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A Weird Snap Problem.


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#1 Mehku



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Posted 26 June 2010 - 08:40 PM

I originally bought a Snap Crossbow from Louiec3. When I bought it, it was next to impossible to open the gun up, so I decided to modify the design so that I could remove the back bushing. For some strange reason, I cannot fire stefans that are weighted down with a a single copper bb without them fishtailing. Before the mod, they worked just fine and were very accurate. I did Not do anything to increase the power of the snap.

The only two mods that I did to it were:

Posted Image
1) Sanding down the bottom aluminum u-channel so that I could slide the bushing out after I take the top channel off.

Posted Image
2) Re-Gluing the fucking crap out of the RSCB. So much so that it may be possible that I have too good of a seal and accidentally raised the power level of the gun?

I tried using a longer barrel and it did not work. Also, my dart/barrel fit is not relative the the problem because I was using the same darts before and after the mod.

I would really appreciate any insight on this.
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#2 Carbon



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Posted 26 June 2010 - 09:34 PM

#2 seems the most likely answer. Did you try a few different barrels? How much longer than the original was the longer barrel?
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#3 Mehku



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Posted 26 June 2010 - 10:05 PM

#2 seems the most likely answer. Did you try a few different barrels? How much longer than the original was the longer barrel?

The original barrel was 10'' long, and the longer barrel was 16'' long.

If #2 is most likely the answer, should I rip off some glue & range test it again? So far, that seems like the best thing to do.
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#4 TantumBull



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 12:11 AM

The problem is that your firing darts that are way too light out of a pretty powerful blaster. Also, if your hell bent on those weights, try a bunch of different barrel lengths rather than stripping off glue.
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#5 Carbon



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 12:57 AM

#2 seems the most likely answer. Did you try a few different barrels? How much longer than the original was the longer barrel?

The original barrel was 10'' long, and the longer barrel was 16'' long.

If #2 is most likely the answer, should I rip off some glue & range test it again? So far, that seems like the best thing to do.

16" would be too much if 10" was good before. Maybe cut it down to 12 and shave off from there. 12" is what I normally use, anyway. But Tatum is right; as well Heavier darts will help.
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#6 Mehku



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 01:24 AM

The problem is that your firing darts that are way too light out of a pretty powerful blaster. Also, if your hell bent on those weights, try a bunch of different barrel lengths rather than stripping off glue.

I know that heavier darts will work better, but heavier darts are not as common as bb darts around here. That means if I run out of ammo and have to chamber someone else's darts, I'm basically fucked. They worked before with no problem, which is why I am a bit mystified. I will try a 12'' barrel like Carbon suggested, and if that doesn't work, I'll try stripping off glue. I can always re-glue the joint if I take too much off. However, my +Bow shoots them just fine, so my gut feeling is that the barrel length needs to be changed.
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#7 Mehku



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Posted 27 June 2010 - 06:18 PM

"stripping off glue" is a dumb idea.

If you want to introduce an intentional leak, use a drill bit, so you have control over how much and where.

That's actually a really good idea. If the new barrels do not work, I'll drill a tiny vent hole on the CPVC elbow. If it allows too much air out, I'll simply plug it with hot glue and try something else.
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#8 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 07:57 AM

"stripping off glue" is a dumb idea.

If you want to introduce an intentional leak, use a drill bit, so you have control over how much and where.

That's actually a really good idea. If the new barrels do not work, I'll drill a tiny vent hole on the CPVC elbow. If it allows too much air out, I'll simply plug it with hot glue and try something else.

This is exactly how the Hasbro toy meeting went when they said that streamline darts were fishtailing out of the Longshot.

"Just use a small bit and brill a controllable hole in it. It should work"
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#9 Mehku



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 01:18 PM

"stripping off glue" is a dumb idea.

If you want to introduce an intentional leak, use a drill bit, so you have control over how much and where.

That's actually a really good idea. If the new barrels do not work, I'll drill a tiny vent hole on the CPVC elbow. If it allows too much air out, I'll simply plug it with hot glue and try something else.

This is exactly how the Hasbro toy meeting went when they said that streamline darts were fishtailing out of the Longshot.

"Just use a small bit and brill a controllable hole in it. It should work"

If you wrap e-tape around the head of the streamline, they do not fishtail out of a stock longshot. The whole reason that they fishtail is because of the hole in the head of the dart. If you were referring to the hole in the breech, it is there because of "safety". It doesn't matter if the hole is plugged or not, they still fishtail because the darts suck. Before the mod, my darts worked just fine, so there would theoretically be no reason for them to not work now.

The reason my stefans are fishtailing is likely due to my gun being over-powered because I accidentally made too good of a seal. If I can relieve some of the power or use a better barrel, perhaps they will fly straighter. Unless you have any better ideas, I would suggest that you decide not to be an asshat and post garbage in my thread in an attempt to make me look inept.

Edited by Mehku, 28 June 2010 - 01:32 PM.

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#10 Carbon



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 02:40 PM

I accidentally made too good of a seal.

There's no such thing, as far as your fittings go. It's a pain, but I'd really suggest you try different darts. BB darts are really light for a high powered gun, and the rest of the midwest is standardizing on Slugs. It's as good a time as any to think about new darts.
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#11 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 06:44 PM

If you truly look at the word inept in a dictionary, you'd find out that it means "incompetent" or "senseless". Now, if you feel that way because of a crack I made at Hasbro, and the general idea of drilling holes into guns to make them shoot more consistently, you, my good sir, have completely missed the point of my humor, rendering your borderline offensive retort most... inept.

Besides, if something like "I wonder what the board meeting at Hasbro was like" really offends you, I shutter at the thought of you entering the business world. Thats not even an insult... That would be like me flipping a tit every time someone ate their cheerios with a fork.

On a completely constructive, and interested note, how are you making this seal? I've made quite a few SNAPs and they all end up with this fatal issue with the seal. Either they deform, or just don't seal well.

I'm guessing you are using a +bow spring correct? If so, then you will certainly either need a longer barrel or a slightly looser fit. I built a SNAP using a +bow spring, and a rather large RSCB. The barrel was about a foot long, and with washer darts, it still fishtailed, till I finally put a much longer barrel on it. The RSCB also had a lot of leaks, to the point that you could cap the clip, and the barrel, and it would still fire almost normally, with a little bit of a slowdown. They put out alot of air.

Also, don't call me an asshat. Calling names on the internet is like taking your dick out in public. No it won't get you arrested, but it'll show people your true size. OH SNAP!! haha, pun
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#12 Mehku



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 08:24 PM

If you truly look at the word inept in a dictionary, you'd find out that it means "incompetent" or "senseless". Now, if you feel that way because of a crack I made at Hasbro, and the general idea of drilling holes into guns to make them shoot more consistently, you, my good sir, have completely missed the point of my humor, rendering your borderline offensive retort most... inept.

Besides, if something like "I wonder what the board meeting at Hasbro was like" really offends you, I shutter at the thought of you entering the business world. Thats not even an insult... That would be like me flipping a tit every time someone ate their cheerios with a fork.

On a completely constructive, and interested note, how are you making this seal? I've made quite a few SNAPs and they all end up with this fatal issue with the seal. Either they deform, or just don't seal well.

I'm guessing you are using a +bow spring correct? If so, then you will certainly either need a longer barrel or a slightly looser fit. I built a SNAP using a +bow spring, and a rather large RSCB. The barrel was about a foot long, and with washer darts, it still fishtailed, till I finally put a much longer barrel on it. The RSCB also had a lot of leaks, to the point that you could cap the clip, and the barrel, and it would still fire almost normally, with a little bit of a slowdown. They put out alot of air.

Also, don't call me an asshat. Calling names on the internet is like taking your dick out in public. No it won't get you arrested, but it'll show people your true size. OH SNAP!! haha, pun

When you said your comment about Hasbro, I honestly thought that you were trying to compare me to their supposed stupidity in drilling the holes in their darts/guns/whatever. That was why I was irritated. It is very hard to try and judge someones' tone and where they are coming from when all you have is some text on the internet to read. For that I am sorry about being rude; I misunderstood your humor for being a dick.

I am making the seal using a ton of Amazing Goop on the RSCB joints. I am using a superlative plunger head and a +Bow spring, I believe. Louiec3 made it, so he would know for sure.

Edited by Mehku, 28 June 2010 - 08:28 PM.

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#13 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 June 2010 - 10:55 PM

Oh ok, I was just curious. Yeah, +bow springs have a wicked output, so on most SNAPs they will cause darts to fishtail if they have a proper seal. For instance, using a good +bow with a foot of CPVC hardly works. around 16 inches will work, but honestly, they shoot alot harder than you think. Just make a 20 inch barrel, and start firing darts out of it. Cut it off a half inch at a time. Sure, you'll eventually figure it out exactly, but you can then take all those segments of CPVC and hotglue them to your gun to make a keen little ammo holder.
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#14 Mehku



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Posted 29 June 2010 - 06:35 PM

I have successfully re-calibrated my snap to be able to fire single bb and slug stefans.

First, I drilled a small hole in the CPVC elbow by the opening of the snap plunger tube. I then proceeded to plug around 1/3 of the hole with hot glue. Now it sounds fucking awesome when it fires.

Second, I played with BustaNinja's idea of cutting down the barrel length, and ended up at 11''.

My snap is now reliably shooting at least 70'-80' flat depending on the type of stefan used, and it shoots stupidly far angled. It may not be in the hundreds for flat ranges, but his thing is clipped and I want to play somewhat fair.

Thanks for all your help, guys.

Edited by Mehku, 29 June 2010 - 06:36 PM.

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#15 BustaNinja



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Posted 30 June 2010 - 11:11 AM

Yeah, honestly, 70-80 feet is really all you need. I mean, I occasionally bust out the stupid guns, but mostly I use a meh Maxshot because it is just cool, and shoots far enough.
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