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East Coast War

The Time is Now!

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#76 Evil


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Posted 30 May 2004 - 03:15 PM

Andy can't go. If anyone needs a ride let me know.
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#77 Talio


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Posted 30 May 2004 - 11:06 PM

Rule update, also see the first post of this thred.

As a feild rule, no glass of any kind is aloud on the feild. The first one to ask me if that includes spekticals will be castrated with electrified chicken wire.

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#78 Mantis



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Posted 31 May 2004 - 12:24 PM

What about Yoohoo?!?
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#79 Evil


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Posted 31 May 2004 - 05:23 PM

I like the AT2K rule.
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#80 Talio


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 06:49 PM

So I went to the field today, and I have an update. First, the feild ate my car. On the way out, I got the oil light, and its leaking like crazy now. I think it's mostly cause I drive like a jackass, but I'll keep my day in chronological order. First I got there, and the feild was closed. The guy said he would be there, and he wasn't. So the gate was locked, I called him and he told me about a secret entrance on the side, and sure enough there it was. This is when I had to do some 4X4in'. The gate should be open on the day we're going, but in case it's not, I'll put some marker out there. Reed, don't wash your car the day before.

Ok, so now I went down a god awful long dirt road that was torn to shit, and finally I came upon an opening in the woods. I parked the car in the grass since there seemed to be no actually parking lot. I'll get that all sorted out as to where people normally park. So as soon as I get out, I see the speedball feild. And man, I liked what I saw. Now I give you, the ECNO Feild of Dreams pictures.

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This would be the starting point for team A. As you can see a variety of bunkers and spools all fairly high. Most of them fell at my chest. Keep in mind, I'm 6' 6".

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This is another view from team A's starting position.

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This was the most common of the bunkers. Three spools, all falling at about chest heigth.

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Yet another bunker, much larger spool, stood a litltle less heigher then the others, but still would cover me just fine.

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Another medium heigth spool.

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Ok, this shows the terrain. As you can see, this is not nice grass. This is crab grass, and it's tough. MAKE SURE YOU WEAR GOOD SHOES. I was out in shorts and a pair of sandals, and my feet and ankles were getting torn up a bit. I can't really say to wear shorts or pants here, cause both would offer postive and negative outcomes. That makes for a little more of the fun.

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More "grass".

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This was by far my favorite peice of cover. This thing was enormous. It stood at least a half a foot over my head.

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This thing I can already tell will become a huge peice for fire fights. It's dead smack in the middle of the field, the two taller sides stand above my head, and it's just the coolest peice of cover we're going to have. Anyone coming will have a good look at this peice many times over.

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This picture made me feel like righting a childrens book on the loan paintball sitting in a world on it's own. But I couldn't. This is a common sight. There are many unbroken paintballs. Please don't try to shoot them out of your gun or throw them at people.
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#81 Talio


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 06:52 PM

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This is a picture facing team B's starting area.

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Huge fucking spool.

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See I'm standing up straight in front of it. Huge fucking spool. Remember I'm 6' 6".

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I liked this bugger, looks like fun, and the center peice is really high.

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See...really high.

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I'm too sexy for a tap out...Too sexy for a tap out...too sexy yeah.

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More junk to hide behind. I'm going to put a note on that. Death keep off.

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Another huge fucking spool.

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Vantage point from team B's starting location.

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This is the side view of the feild. We could 30 people on each team and there would still be enough room. This will be a good feild.
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#82 Talio


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 06:53 PM

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See spoon, a place to pee.

Ok, wood ball time. I don't want to spend alot of time back here. Supposedly there are four woodball feilds, but I was hard pressed to even find this one. Took me about 10 minutes. On the way out I notice some more barrcades like the ones in the pictures. The barracades will offer little good in our wars back there seeing as they are really short, but who knows, it might offer something more interesting then we're used to. This feild is really open as far as woods go. The horsemen would probably like this. There are two distinct "base" locations, and a couple of red markers hanging from trees, not sure what those mean. Anyway, without further ado, here's the woodball feild.

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Baracade, I'd be surprised if it was three feet tall.

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And another.

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As you can see, quite a bit of open area. If I had ot choose woods to play in, this would be them.

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And another.

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[grunt voice] They're everywhere! [/grunt voice].

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Look a place to put our shit. Bring some lawn chairs, we can chill.

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Alright, let me explain this picture and the real downfall to the feild. This place is surrounded with marshland, just like everything in Delaware. This state is at least 45% marshes. This feild is no exception. In Delaware, we have a type of frog that makes a high pitch whooping sound, and it's mating season. Meaning that you can just hear a whole bunch of them. It shouldn't be too bothersome, I was there for about an hour and I got used to it rather quick.


There is also one big thing about being around marshland. Bugs. Good christ were there bugs. There is so much still water, as you can see in the picture above, that it's a literal breeding ground for insects. BUG SPRAY IS A MUST! You guys have to wear it. Sunscreen is super important too, but wherever we go in this place, there are going to be bugs. Be advised.

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Good chance the other feilds were down that road. I was goign to drive my car down there, when I noticed a downed chain across the way, indicating that at one point, they were stopping cars from going down there, and someone did it anyway. I would have walked down, but this reminded me of a scene from Lord of the Rings and I feared a Nazgul attack. But perhaps if mushrooms had been involved.

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And finnaly with a heavy heart I took one last picture from my car. This is outside of the feild, and you can see, it's not small.

So thats my report, I promised them, and there they are. This is going to be a ground breaking war, I don't believe this has ever been done in a full sized war before. The key is patients. We'll see how everything pans out. We'll probably tweak games, but really this is going to be new ground for all of us, and I for one am excited.

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#83 Mantis



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Posted 01 June 2004 - 07:02 PM

I'm not trying to be a dick, but if you can get time to go back out and check out the woods areas, it would help a lot. The Speedball area looks super awesome, but it will get tiresome playing in the same area all day.
Otherwise it looks like this is just what my wet dreams were.
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#84 Talio


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Posted 01 June 2004 - 07:04 PM

We will mix it up as far as the woods go, but we're only going to go for a few rounds, and we'll vary it. Most of our rounds are gong to last a while anyway, but as I said we'll see how they work out. The woods are nothing more then a breading ground for lost darts. We won't be back there much.


Edit: Besides, how many more pictures of the woods do you need. It's fucking tree's for god sakes. They all will more then likely look like that one.

Double edit: Let me explain something, because apparently a few have misunderstood. Yes this area is surrounded by swamp and marshland. That doesn't mean the feild is going to be wet and damp, it should be quite nice and dry.

Edited by Talio, 02 June 2004 - 02:05 AM.

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#85 MAC



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Posted 03 June 2004 - 08:08 PM

Wow that looks real phat. Just a quick question, how much money do we need to bring for the field, and should we bring a bag lunch or are we going somewhere to eat?
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#86 Talio


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Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:01 PM

j00 need to read boy. It's all in the first post.

12.75 to get in, I'll have menu's and have a pizza dude deliver if you want to buy, if your picky, brown bag it. Might be a better idea anyway.

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#87 Famine



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Posted 04 June 2004 - 12:27 AM

Yeah, Famine and I will certainly be there. Death is very likely, but Ash ius questionable for ANY date with his current work schedule.


I'm in, Fudgenuckle.

Please, with two months (almost) to get off, i'm sure it's possible.

I was just looking through the thread and found this little nugget o'gold. My reaction upon reading it was an outburst of great laughter distilled by a few drops of dissappointment.
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of Mag-7
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#88 El Hombre

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Posted 04 June 2004 - 07:17 PM

I hate having to share the news, but it looks like everybody including me is scheduled to work that Saturday, and nobody is able to get out. Sigh.. But if there's still a chance I can work it out, you can be sure I'll be trying my best to make it.
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#89 Talio


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Posted 06 June 2004 - 06:01 PM

Alright guys, Update.

I went over again today and actually talked to the guy. I found the other feilds, and one is particularly sweet. Past that there weren't too many new things brought to my attention. Remember no glass and the new one, no sliding.

He says he's actually had problems with that and it tears the shit out of the field...so don't do it. But even if it wasn't a rule, I'd probably hit you for doing it anway. I don't think this even needed to be said, I don't see why anyone would.

I want to emphasize the importance of eye wear. If you forget yours, you'll be froced to either find a store that sells some, or you buy safety goggles from me for a marked up price. Trust me, what I'm going to charge you, you don't want to pay. YOU WILL NOT BE ALOUD ON THE FEILD WITHOUT EYEWEAR. Not my rule, but even if it was, I think it's a good rule.

The guy was super nice. Update on the food situation, they have a special deal with Domino's that we can get pizza delivered there. So thats where we'll be getting the grub from. We'll have a half hour break. If you don't want pizza, go ahead and pack something, or try to be back in the alloted time, we will be starting right after the lunch break.

Drivers, be advised that the road is pretty beat up. Drive carefully, I don't want to have to call tow trucks or be working on olds mobiles.

I think that's it. See you guys on Saturday, less then a week away.

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#90 Mantis



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Posted 10 June 2004 - 05:26 PM

So who is still coming?
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#91 Crankymonky


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Posted 10 June 2004 - 05:39 PM

Me and my brother are going.
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#92 Talio


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Posted 10 June 2004 - 06:35 PM

Excellent I'm glad you guys are actually going to make it. So basically this thread died about a week ago, so I'm not sure whose coming, but there are a bunch who have said they would come and didn't reply to this topic. I'm guessing at least 20+, should be fun.

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#93 Evil


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Posted 10 June 2004 - 06:42 PM

Remember everyone, don't forget the ice.
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#94 Talio


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 12:02 PM

Ok, tommorow is the day, I'm making all the final preps.


5 bucks for pizza unless you pack or drive outragously fast.

Please, people traveling, be advised that the driveway going into the paintball feild is extremely rough, and potentially dangerous. It's merely a dirt road with alot of potholes, so take it slow.

If you have any other questions, contact me via Emial @ Alhurst@comcast.net.

If you would like my cell phone number in case you get lost, contact me via email and I'll hook you up.

I'm going to be out the rest of the day, but my IM will be up so you can drop a line there as well. Hope to see everyone,

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#95 Crankymonky


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 12:05 PM

I might have some extra goggles if anyone forgets and doesn't want to buy from Talio. I am not sure, I will take a look. Anyone that needs a modded gun/darts IM me at crankymonky0. I should be bringing enough to arm the 3rd infantry division.

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 03:12 PM

Well, since Crankymonkey's IQ has dropped severely, he forgot that were not renting/loaning/selling any darts, since we dont have enough. Sorry.

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#97 Crankymonky


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 05:58 PM

We will be giving stevo123 a ride. Hope everyone is ready.
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#98 Groove


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Posted 12 June 2004 - 07:09 PM

Sorry I couldn't make it, guys. Had to come home the beach early for an unexpected funeral... :(

Maybe I can make it to Apoc instead.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#99 Crankymonky


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Posted 12 June 2004 - 07:25 PM

Overall, a great war. Wow coming home took like no time at all. Groove, you should come to the MD/VA/WV area war that I'll be holding. No dates yet. Why didn't Janga show? I thought he was coming?


Edited by crankymonky, 12 June 2004 - 07:29 PM.

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Posted 12 June 2004 - 07:29 PM

Well crap, that was friggin awsome, Im glad I met all of you. great buncho' guys. We had alot of fun, we nerfed till around 6, and we had around 20 guys show up from philly, MD, Jersey, and of course, Delaware... The paintball place that we rented out was really awsome, my brother Cranky bought Mantis' xbow for $30, and I traded for 2 SSII's. All in all, we had a great time, and I hope we can make this thing annual. Ive already asked my mom bout going to apoc :(

Talio, you have my mom's trust, and mine...


I definatly need to go to more of these wars.
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