Sunday September 12th 10:00am to 5:00pm
Obviously this is in Wisconsin, and the park is pretty simple to get to.
Just take the College avenue exit on I-94 eastbound until you hit lake drive in South Milwaukee.
Then take the first left into the park and follow that road to the parking lot.
From the parking lot it is a short 50ft walk to the pavilion I have reserved.

Do not use the park address since that will not take you to the right place. If you want an address that is close use
200 Lake Dr, South Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53172
- Don't be a douche
- Stock ammo only
-If you act like a 3 year old I will treat you like a 3 year old and you will leave.
-Be mature this is my home town, and if you make me look bad I will not hesitate to slip some slingshot weights in a +bow in your general direction.
-You must help with clean up, and dart sweeps
-Big ammo is encouraged
-Label your items
-skinny jeans on anyone without two x chromosomes is banned
Here's what to bring:
- Nerf Blasters and backups in case of breakage
- Eye Protection, or else you won't be able to play
- Ammo, we've got an awesome communal box going, but be sure to bring your own
- Lunch and Drinks, We'll have time for lunch and then back to Nerf. If you're late, we're starting without you.
Banned Guns:
-None but If I feel that something is overpowered and killing all the fun I will spot ban it.
Time Frame
Sunday September 12th
10:00 am to 5:00pm- Be there early so we don't have to wait for you to set up.
Lunch will be around 12:30ish There is a KFC, Taco Bell, Arbys, and Mcdonalds in a short driving distance.
We will do dart sweeps when we run low on ammo.
Rounds will be what ever I decide to do, but we will start off with some sort of Team Death Match or Meatgrinder.
Plan on playing
-Freeze Tag
-offend the core
-attack defend
and others if people suggest.
Other Stuff
-We need some mobstacles If no one can bring them I will go and make some.
-Bring darts preferably streamlines since everyone can use them.
-Hydrate at the war. I will have water and some gatorade, but bring your own I don't want anyone leaving with heat stroke
-You must clean up after yourself.
-I won't charge an admission fee to nerf with us, but donations will help a lot. It doesn't have to be money you can just add darts to the dart bucket.
-Me and many others
I will get some pictures soon.
Edited by louiec3, 26 August 2010 - 10:57 AM.