But will the Alpha Trooper's 18 dart drum mag?
It fits better on the stock than the 35 drum mag.
But it is not flush/flat like the regular clip is.
So, we have to trim it down a bit.
1st of all, this bar is in the way. You have to cut it down to look like this. You have to cut a little past the ridge in the middle. This requires a lot of trail and error testing to see if it fits)
But be careful to not cut all the way through! Or else your recon stock will be useless (like my 1st one is now).
Now the 2nd thing getting in the way is is on the front part that goes over the black piece on the recon/raider/alpha trooper.
You have to cut on the red lines, while trying to avoid the screws and screw door. (The grey lines are where it used to be.)
You only go as deep as the ridge below the orange tab.
Now it is not touching the grey bar.
And that little part you cut out in the yellow piece makes it so that it hold it better.
Now you have to cut a little off the back bottom grey part on the Alpha trooper on the left side. If you want this to work with a recon or raider, then you would have to do the same thing.
Now diagonal cut in the recon stock is flush even with the gun.
TA DA! You can now fit a Alpha Trooper Drum in a recon stock perfectly.
I will update other mods soon. This is my mod and I have not seen any one else to do so.
And there is enough room for my hand(mid teenager) to fit between the drum mag and the handle. Since I am right handed, the drum does not affect my hand. Left handed people will be affected by this unless they put the drum clip upside down in the recon stock.
Without hand.
With right hand on trigger.
With left hand on trigger and drum flipped upside down.
Edited by sci-olyrocks, 11 August 2010 - 11:19 PM.