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Nerf Mine

Concept 1

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#1 Tinkerer



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 08:28 PM

I've been thinking about nerf mines lately, and I came up with this idea.

You begin by cutting two circular rubber sheets about a foot in diameter.

You next epoxy a short spring onto the center of both pieces of rubber.

Next, epoxy and seal the edges of the two pieces together.

After that, punch a hole in one of the rubber sheets and insert some vinal tubing into the hole and seal it.

Next attach and seal the other end to a piece of PVC, CPVC, PETG, brass, copper, or whatever.

you then epoxy two nails (reeeeeeeaaaaaaaly long ones) to the pipe at a 150 degree angle.

you would use it by placing the air bladder along where someone might pass, and jam the two nails into the ground so that the pipe points towards the mine, and load a dart into the pipe.

So, basically, when someone steps on the air bladder, the air pressure goes through the hose, into the barrel, and shoots the dart at whatever is directly above the mine. Then, when the victim steps off the mine, the spring re-enflates the bladder, and all you have to do is put another dart in it.
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Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#2 Tinkerer



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 08:30 PM

OOPS! I put this in the wrong forum, could someone move this into homemades?
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Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#3 Vintage



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Posted 24 April 2004 - 09:37 PM

I really don't like this idea:

1. The bladder would be a poofed up obstruction out of the ground. Highly unlikely that someone will manage to miss seeing it.

2. The bladder has a reletively small area of impact, (Compared to a trip-line, it would be next to never that the thing will be stepped on.

3. The barrel could easily miss its target, for if the person is running, or steps on it in such a way as to mess up the aim (the movement of the bladder moves the vinyl tube which could throw off the aim of the barrel) it would be unlikely to score a hit.

Here's the scenario:
A guy is walking through the woods with his nerf gun, and sees a funny balloon shaped thing lying out on the ground. He sees a clear shiny cord coming out of it attached to a nearby pipe nailed into the ground. He either:

1. Decides "I'm going to see what happens when I step on this balloon." He gets what he obviously deserves.
2. Yanks it out of the ground, and launches the dart off in the enemy's direction.


Edited by Vintage, 24 April 2004 - 09:40 PM.

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You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone
~Al Capone

#4 VeggieBoy 3000

VeggieBoy 3000


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Posted 24 April 2004 - 10:02 PM

I dunno, I think it could be pertty cool, if you kinda put the bladder in a little depression in the ground and camo'd it up real good, and maybe put a few tubes running from it instead of one, it could be pretty effective. Pretty much everyone who talks about mines or grenades has these complex, impossible ideas, so this is a welcome change because its simple and viable, and could be easity built and tested. Im not sure if the air delivery from the bladder would be fast enough... try building one and tell us how it works, I'm eager to hear about this one. We can't really work on improvements and refinements till we see how it actually works.
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#5 Spectre2689



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Posted 25 April 2004 - 09:03 AM

The plan as it is right now, is completely and utterly...useless. BUT, at the same time, more effective plans can be brought up from it. For example, you could make a sort of Nerf Claymore mine. Put a few barrels, maybe 5 or 6, in a semi-circle facing away from you. Angle them at maybe 40 degrees or so. Take the bladder with you, and hide behind some cover, with the mine sticking out towards a path (but hidden) a good ways away from you, ideally ~three feet or so. When someone walks by, just punch the bladder and wham-o. See what I'm getting at?
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Spectre of the CFM

#6 Tinkerer



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Posted 25 April 2004 - 03:03 PM

or, let's say you're nerfing in tall grass, or somewhere where there are alot of leaves, then Its easier to hide. Also, paint, trust me, it works, it won't make the mine invisible, but, it wouldn't stand out quite as much, and someone who isn't paying attention to the ground so much, (like someone being chased) might not notice until the step on it. and by the way, this is just a concept, I'll work on it.
  • 0
Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#7 reversedracula



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Posted 25 April 2004 - 03:36 PM

I've done something like this before. I just duct-taped two plunger heads (not from gun internals, like... from plumbing) together, and then attached a length of PVC that fired up... to make it so there's more of an air bladder to step on, you can attach vinyl tubing to the bladder, and then attach that to PVC. You can then place the PVC wherever you want as a sort of trap, or as a ranged defensive function, I guess. The air bladder reinflates itself easily. The only problem is it isn't set off by an indirect or very light step. Not enough weight to get the dart flying out.
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NERF OR NOTHIGN!11!eleven!!!one!!!one!11!!!!onhoundredandeleven!!!!!

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