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Nite Finder Air Restricter Confusion

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#1 jumico



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 03:12 PM

I did a search and everyone does this differently so I'm slightly confused.

For the top piece in the image below I've seen people leave it in, drill out the middle, or drill out the whole thing. Leaving it in completely seems wrong to me. I'm basically adding a barrel like in the website below but it seems like the air restricter would block most of the air.

It seems like it would be a good idea to drill a whole through the middle and seal the holes around the edges but I haven't seen this done. Just curious why it would ever be left in completely and if it is a good idea to just drill out the whole thing? Thanks for the help.

mod http://tman89544.tripod.com/id53.html
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Edited by jumico, 24 September 2010 - 03:17 PM.

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#2 qwertyupp



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 04:16 PM

Only the outer ring is needed to stop the plunger. snip the three things that connect it with a dremel or something else sharp.

I think that's right...

Edited by qwertyupp, 24 September 2010 - 08:37 PM.

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#3 Spud Spudoni

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 08:37 PM

Personally, I would not cut the ring. When in the nitefinder, that peice is backwards. Drill out the center completely. I sanded down the inside of a CPVC couplar until it "snapped" onto the center peice. Used E- putty on the outside to fill in the holes and also glue it on.

Edited by Spud Spudoni, 24 September 2010 - 08:37 PM.

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#4 jumico



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 09:30 PM

Thanks to both of you for the help. I think I will experiment. I might try sanding down the cpvc so it can snap on like you suggested. I also might try filling the holes.

It seems weird that with the standard unmodified way the air must go through the three outside holes before going to the dart.
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#5 Banshee



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Posted 24 September 2010 - 09:31 PM

It's not rocket silence to get a barrel on there, but from my experience, the best way is you take the entire ring out of the middle so all you're left with is the outside ring. Then put your barrel all the way into it so its flush with the bottom and fill the gap between the barrel and the ring with whatever glue you'd like.
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#6 jumico



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Posted 26 September 2010 - 02:35 PM

It's not rocket silence to get a barrel on there, but from my experience, the best way is you take the entire ring out of the middle so all you're left with is the outside ring. Then put your barrel all the way into it so its flush with the bottom and fill the gap between the barrel and the ring with whatever glue you'd like.

Thanks! I hadn't thought of this before but it makes a lot of sense. If the barrel is all the way in the ring it seems like it will hold together much better with glue.
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