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Nerf Barricade - Clip Conversion - Mod Guide!

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#1 SgNerf



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 01:47 PM

What if the Nerf Barricade could use N-Strike clips and mags?

This blaster modification project is a joint development between SgNerf and pSyK (very cool Nerf enthusiast and modder at the NerfSG forum), without him this project would still be on the drawing boards.

I initially started on the project with an early prototype but pSyK was the one who developed the final design and functionality for this Barricade clip conversion mod.

Full credit goes to pSyK for his excellent design and implementation!

Introducing... the Nerf Barricade ECS!

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Before the conversion is done, the Barricades are all modded with:
- Voltage Increase
- Trigger Activated Power On
- Flywheel Adjustment

Click this link for more information on the various performance mods: Nerf Barricade Mod Guide

Okay, here is how its converted...

- Nerf Barricade Clip Conversion Process -

Step 1:

Remove the original 10-dart turret and cut a channel at the bottom of the casing, make sure the gap is wide enough to allow a N-Strike clip to fit through properly. Cut away the turret advancement stalk too.

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Step 2:

We will now create the clip securing system.

Trim off the turret advancement stem part way, this will now act as part of the clip positioning design.

In my example, i installed machine screws at positions which correspond to the clip notches and dimensions, these will be the parts that will hold the clip securely in the blaster and position it in the correct alignment.

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Other materials like rubber padding or plastic bolts can also be used to create the clip securing system, just experiment and try out various methods to develop other types of clip securing system designs.

Step 3:

Trim and shape part of the casing as shown in the photo below, this will also form part of the clip securing system.

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Note that this particular casing part will correspond to the shape of a notch in the front of the 6-dart clip and 18/35-dart drum mags, the 18-dart clip will need just a slight trim on it's front section to match the same notch as the rest.

Step 4:

Remove the trigger lock (found behind the trigger mechanism), this will allow the trigger to be able to be half pulled without getting stuck.

For convenience, also remove the access hatch door and lock mechanism. If you have a soldering iron, you can also remove the pressure switch and re-solder the wires back together (then you'll now have a spare pressure switch to use in other projects).

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Step 5:

Add some padding on the dart pusher stem to extend its travel, this will help it to push the foam darts further into the flywheels for better contact.

Make sure the dart pusher travel is neither too long or too short, it must be just right. Keep testing until it achieves a perfect positioning.

The amount of extension padding will depend on each particular Barricade unit as individual units may differ slightly in parts fit.

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Step 6:

With the clip conversion done, the dart pusher stem will need to retract much faster so that the next foam dart can advance up the clip to be ready for firing. If the dart pusher stem is too slow to retract, jams will occur.

The solution is to increase the load on the dart pusher stem's retraction spring.

Simply pull the spring back halfway and bolt it down.

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Step 7:

Load in a clip and test that all the parts and components are aligned properly.

Make sure the flywheels can spin freely without obstruction. Ensure that the foam darts can be pushed forward and propelled consistently by the flywheels.

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Step 8:

Assemble everything together and start running your firing tests.

Make any necessary adjustment required to achieve consistent and reliable firing performance.

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Final Step:

Ditch the turrets... grab your clips and mags.

The era of clip-fed semi-auto Nerf sidearms is finally here!

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- The 18-dart drum mag can also be used with this clip conversion.
- The 35-dart drum mag tends to be abit too heavy for this current conversion design, it'll need to be additionally supported when in use.

Nerf Barricade "Clip Conversion" - Demo & Test Fire Video!



Edited by SgNerf, 28 December 2011 - 10:11 AM.

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#2 TOTtomdora



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:20 PM

That's just amazing. I need to get a Barricade. Now. Too bad they're not out yet.
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#3 blitz



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:30 PM

Dang! Now I want one!

Any chance this thing could fire stefans? If so, most side arms would be obsolete.
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Blitz, member of the FNBS
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#4 SgNerf



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:50 PM

Dang! Now I want one!

Any chance this thing could fire stefans? If so, most side arms would be obsolete.

Its possible, simply mod the dart pusher stem length so that it'll start its travel further forward, then use a stefan-compatible clip. :D

Edited by SgNerf, 04 December 2010 - 02:53 PM.

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#5 blitz



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 02:57 PM

Dang! Now I want one!

Any chance this thing could fire stefans? If so, most side arms would be obsolete.

Its possible, simply mod the dart pusher stem length so that it'll start its travel further forward, then use a stefan-compatible clip. :D

I dare you to build it. :)
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Blitz, member of the FNBS
"sexual innuendo no intendo"

#6 Y-Brik



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:14 PM

Ok, you just made flywheel guns cool to me. Excellent conversion, this blaster is gorgeous with a mag in. Is accuracy Ok wit flywheels lobbing streamlines?
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As I said I have not not alot of testes yet but I will be once I finish the mod.

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#7 SgNerf



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:34 PM

Ok, you just made flywheel guns cool to me. Excellent conversion, this blaster is gorgeous with a mag in. Is accuracy Ok wit flywheels lobbing streamlines?

I agree, the Barricade equipped with clips look very good. Its a wonder why they were not designed to be clip-fed in the first place. :D

As for the streamline darts, they lob quite well at close range but ain't as accurate at further than 20-25ft range, so i just use them mainly for demonstration and testing purposes.

For Nerf games, i use custom converted foam darts with calibrated weighted tips, way more accurate at longer ranges.

Edited by SgNerf, 04 December 2010 - 11:46 PM.

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#8 iDrag0m1r



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:37 PM

That's just amazing. I need to get a Barricade. Now. Too bad they're not out yet.

They already are.
Nerf Barricade on Amazon
By the way, you fixed everything that I didn't like about the Barricade. Thumbs up!

Edited by iDrag0m1r, 04 December 2010 - 06:37 PM.

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#9 durka durka

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 03:40 PM

Anyone singling a longshot could alternatively use the extra pieces to secure the clips. If you did it right, the setup would easily hold drum mags.

I wasn't really interested in the barricade until now. The capacity just wasn't high enough for a flywheel, until now that is. Excellent job.
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#10 street slick

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 04:42 PM

That is utterly one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen!
My one question is how much trouble does it have for the clip falling out? (or did i miss something?)
EDIT:I just read more carefully, sorry.

Edited by street slick, 04 December 2010 - 04:43 PM.

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Last night I was at the bar and got really drunk, so I decided I would take a bus home instead, this may seem like no big deal to you guys but driving a bus while your drunk is really dangerous.

You are really cool!

#11 Colbs



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 04:49 PM

I haven't been around the forums for a while, but I'm so happy I checked back in. This is easily one of the coolest mods I've seen on NH. Great Job!
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#12 shardbearer



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 05:55 PM

Wow, I love it.

The little pieces of yellow plastic on the bottom look flimsy, you could cut those off and put in another guide (a metal rod or piece of polycarb) and it would look a lot better. You could even cut a polycarb sheet to cover the entire area from there up on each side.
Putting springs and nuts on the screws would make it so that you can push the clip straight in without having to make it angled and then straightening it.
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#13 lionhawk



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 07:23 PM

I think, because of you(and your friend), barricades are going to become the best sidearms around. If I could just get two barricades and do this mod and duel-wield.....
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#14 Nerfer 91

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 07:23 PM

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#15 Mr Choeif

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 08:19 PM

My HvZ won't know what happened. Thank you so much SgNerf (and pSyK) for sharing.
I will buy two now.
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#16 shardbearer



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 08:33 PM

It seems too bulky with an 18 round drum to be a decent sidearm, and there really is no point in doing this to just put in a 6 round clip. But this thing would be a great primary in HvZ, pistol rounds, and places with no super long range guns.
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#17 MavericK96



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Posted 04 December 2010 - 08:40 PM

It seems too bulky with an 18 round drum to be a decent sidearm, and there really is no point in doing this to just put in a 6 round clip. But this thing would be a great primary in HvZ, pistol rounds, and places with no super long range guns.

Fast reload would be a reason to do this for 6-round clips IMO.

Though if 10 rounds isn't enough for your sidearm, I think you might be screwed anyway.

Then again, modded this thing can get 40-50 ft ranges, so it might be a semi-decent replacement as a primary for HvZ or something, like you said.

Edited by MavericK96, 04 December 2010 - 08:40 PM.

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#18 nisaburo



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 12:09 AM

Just beautiful! I ordered one after reading this write-up! I'll suggest the raider clip well as a possible easy and clean way to securely attach magazines.
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#19 Blue



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 12:49 AM

Just beautiful! I ordered one after reading this write-up! I'll suggest the raider clip well as a possible easy and clean way to securely attach magazines.

Or longshot stocks, many people have quite a few of those laying around.
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#20 IrishMonk



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 02:26 AM

That is beautiful. Simply beautiful. You just made it worth it to go buy one now.
Just curious, will we see a motor replacement any time soon? :)
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#21 Phree Agent

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 09:27 AM

About the rapid fire shots: I know fly wheel blasters in the past have had a hard time hitting consistent ranges while shooting rapidly because the flywheels slow down considerably after shooting a few darts. Do these motors have good enough torque to rapid fire well? Or do you have to wait for the flywheels to speed back up like other flywheel blasters?
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#22 SgNerf



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 11:48 AM

About the rapid fire shots: I know fly wheel blasters in the past have had a hard time hitting consistent ranges while shooting rapidly because the flywheels slow down considerably after shooting a few darts. Do these motors have good enough torque to rapid fire well? Or do you have to wait for the flywheels to speed back up like other flywheel blasters?

Thats a good question. Yes, the Barricade does also have the issue of flywheels slowing down when foam darts are fired rapidly through them, hence the range will tend to decrease steadily if fired in such a way.

It'll generally produce more consistent range when fired in controlled steady shots.

Though i've found that with the high voltage/high discharge rate Li-Ion rechargeable batteries, the motors torque seem to be able to ramp up quickly to match the repeated loads from quick firing, so the shots seem to exhibit less noticeable range variations.

Edited by SgNerf, 05 December 2010 - 11:58 AM.

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#23 Niteshot



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Posted 07 December 2010 - 06:44 PM

I'm shocked at the lack of interest in this topic. This is an awesome mod. hands down the coolest thing I've seen in a while.
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#24 shardbearer



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Posted 07 December 2010 - 06:52 PM

Oh, I am very interested, it is just such a good writeup that there is no questions and everybody is too lazy to actually build/improve on this.
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#25 Chaos-blades



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Posted 07 December 2010 - 10:01 PM

Fantasic as always, SG, keep up the good work. :D
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