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Massacre 5

Back From The Grave!

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#1 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:32 PM

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Massacre 5 returns from the grave.

Date: January 22nd 2011
Time: Arrive at 9:00am. Games start 10:30am - 4pm
Hosts: Forsaken_angel24, K-10, Uncle Fester
Posted Image
It is a massive school. It is both a catholic and public school. The war will be held at the gymnasium on the LEFT side.

Notre Dame High School
1375 Harwood Avenue North
Ajax, Ontario L1T 4G8

Cost :
Option A $20
Option B $30

Option A $20: Is admission for the Nerfer who brings all of his/her own equipment.
A primary and a minimum of 150 darts. An Option A Nerfer cannot use any of the Massacre darts during game play.

Option B $30: Is admission for a Nerfer into Massacre 5. This Nerfer will also be loaned a Primary Nerf gun, side arm and an infinite amount of darts to be used for the day.

Option B players must dart sweep whenever a dart sweep is called. Option B players must also bring a pouch or very loose pockets to keep darts in. This will prevent the warping of the Massacre darts. Option B players who attend the war without a pouch or loose pockets will need to either rent or purchase a dart pouch on site.
$2 to rent a pouch or $5 to purchase.

Dart Sweep: When Players pick up darts in between rounds.

Loaner guns for Option B: Singled pump action shotguns, Lanard shotguns, Big bad bows, Max Shots, AT3K's, Big blasts and more.

If you thought Hell Before Halloween had upgrades this year. Wait until you get a load of whats in store for Massacre this season.


All blasters are subject to range and power testing by the hosts. If any blaster is deemed unsafe to those on its receiving end, it will not be allowed.

Singled Titans will be not be allowed at this war. A Minimum 3 barrels is fine.
Plugged BBBB's will also be banned.
Homemade air guns.
Swords and other types of Melee.
All shields except for the Manta.
Singled Supersoakers.

Slug darts. (SGM is void from this rule. His are the only ones I have ever seen that didn't have exposed metal)
If you wish to use Slug darts and feel that your darts are not dangerous then pm me.


-Arrive at 10:00am.

-Pack a lunch, You will need your energy.

- Bring enough water to drink. You will be running, jogging, sprinting, dodging, ducking,sliding, jumping and shooting all day.

-Each player must bring a Primary and it is recommended each player also brings a sidearm.

-Eye protection is mandatory

-Clean up ALL garbage and items you bring into the gym - Flagging tape, lunch items, water bottles, etc., all of these must be thrown out properly. If you leave trash behind, do not expect to be invited next year. There will be a huge garbage bin on site.

-Follow Instructions from the Field Supervisors - Select individuals will be Field Supervisors at Massacre 5. Each player is responsible for listening to and following the instructions of these adviser's, we cannot guarantee that the day will progress
smoothly otherwise.


Best Slide Kill
More ways to win prizes will be posted later.

If you are interested in coming to the war, but do not have an account here feel free to E-mail me at Forsaken_angel24@hotmail.com. Just make sure to have something along the lines of "Massacre 5" In the topic title. Everyone who plans to attend, has over a month of reading this to prepare.

Also if their are any American travelers coming or interested in coming. Pm me and we will see how we can aid in you getting here, lodging etc


If any new players wish to come out and make this war your first war. I promise you will not be disappointed. K-10 and I go over the rules very clearly before every round.
This allows for a smoother game play and more fun for everybody.


Like all of our wars, there are going to be cameras and video footage taken at this war. It will be video edited and posted on the site later.
So you can relive the memories whenever you want.
To see an example of this:

Check out Massacre 4's footage


15-Buff Daddy

To keep things easier I will be updating the attendance list on the Canadian Nerfers forum.
Link below.
Updated attendance list.

K-10 and I are really geared up for this war and we are both putting a lot of work into this.

So who wants to put their modding/Nerfing skills to the test in the 5th sequel of Massacre?

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 19 January 2011 - 02:53 PM.

  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#2 Ryan201821


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Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:56 PM

Slug darts. (SGM is void from this rule. His are the only ones I have ever seen that didn't have exposed metal)
If you wish to use Slug darts and feel that your darts are not dangerous then pm me.

Wow, Slug darts? Too many people getting "opened up"?
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#3 utahnerf



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:04 PM

Yeah, I totally disagree with the slug darts rule. I may not be able to come now, the only darts I have are slugs.
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#4 SlightlySane813



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:48 PM

What if I need darts but I already have a primary and side arm?
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Also known as the French Canadian eh!

#5 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 03:00 PM

Slug darts. (SGM is void from this rule. His are the only ones I have ever seen that didn't have exposed metal)
If you wish to use Slug darts and feel that your darts are not dangerous then pm me.

Wow, Slug darts? Too many people getting "opened up"?

That`s correct Ryan.

I have seen too many Slug darts with exposed metal flying through the air at wars.
I will not risk the safety of my players for those who insist on making darts in a sloppy manner.

Utah, like I said. If you feel your slug darts are safe pm me.

Also, If you are not attending this war. Do not post in this thread.

If you need Stefans then you are an option 2.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 14 December 2010 - 03:04 PM.

  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#6 Buffdaddy


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Posted 14 December 2010 - 04:24 PM

If I may insert this here, mainly for Angel and the guys, but for everyone else, too:

Alternate Dart Method

Michigan guys might be familiar with the various Humans v. Zombies games in Detroit and Grand Rapids, and these are the "approved" stefans. Essentially making a smallish glue doe with a bb, then sticking a length of fbr on top and cutting it down. I still have a bag of these from 8 months ago, and they're still good. I'll try to remember to bring some of these with me for Massacre and the next Chicago war I get around to.

Beyond that, since this seems to be an ongoing issue, I think we just have to accept that different people have different safety concerns and compromise/move on.

Back to topic of the war:

Utah, since I currently have zero passengers for this one, I'm sure I could swing down and grab you. We'll just have to make arrangements as to where we're staying/see who has couches to spare.

What if I need darts but I already have a primary and side arm?

You should PM Foof or Dude13 (known as Vindy and XIII in Canada). They make darts for decent prices.

Edited by Buffdaddy, 14 December 2010 - 04:30 PM.

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#7 Talio


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Posted 14 December 2010 - 04:39 PM

Hey I got the invite on Facebook and I wanted to say I appreciate it. However, I don't think I really want to Canada in January. Keep me posted and I will make an effort to come to one eventually. Good luck guys, have a good war!
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New posts on my blog, check it out. - Click on the ad too, cause I get money per click. Give back to the Admin team for once!

#8 ice



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Posted 15 December 2010 - 10:10 PM

You can count me in, as long as I get my passport renewed in time. See ya then.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#9 utahnerf



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 08:17 PM

I have realllllly wanted to make it to a Canadian war, I'm a maybe for now.
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#10 ice



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 09:20 PM

Any PA, NH or NY area nerfers wana carpool? My dad is going to be away, and my mom doesn't feel safe driving the 8 hours by herself (I don't have my license yet).
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#11 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 05 January 2011 - 11:02 PM

I just got off the phone with Uncle Fester. He tells me that all other dates are booked at the school over the winter.

This means that there will most likely not be a Massacre 6.
Now he is working on arranging to see if we can host it at other venues.
We did try hosting at other venues last year but we ended up dealing with an endless amount of complications, issues, approvals and anti toy gun policies.

There is a possibility we can get the Massacre Venue in May.

What should you take away from this?

Seriously, this may be your only chance to experience this legendary war this Nerfing season.

In other news. I have arranged 2 video crew to attend M5.
Their sole purpose is to catch all the action on video.
So you can expect an amazing video from this event as well.

If you plan on attending and need to be an option 2 confirm asap. I need to know how many Lanard shotguns,BBB and BBBB's to build. I also need to know how many darts to have to provide.
  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#12 Langley


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Posted 05 January 2011 - 11:11 PM

Any PA, NH or NY area nerfers wana carpool? My dad is going to be away, and my mom doesn't feel safe driving the 8 hours by herself (I don't have my license yet).

I'm guessing you mean NJ, not NH. I don't think you're going to get much help from New Hampshire. We were looking into using megabus for our next trip up to ON. It's going to be more expensive this close to the war, but it's still cheaper than gas and tolls to get from Philly to Toronto. But you would need someplace to crash Friday and Saturday night, and to pick you up and drop you off from the station in Toronto.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#13 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 01:25 PM

For everyone attending Massacre 5.

This is going to sound like a strange request.

Practice shooting your primary as quickly and efficiently as you can in 3 seconds.
So in other words, How many accurate shots can you get off in 3 seconds.
3 seconds flat. This should be done with your favorite primary and not just some gun with a high rate of fire. It has to fire Stefans or stock darts. No big stupid ammo (Sorry Cheyner)

This is something new that I am unveiling at Massacre 5. It will be done at all wars I host from this war on. It will also most likely be done at all wars I attend after this war.

Get excited people.
There are even more tricks up our sleeves to be posted.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 07 January 2011 - 01:25 PM.

  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#14 cheyner



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Posted 07 January 2011 - 01:40 PM

Great, now you are answering my stupid questions before I can even ask them.
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Beaver's post claiming Kane's post claiming Demon Lord's post is correct is correct is correct.

Canadian Nerfers-R.I.P.

#15 Buffdaddy


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Posted 07 January 2011 - 03:50 PM

Hmm, 3 seconds of pumping and shooting my primary...better be lots of women at this thing, otherwise, it might be a bit weird.
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#16 Langley


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Posted 12 January 2011 - 06:15 PM

Added this to the 2011 Nerf War Schedule. Please post in the schedule thread next time you select a date to host a war, as I will not be hunting down wars to add to the schedule in the future, and it helps new nerfers find wars in their area.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#17 ice



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Posted 16 January 2011 - 09:52 PM

Less then a week away, and I finally bought a plane ticket. I'll be attending after all :)
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#18 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 16 January 2011 - 10:29 PM

Glad to hear man.
This war is going to be one for the ages.
  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#19 utahnerf



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Posted 17 January 2011 - 11:16 AM

Our Midterms just got rescheduled for the week after the war, so I can't come. Fuckin' school, fuckin' shit up.
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#20 k9turrent



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Posted 17 January 2011 - 11:49 PM

So I'm continuing the tradition of me catering the Canadian nerf scene.


So here is the menu:

$3 - Sandwich (Roast beef/Turkey)

$2 - Drinks (Pepsi/Water)

$5 - Combo (Sandwich, Drink, Goodies)

Those that are interested, I need to hear your orders by 11:59Pm on Thursday.

PM me either here on the Haven or CanNerf
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#21 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 20 January 2011 - 01:35 AM


The original post said to arrive at 10:00am.
We will be starting the games at 10:00am

I want everyone to arrive at 9:00am.

Just so there is no confusion, I WANT EVERYONE TO ARRIVE AT 9:00AM
  • 0
I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

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