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Mod Mans End Cap Catch Plate

Easy build internal catch plate

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#1 Mod Man

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 11:08 PM

Hey all, I was inspired by the recent "Rainbow" catch design and decided to post this catch plate assembly that I made for a one off gun I have been messing with for about a year now. This isn't meant to be a write up per say but just throwing it out there incase others want to pick up on any of the design ideas or what not. If by chance this design looks like one or many others already out there I extend my apologies now for not paying homage as should be done. There are so many great ideas here online that its hard to say where credit is due but thanks to you all who are putting this info up for us. With that said lets get on with it:
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This catch design is way simple, I've found different dia. pipe and fittings that allow me to scale this up (1 1/2 dia.) or down (1/2 in. dia.) to different plunger tube dia. making it very versatile. Only a couple moving pieces keeps it simple and dependable.....and cheap. The catch assembly shown is for a 1 1/2in. dia. plunger tube. I use a 1 in. sch. 40 end cap, Charlotte (round dome type, not flat). I cut a slit the width of the thickness of the catch plate thickness. almost half way around the circumfiance of the cap. Check fit with cut out catch plate. Keep all surfaces smooth burr free. I then drill a hole the in the top of the end cap to accommodate the dia.+ of your plunger rod. This helps stabilize rod and keeps it centered in the catch plate.
Little helpful hint* I always use the factory cut ends of materials I'm using in the tight tolerance places, maybe because sometimes its hard for me to achieve the same quality of cut being somewhat of a hacker and all.
Then I cut 2 rings a 1/4 in. width spacers from 1 in. dia. (grey) sched. 40 conduit, one for each side of the catch plate guide inside the end cap. I also do the same with 2 1/2in. end caps, cutting the spacer rings a 1/4in. wide. These two rings, the 1in.dia. and the 1/2in end cap rings (glued together, one inside the other) make up the guides for the catch plate to slide between, when glued inside the 1in. end cap positioned on each side of the slit opening.
Sorry if this is all so confusing, I will try to do a write up soon w/picture and all. Its just that I'm crazy busy at the present time.
Cut the catch plate itself out of some durable material, lexan, ABS or whatever scraps you might have around. Check fit with dia. of plunger rod you are using. Tap a screw in the bottom of plate, !/2 in or 3/4in. small pan head machine screw will work. Get a small spring with dia. big enough to accommodate screw dia. this will spring load catch plate to engage the notch on your plunger rod.
All that’s left to do is drill a hole in the side wall of your plunger tube (determined by spring length etc.) unscrew the screw and spring, slide assembly down plunger tube to where hole and bottom of catch plate align, screw the screw with spring into bottom of catch plate through the wall of the plunger tube (be easy and just snug up screw, plastic threads can strip without much force)
You can either glue or screw mount the assembly in place. Pressing the screw will lift the catch releasing the plunger rod. Monkey around with it to fine tune the travel and other characteristics desired, hair trigger etc.
Well that’s it, I hope that this info can help someone out there with there build. If you have any questions feel free to post here or pm me anytime. Thanks again for the info you guys offer out to the nic. Later, Mod
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#2 Edible Autopsy

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 11:22 PM

Hmmm...I don't see any downsides to this. I'm definately going to attempt this as soon as I get my polycarb in the next few days. Mad Props.

Edited by Edible Autopsy, 19 October 2010 - 11:22 PM.

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#3 Stark



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Posted 20 October 2010 - 12:17 AM

Putting a RainBow catch inside an endcap then sliding it into place within opaque pvc to avoid having to blind-drill holes into the plunger tube. I like this a lot.
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#4 Eh Watt

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Posted 20 October 2010 - 12:44 PM

Man, just as I get around to making a Rainbow catch, somebody else makes something that's twice as simple and easier for me to build. Fabulous job, dude!
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