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'geddon 'leven Date Set July 10, 2010

now with 100% less Roman numerals

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#51 Cannonball



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:20 PM

Ah, where do I begin? Such a good day of nerf. I don't think I can think of any definitie cons, so I'll just do highlights.

-Team hopper clip
-Team maximizer
-Pretty much solid teams all day
-Got a few good barrel taps in during the day
-Awesome weather
-Getting chased by a whole team around the school at one point
-eliminated by the Urukai bow with a jury-rigged Rscb. kind of inspires me to dust off my bna now.
-"gangsta shot!"
- shooting the breeze around the tables in between rounds and after the war.

Good times were had all around.
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#52 jakejagan



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Posted 13 July 2010 - 11:34 PM

That "gangsta" shot was Effeminate. I thank you all for commemorating it, it was fairly awesome.

Edit: Might as well make a list like everyone else.

-Meeting all the SoCal nerfers and nerfing with them
-The locations were awesome
-BAFF people representin'
-People being friendly to me since I was new
-Ice9 letting me use his speedloader
-My hoppered BBBB shooting awesomely
-The Hat was amazingly good
-Getting lots of kills
-Interpretive dance contest!
-Team hopper at the school was mucho awesome
-I recovered a shitload of darts (like 90-95% recovery)
-The group of people dart sorting throwing me my darts (Thanks guys!)

-Lots of headshots (at least 3 or 4 on me alone)
-It ended
-Soar and tired at the end
-Team hoppers at the park (none of them lost all their lives)
-Driving like 13 hours in total (even though I didn't drive)

This was by far the best Nerf war I've been to, thank you all again. I can't wait till next year

Edited by jakejagan, 14 July 2010 - 12:58 PM.

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00:38 jakejagan I hear you guys still bring up the "gangsta shot"
00:38 Bags it is legend now

17:45 *** MrPzowned was kicked by Zorn (MrPzowned)
17:45 Zorn moral of the story: don't pick on idle mods yo

#53 baghead



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Posted 23 July 2010 - 09:13 PM

Posted Image

Hey Guys, Totally forgot to post a recap... oops.

Was a good day, nice turnout, I figure just under 50 if my count is right (thats including the people who came after lunch or had left before we took the group pic.

The "Curse" was broken this year in terms of weather, still got warm, but not "soul crushing hot"

and while I'm here I figure I'll discuss the Video Situation.

I have some really grandiose plans for this years Recap video... but they will take a rather long time, thus I'm putting together a more "normal" music video style one that I hope I can finish by mid next week, and I'll follow that up with my "master plan" one later, as such if anyone has some video that they shot at the war, please PM me so I can try to get it and put it to use for that second video.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#54 baghead



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Posted 28 August 2010 - 12:05 AM

hey, I got the video up... yaaay

Contains Copious Use of the phrase "Mutherfucking Brofist"
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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

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