblast work with a AT2K-like tank. And the water blasters I tried modifying failed because the air is released to slow, which, as far as I know, isn't good.
Posted 09 February 2011 - 05:44 PM
The shotblast is as easy as putting a coupler on it. that is pretty much all you have to do and if you want to then make a trigger out of a hanger or even more fancy use polycarb or somthing.@ Talio, Who said I was gonna do that? Why do you think I want to hurt the people I play with? You don't even know me. And I don't really go to nerf wars, because there are none where I live.
@ Buffdaddy, I know that the Shotblast work with a AT2K-like tank. And the water blasters I tried modifying failed because the air is released to slow, which, as far as I know, isn't good.
Easy and you can convert water blasters. Why dont you buy one and give it a try? Then give is a wright up so we can all enjoy it :]
Posted 10 February 2011 - 01:50 AM
People who convert super soakers to shoot darts should have to cup my scrotum gently. Buy a fucking nerf gun! You only want a super soaker because it's super powerful so you can stand 150' away and shoot people. You fucking panty waste pussy.
You have got to be the worlds biggest douche. I mean people come here for info and knowledge and the first thing you do is insult and name call. Believe me I know answering the same question time after time can be a headache but the way you talk to these people is a shame. I gave up on this place a long time ago because of the non friendly vibe and unfortunately even though it's the largest Nerf information source, it's not a good place to ask a Nerf related question.
Posted 10 February 2011 - 02:54 AM
I gave up on this place a long time ago because of the non friendly vibe
Clearly, since you're still posting.
Posted 10 February 2011 - 05:02 AM
I find it humerous that he bags on Talio when it's Talio's forum. He disciplines trolls and idiots in his own way, most people would call it "douchebaggery" but like it or not, and believe it or not if it weren't for Talio and the mods being the practically drill sergeants they are, we wouldn't be at the magnitude we are now. If you don't like the way mods handle shit around here, for the love of god please don't fucking whine because it makes you look like an idiot, just leave the forum quietly and go to NHQ or W.E. place you find fits you. And yes I know I'm un-heard of around this forum, it's because I'm AFRAID to post because of the previously mentioned military-might. *chuckles* I live in fear of the banhammer...too much to even post. Back to lurking! *goes back to his corner and looks at his new pair of Barricades*I gave up on this place a long time ago because of the non friendly vibe
Clearly, since you're still posting.
Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:56 PM
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