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Humans Vs. Zombie

modified nerf tag

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#1 Antaries



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:07 AM

These are the official rules for the original game of Human vs Zombies. The game was invented on a college campus so the rules apply to that. If you plan on playing your own game I highly suggest you adapt it to your region and situation.

http://humansvszombies.org/ Web site for the original game.
http://www.hvzathens.com/ Web site for the modified version my school has adopted, I dont like this one.


Humans vs. Zombies is a game of tag. All players begin as humans, and one is randomly chosen to be the “Original Zombie.” The Original Zombie tags human players and turns them into zombies. The zombies must tag and “feed” on a human every 48 hours or he starves to death and is out of the game.


• The Zombies win when all human players have been tagged and turned into zombies.
• The Humans win by surviving long enough for all of the zombies to starve.


This gear is required for all players:
• Bandana
• Nerf gun and/or socks
• One 3×5 index card


Rules created for the safety of all players are strictly enforced. Violation of safety rules will result in a ban from the game.
1. No realistic looking weaponry.
2. Guns may not be visible inside of academic buildings or jobs on campus.
3. Players may not use cars.
4. Darts must not hurt on impact.*
*If you’re not sure about this, fire it at point-blank range on some bare skin. If it leaves a welt, then don’t use it. If you’re still not sure, just speak with a moderator.


Players cannot be tagged or shot in the following areas:
• Dorm rooms
• Bathrooms
• Academic buildings
• Library
• Sports and Rec Center (Gym)
• Health Center
• Dining Halls.


Staying On Campus: Humans must sleep on campus. If you need to leave campus for longer than 24 hours, we apologize, but there are no exceptions.
I.D. Number: Humans must keep one index card with their unique identification number on them at all times.
Stunning a Zombie: Humans may stun a Zombie for 15 minutes by shooting them with a Nerf gun or throwing a sock at them.
When Tagged By a Zombie: When tagged by a Zombie, a Human is required to distribute their ID card. One hour after being tagged, a Human becomes a member of the Zombie team. Wear your bandanna around your head – you are now allowed to tag other Humans.
Wearing a Headband: Humans must wear a headband around an arm or leg to identify them as players of the game. (This headband will come in handy when you become a zombie!)


Feeding: Zombies must feed every 48 hours. A zombie feeds by reporting their kill on the website.
Wearing Your Headband: Zombies must wear a bandanna around their heads at all times. The Original Zombie does not need to wear a headband.
Tagging: A tag is a firm touch to any part of a Human. After tagging a Human the Zombie must collect their ID card. Kills must be reported within three hours.
Getting Shot: When shot with a Nerf gun or hit with a sock a Zombie is stunned for 15 minutes. A stunned zombie may not interact with the game in any way. This includes shielding other zombies from bullets or continuing to run toward a human. If shot while stunned, the zombie’s stun timer is reset back to 15 minutes.


Shooting Non-Players: Shooting non-players with Nerf darts is a bannable offense.
Non-Player Interference: People who are not registered participants may not directly interact with the game. This includes bringing food to humans or spying for either team.
Safe Zones: A zombie must have both feet outside of a safe zone to tag a human. Humans can stun zombies from inside of a safe-zone.
No Shields: Zombies may not use shields to deflect Nerf darts or socks.
Athletes: Athletes are safe during official practices, but not on the way to or from practice.
Required Academic Events: Similarly, students at required academic events are safe for the duration of the event (even if this event is in a free-play zone), but they are not safe on the way to or from the event.

#2 jaybo1996



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:13 AM

This sounds really fun, but my town would never allow it. Too bad, I could just imagine carrying a Jobar with 15 round shotgun attachment, at all times.
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01:15 N9> The problem with nerfers: We're around plastic. Plastic contains estrogenic compounds, so we're more feminine than the rest of the world.

WTF, are you in Tony Stark's basement!?'

#3 Antaries



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 12:06 AM

If you play by the rules no laws are broken so your town cant say no to it. The only thing you have to watchout for is minor stay out past curfew, it thinks its 10pm

#4 Luke



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Posted 30 June 2010 - 11:23 AM

So is someone putting this together for the North Shore area or what?
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