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New Non-nerf Guns

one new, one repackaged,one I just saw

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#1 uche-uche



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Posted 17 April 2004 - 07:01 PM

Well, I took a trip to tru today and saw that most of the guns were gone. But then I saw some unusual guns and I saw that they were made by airzone(the same guys that made the Blast bazooka,picked up one of those). The one that had been remanufactured was the pop dart blow gun made by airzone,But this time there were two of them packaged in one package.The second was one that I had not seen before, It was the lanard disc shooter.Then the third one noone has reported yet, It was called the airzone"Crossbow". It looks more like an actual crossbow you pull back a knob on the top until part of it locks. Then you slide the front part of the knob back to the front, once you do that you fire by pulling a little lever on the back of the gun. It shoots arrows about 15ft. straight. But I havent opened it up yet,but I can see TWO air restrictors in the barrel.Im going to cpvc breech it but, Im predicting you can get atleast 60ft..Also this is an easily mountable weapon. It cost $9.99 and inludes 3 arrows. Pics soon.
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#2 ItalionStallion



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Posted 17 April 2004 - 07:22 PM

There have been ALOT of non nerf guns as of late. To me its awesome because competition brings out the best in everything.

You should see lanard releasing a version of the eagle eye soon....
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#3 uche-uche



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Posted 17 April 2004 - 08:27 PM


I modded the crossbow and my prediction was about right. i cpvc modded it and It gets about 55ft. straight with good accuracy.I didnt buy the other two so if you want too, they should be at tru.
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#4 VoLT



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 06:30 PM

Well, on the topic of non-Nerf guns, I went to ShopKo to pick up some darts and a NF, and as I was walking down the aisle I saw a large gun in a bland package saying "Air Bazooka". It wasn't in a box, it was actually in one of those plastic things attached to cardboard that action figures come in. The company name was really small at at the bottom of the package, so it doesn't really matter I guess. I just though what the heck, it was 7 bucks anyway. Turns out it's a pretty nice gun. It's very light (I'm not sure what the weight is, but less then a RF20), and is about the same size (or a little shorter) then a Cyclotron with the tube attached. It takes 30 pumps (which can be done in a few seconds, actually) for each shot, but these missiles go so damn far... Normally I got like 50 feet, but then I decided to try my mod-less range increaser.... that is, to punch forward while firing it. With that method, I got 80 feet! The missiles have a not-so threatening whistling mechanism (sounds more like a lamb dying, but if you're fighting a animal sympathizing sheep herder, more power to ya). The miissles hurt pretty bad, thanks to the plastic air vent on the end of each one. The only bad thing is those obnoxious crying kids.
I've only seen it at ShopKo, but, um, I haven't really looked for it anywhere else. It was $6.99 and comes with two foam missiles. I'll try to get some pictures if my dad's stupid scanner works! *Whack*
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"Don't hate the little man cuz he's packing a six shooter!" - midget from GTA: San Andreas

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#5 Vintage



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 06:37 PM

Did they have a large supply at ShopKo? Man, $7 is nice. If I find a ShopKo in my yellow pages, I am there.
How durable do you guess it is? It sounds good, but of cheap quality. Also, was that the range of an angled shot?

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#6 VoLT



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 06:46 PM

They had like 3 more when I was there. It seems pretty durable, but if it breaks, it doesn't look like two hard of a fix. The range was for an angled shot (sorry, can't remember how angled it was, but of course it was below 45). Flat it gets 30 normal, and about 60 punching, but I have a little bit of a hard time punching without accidenatlly angling it. The main advantage for the gun is intimidation and bodily harm, but I plan to use it as my main (and only :angry:) loser weapon in the next war I go to. The only bad thing is you can't buy extra ammo, but fortunately my friend also has one.
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"Don't hate the little man cuz he's packing a six shooter!" - midget from GTA: San Andreas

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#7 ompa



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Posted 28 April 2004 - 07:15 PM

Hm... I've seen the blowgun at Walgreens and Walmart, but that's it. Pics would be nice. Thanks or the info man, time to take another look-see at shops!

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#8 J cobbers

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Posted 29 April 2004 - 01:42 PM

Sounds like the Airzone Airzooka. You should be able to fire micros out of it with very little modification.
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#9 Oroku Saki

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Posted 29 April 2004 - 04:26 PM

Yeah I saw an Airzooka at my local ShopKo, and am thinking about picking it up and modding it.

I wouldn't recommend getting a store-bought blowgun, because you can build one yourself, usually for cheaper, and it kicks more ass.
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#10 VoLT



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Posted 30 April 2004 - 11:03 PM

Huh... I just did the simplest mod on the bazooka. So, I was just looking around my house for barrells to mod my SplitFire with, when I saw this narrow plastic tube. I tried fitting a micro in it, and it fit perfectly. I then got the idea to use it on the bazooka. All I did was tape the tube onto the end of the post already in the bazooka---again, it was the perfect size. I stuck in a whistling micro and tested it. Standing about 30' away from the closet at the end of my hallway, I hit the closet consistently. With the punching method, it flew like a, um.... something that's really fast. I'm planning on doing an actual range test soon, but the hallway I tested in is the longest area in my house, and right now the ground is covered in snow.
Anyway, it's definitely pretty coincidental that that tube was so perfect. Pretty weird. Tomorrow I'm going to try to open the thing up and see what its guts look like, but right now I don't feel like messing with screws.
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"Don't hate the little man cuz he's packing a six shooter!" - midget from GTA: San Andreas

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#11 Jangadance



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Posted 30 April 2004 - 11:21 PM

Well, if it's an exact original of the Airzone (LANARD) Blast Bazooka, the internals probably look like this:

Posted Image

Which is a pic from the modification TheHaze posted on this website.
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#12 Oroku Saki

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Posted 30 April 2004 - 11:27 PM

That looks about right, except that the ones I saw at the store are blue instead of the color in the picture.
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#13 Tinkerer



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Posted 01 May 2004 - 09:36 AM

I have one of those, I got it at my local KB toys. I'm assuming that when you take it apart, it has a dark grey box-like thing as a valve assembly, the air pump comes off as an intependant (and unopenable) unit, and its barrel is white. I replaced the barrel with CPVC, no ranges as of yet, I put on a SM1500 pump handle and couldn't seal it.

oh and, if I'm right, it's called the "Air Bazooka" not "Airzooka"

Edit: I fixed it, so here's the pic, is that what you're talking about volt?

Da gun

Edited by Tinkerer, 01 May 2004 - 10:40 AM.

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Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#14 Jangadance



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Posted 01 May 2004 - 04:25 PM

Originally called the Airzooka, but there is that other thing that shoots a ball of air, featured on www.airzooka.net with the same name. So for whatever reason it's the Airzone (Lanard) Blast Bazooka remake.
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#15 Tinkerer



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Posted 01 May 2004 - 04:43 PM

Originally called the Airzooka, but there is that other thing that shoots a ball of air, featured on www.airzooka.net with the same name.

you know what, My dad bought one of those too!
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Actuall directions on some products:

On Pudding
"Product will be hot after heating"

On a Sweedish Chainsaw
"Do not try to stop with hands or genitals"
(Was alot of this happening somewhere? MY GOD!!)

#16 VoLT



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Posted 02 May 2004 - 09:36 PM

Yeah, that's the gun I'm talking about. I guess I'll mod it sometime soon, since 30 feet isn't really all that far. The screws in mine are a bunch of bitches, though. Seems like evry other gun I get has stripped screws. :blink: I think I might pick up another one to mod and just use this one for darts. Hope its screws aren't retarded.
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"Don't hate the little man cuz he's packing a six shooter!" - midget from GTA: San Andreas

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#17 Nykenator



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Posted 15 November 2004 - 03:20 PM

Yeah I bought the airzone crossbow for $10, I took it apart and its just powered by an alastic band, the whole bow part it completely useless, I plan to saw it off and just use the shaft, and attach it to another gun, also i cut off the air restrictor and I think it shoots better.
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#18 cxwq



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Posted 15 November 2004 - 04:07 PM

Try to avoid posting in 6 month old topics.
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