I was looking around on the interwebs, to see if these guns where being sold,
And i came across this site, I think it's like a chinese Ebay.
And well...
This site has loads of stuff... (That Isn't Released! )
There's millions of secret stuff for rich people.
Oh, also i saw these, i've always wanted this set:
A bit pricey though.
now some rich member can buy them all and show us the internals?
Please tell me if someone has already posted these.
I don't know how i missed Talio's notice on the front page (Sorry)
But will this really count?
I mean, these are probably Actual Nerf Employees selling them, But if it is, then please delete this, i don't want to be a Douche.
Edited by VACC, 06 July 2010 - 03:36 PM.