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Vancouver Zombiewalk 2010

Brought to you by NUVO

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#1 Jagiro



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Posted 18 April 2010 - 04:44 PM

So first things first, my friends came across this little event called the Official Vancouver Zombie Hunt 2010.

Basically, rather than being joining the Zombie Walk as zombies, WE GO AS HUMANS AND ANNIHILATE ZOMBIES.

How does this tie into NUVO and Nerf??? Well, for starters, you can shoot zombies. With Nerf guns. To take them down. (But since they're zombies, they're bound to get up again...) Sounds fun, right? ;)

Our objective is to survive the entire 2 hours without being bitten while traversing across Downtown Vancouver. Ideally, this means sticking to small groups, carrying lots of ammo, and staying mobile. (Anyone willing to work out the scenario with me, msg me. It'll be more fun if we had a GOAL, like all teams rendezvous at x point by the end of the walk... I dunno, which is why I need help!)

WE WILL BE FILMING THIS. In character. As if we're in an actual zombie apocalypse. Multiple squads, preferably multiple cameras as well to catch ALL THE ACTION.

For anyone joining us, we have a few extra rules:

1. Avoid bringing powerful guns and heavy stefans. Try to go as close to stock as possible. (Reason is that nobody there will be wearing eye protection or any sort of protection really. There's really no reason to bring guns modded for power and long range anyways since this is about survival, which means we will be fighting close-quarters anyways.)

2. NO HEADSHOTS. ABSOLUTELY NO HEADSHOTS FOR NOW. (Face paint/makeup/blood. No eye protection. Need I say more? I will contact the event organizers and see what their stance is regarding that. But if we were to use close to stock guns and darts, there'd be little problems...)
Everyone is welcome, I'll see you there!


Edited by Jagiro, 18 April 2010 - 05:00 PM.

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Ah women, they makes the highs high and lows more frequent.

#2 mintee



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Posted 18 April 2010 - 05:05 PM

Just a few things I'd like to stress.

How NUVO will be doing the event is as follows:
-Small teams of no more than five, with one cameraman videotaping the entire event.
-Everyone is to stay in character, as if in the middle of a real zombie outbreak.
-Goal is to survive the two hours of the Zombie Walk with each team doing different Objectives (to be determined) and rendezvousing at the end of the two hours.
-After the event, we gather ALL FOOTAGE and I make an Effeminate Zombie video.

Since we're technically crashing someone else's events (Vancouver Zombie Walk, and Vancouver Zombie Hunt), we really have no place for high-powered blasters. Again, try to bring close-to-stock Nerf guns. AR removal and barrel upgrades are fine, of course. But avoid bringing a singled air gun like a titan, or an Angel Breech LS with ar-15 spring. If possible, downgrade them (using multiple barrels, using the stock LS spring).

I'm not sure about stefans yet. But ideally bring stock darts. I know, stefans are dirt cheap. And we'll be losing most of our darts. So the clear winner is stefans. So it's probably gonna be allowed. But prepare to use and lose lots of stock darts should we get any complaints about stefans. In fact, prepare stock darts in case I disallow stefans.

Also, NO HEADSHOTS PLEASE. We'll try to get the zombies to go down on one shot to the body, but if all else fails, well they're zombies, you should be jogging or running most of the time. There shouldn't be any sprinting zombies at this event. It's the Zombie Walk, after all...

I think that sums it all up. Please come if you're in the area, and have some fun shooting zombies!

PM Me or Jagiro if you're interested, or join the event on FB:

Or join NUVO on FB for a faster response:
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#3 Broderick



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Posted 18 April 2010 - 05:06 PM

Wow. This sounds pretty awesome. However, I seriously doubt this is going to be able to go off without a hitch. The reason being, normal civilians will be walking out there dressed as zombies, and I don't think the organizers are going to let a bunch of teenagers (I'm assuming) go out and shoot people, even if it's just with foam dart guns.
Now, if you could possibly get everyone participating in the walk to sign a waver allowing you to shoot them, then this would work.
Despite my doubts, I do really hope you guys can do this, and will anxiously await the video if you do so. BC's a little far up for me though, so I couldn't make it. Since I'm not driving yet, my folks don't want to drive me more than 60 or 80 miles each way.
Edit* I just read min.tee's post, what is the zombie "hunt" portion of the event?

Edited by Broderick, 18 April 2010 - 05:08 PM.

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#4 canuck



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Posted 19 April 2010 - 02:39 PM

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it, I just left Vancouver.
And these Zombie Walkers agreed to this?
That sounds great!
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We don't have military tactics or specialized training. We're fucking kids playing with plastic guns trying to tag each other.

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