Right now I got a At2 and i just want to know what are exact demensions for the barrels since I'm multi-barreling it. I want the demensions for either brass piping or for the PETG, CVPC, and any other materials. And just tell me if you have to sand it a little or to just shove it in the barrels. I also want to know, would you get the same results if you just cut like the top part of the air restricter thing or would you get even more distance/range if you cut it all the way to the line on the barrel thing.
5 replies to this topic
Posted 07 April 2004 - 11:37 PM
A Cup Of Noodles One Of The Best Fast Foods Out There
Right At Your Home
Right At Your Home
Posted 08 April 2004 - 12:33 AM
what i always do is this: cut just behind (towards the gun) of the indented line. then drill out the barrels with a 1/2" (preferaby a little bigger) drill bit. sometimes if your lucky, these orange rings will work they're way out of the barrel, and it will fit PETG perfectly. if you aren't lucky, you have to drill it out to whatever the OD of your material is, for me always PETG.
You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer
Posted 09 April 2004 - 09:02 AM
What I did for both me and my friend's 2k is a little more unconventional... First I cut the entire barrel off (don't do this if you don't have the next piece) and sanded it flat. Second, I have this wierd 5/8" stainless steel piping that 9/16" brass fits almost perfectly into. I cut about 4 1" pieces and goop them over where the barrels used to be. It's a little harder because you have nothing to guide it in...think of it as a smaller SM1500. Third, I wrapped some electrical tape around a 5" piece of brass (done 4x). A couple revolutions around the base of the brass, and then another couple of revolutions right above that. Fourth, I gooped around the outside of the brass, over the first piece of electrical tape, and slid it in to the steel "coupler". Do it four times, leave it to dry for a day, and voila. What I did, is I taped the tips of all the barrels together (if you gooped it, this shouldn't be too hard, because goop is fairly flexible, and more forgiving than glue). It's actually cheating for range tests, since the bottom barrel is angled upwards when the gun is held flat . Hope this helps.
Spectre of the CFM
Posted 09 April 2004 - 10:08 AM
Unscrew the barrel assembly.
Pry those barrels off.
Cut 4 pieces of 8" cpvc.
Use a file to shave off some of the OD from the cpvc on the edge to make it fit better.
Hammer the cpvc barrels in, making sure you use plumbers goop or epoxy.
Glue the barrels together at the top for extra support with plumbers goop or epoxy.
Open the liquatron gauge.
Empty the goo, and poke a hole in the black membrane.
If you pump this gun 10 times, it can get up to 120 feet, and makes holes in my wall, not drywall.
This is a simple mod, anyone could pull off.
Pry those barrels off.
Cut 4 pieces of 8" cpvc.
Use a file to shave off some of the OD from the cpvc on the edge to make it fit better.
Hammer the cpvc barrels in, making sure you use plumbers goop or epoxy.
Glue the barrels together at the top for extra support with plumbers goop or epoxy.
Open the liquatron gauge.
Empty the goo, and poke a hole in the black membrane.
If you pump this gun 10 times, it can get up to 120 feet, and makes holes in my wall, not drywall.
This is a simple mod, anyone could pull off.
Posted 09 April 2004 - 10:57 PM
What do u mean OD Thirst, I also want to know if i could fit a 1" by 2" brass into it and what the difference from petg, cpvc, pvc, and brass
Edited by CupOfNo0dles, 09 April 2004 - 10:58 PM.
A Cup Of Noodles One Of The Best Fast Foods Out There
Right At Your Home
Right At Your Home
Posted 10 April 2004 - 09:57 AM
OD=outer diamter, as in, take a file and shave down the outer side edge of the cpvc to fit in the stub.
I have no idea what your talking about for 1" by 2"...The only brass you should be using on a 2k is 19/32...about 6 inches of it.
I have no idea what your talking about for 1" by 2"...The only brass you should be using on a 2k is 19/32...about 6 inches of it.
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