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'geddon 'leven Date Set July 10, 2010

now with 100% less Roman numerals

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#1 baghead



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 05:09 PM

Ah yes, once again it is the time where we plan SoCal's Big-Ass-Shiny-Awesome nerf event we all know as Armageddon (or Armegeddon, if you're an idiot like me who misspells recap video title cards) Anywho, per tradition we're kicking off discussion of this event early thus allowing those brave souls who dare traverse long distances and spend large sums of money to come have a good time while shooting some very silly people for a weekend, can purchase Plane tickets for somewhat less money, arrange lodging, etc.

And thus begins the important information:
After much Discussion, we here at SCUN, your Friendly SoCal Nerf Collective, plan to Host this war on o

July 10<-----Date is set.

This year 'geddon will once again be held in the fine City of Glendora, California at a now long-running SoCal site: Cullen Elementary and its adjacent park Ole Hammer. if attendance is high or if it's group consensus we'll play Glendora High School after lunch.

Cullen Elementary School
440 N. Live Oak Ave
Glendora, CA 91741

Ole Hammer Park
440 Right Next Door Blvd.
Glendora, CA 91741

Glendora High School
1600 E Foothill Blvd.
Glendora, CA‎ 91741

Time for the war will be a little more lax than Recent Armageddons, We'll plan to start Nerfing around 10-10:30 ish, so try to get there by around 9:30ish but don't sweat it if you're running late. we'll break for lunch after a couple rounds, and the war ends when it ends, typically this is sometime around 3-5 when many of the attendees no longer feel like they can move.

Things to Consider when Preparing for 'geddon 'leven:

The Weather - In the Summer out here, its really really hot, by a string of bad luck the last three Armageddons have been on the hottest day of the year (even though they took place on different dates) and generally temperatures in the 100+ range. You're going to want to bring Sunscreen, Light Colored Clothing, and a large amount of fluids: Water and even Gatorade are always wise choices, Energy drinks like Monster n such tend to dehydrate you faster and that's no bueno. Dehydration and Heat Stroke are not uncommon things to happen to 'geddon attendees who push themselves to hard without thinking.

Nerf Equipment
-Eye Protection is a Must, if you show up without any, you may be subjected to wearing the speed racer helmet of shame, at least as a joke until loaner goggles are provided. If you are over 18 and don't wish to wear eye protection we won't stop you, but it's at your own risk.
-You are expected to bring your own Operational nerf blasters and a back-up or two, everyone should have at least one Spring Pistol (pistol splats are Ok) as we'll be playing some pistol only rounds.
-You are also expected to bring your own ammo (be it darts, balls, Missles arrows etc.) Don't bring any intentionally Dangerous Homemade darts (I.E. Pointed tips, exposed weights, over weighted micros) its just a dick move.
-Its your responsibility to recover your personal items at the end of rounds, I suggest you do something to clearly identify your darts.
-Nerf, and other brand foam swords are allowed, (these include PVC/Pool Noodle Blowgun swords) but homemades must match(or be shorter than, but not thinner than) the dimensions of a Mashoonga sword. Nerf Warlock Axes are allowed, but cannot be used as Dart Blocking devices, instead they are threaded like taking a gun hit. Players must be carrying some sort of blaster besides a melee weapon.

The Banlist (there may be exceptions to some parts of this list on a Case by Case basis, but don't rely on that, bring a back-up that isn't)
*Any blaster painted completely Black or in some other realistic fashion (if that happens to be what you tend to use, prepare to have neon pink duct tape placed on it, and for many of us to call your gun Gay until it has something neon on it)
*All Homemade blasters that are not of the +bow or Snap Variety
*Single Barrel Dart shooting (this includes the use of a turret): Titans, Roto Rockets, SM5ks, Jobars and Cobras, Pump-replaced Big Blasts or Signal Launchers. (shotgun, or Alternative ammo versions are ok)
*Nerf Marauder Long Swords
*LARP-style Boffers and homemade foam weapons exceeding the dimensions of a Mashoonga
*Any Blaster or Melee weapon may be banned by the SCUN High Council the day of the event if it proves to be too powerful/dangerous

Non-Nerf Equipment - As mentioned above its recommended you wear light colored clothing, and you may want to bring a change of clothes as well. Due to the nature of this war and the amount of time you'll be on your feet, make sure to wear shoes you'll be comfortable wearing and running around in for an entire day. If you feel compelled to wear camouflage, please limit it to One Article of clothing.

Age Restriction - Like last year's Armageddon, this war will have the same Age Restriction of 12 years old and over, this is mainly a safety precaution.

-Bring a good attitude: Don't be a Dick, be a Dude.
-Shady tactics like not counting hits, counting in behind opposing players, and close range shots when a barrel tap is possible, etc will not be appreciated, don't be surprised if it also leads to some sort of in-round retribution either.
-Its also wise to not talk like you're on X-box Live, or to refer to Darts as "bullets"
-Pick Up after yourselves at every location; we've kept a good relationship with the Schools and the City by doing our best to not leave a bunch of crap behind, last year...there was a lot of trash left behind at GHS, to help avoid that I'll be bringing trash bags.

*Gameplay rules will be discussed AT the war. There's no reason to discuss anything like that here in the thread, because we will be going over it again at the war anyway.
*If you will be dropped off at this event and will need a ride between locations or to lunch, Please do what you can to make ride arrangements beforehand and pack light; don't bring a large box of blasters if you don't have space in a car for them, bring only what you need.
* If you're interested in attending but need a place to stay for the weekend of the war, there should be several Local nerfers out here willing to give you somewhere to crash, unfortunately I'm not one of them, as what space I would have available is taken by other members of my local group.
*Pokemans - be ready to show dems

I'm sure there's some things I missed here and there but this pretty much Covers it, Please provide feedback about what dates work for you so that we can hopefully set the date before the end of the month.

Bags - Supreme Dance Commander of Southern California Unified Nerf Givin' out the order for fun.

Edited by baghead, 27 June 2010 - 05:20 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#2 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 05:20 PM

I'll be there at any of the dates, the 10th is preferred. + at least one, probably two. Also, may be needing a place to stay the night after the war.

Edited by CaliforniaPants, 04 April 2010 - 05:20 PM.

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trans as shit because fuck you

#3 Axelion burnout

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 05:49 PM

July 10th is the best for me. The 17th works as well, but I strongly prefer the 10th.

Edited by Axelion_burnout, 04 April 2010 - 05:49 PM.

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#4 Stud Muffins

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Posted 04 April 2010 - 07:10 PM

I'm an extremely unlikely maybe. But It is possible on the 10th or 17th. I prefer the tenth. If waffle goes I'll just ride with him.
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20:06- Blademaster : nerf needs to release hot pink recons
20:07- Mr_BadWrench: Blade, If they do someone would have to duct tape twitch to a phone pole so everyone else gets a chance to buy one.
20:08- Aimless: Duct tape wont do.

#5 Tyrs



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Posted 04 April 2010 - 09:23 PM

As usual, expect to see the Lake L.A. group.

17th is WAAAYYY better, as birthday and some events are happening around 10.

I'll be coming, with at LEAST +3.

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 01:35 AM

I'll be there, either the 10th or 17th. I'll also be bringing a couple people with me.
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"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."

"ah man, I would give you so much for one of those NIB crossbows or one of those crossbows on the floor. The ones on ebay have gone up to $59 and the shipping alone is $12." -Rip32

#7 Cannonball



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 01:52 AM

All of the dates work for me.
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Posted 05 April 2010 - 11:48 AM

BAFF Road Trip!

Pretty sure I'm there on any date, but other travelers may have the obvious conflict on the weekend of the 3rd.

Renting a car worked out fine last year, hopefully I'll need something bigger this year, and have other BAFF folks along sharing the gas expense, and maybe even the driving.

But a huge part of what made my trip great last year was the hospitality of the folks who lent me a couch for Friday and Saturday nights.

BAFF road trip would be insane, haha. I'm sure all of the dates work for me, probably 10th preferred.
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#9 Blue



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 02:10 PM

10th greatly preferred.
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#10 Ice Nine

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 02:18 PM

Any date other than the tenth.

Preferably the third.

Edited by Ice Nine, 05 April 2010 - 02:53 PM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#11 soccerdog813



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 04:07 PM

I can do any of them but I would really prefer the 10th. It gives me more time to prepare for the trip I am going on.
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#12 MidnightRain



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 07:14 PM

Um....Any date works for me. Preferably the 17th so I am done with summer school and will most likely have my license by then...
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#13 jakejagan



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Posted 05 April 2010 - 08:38 PM

Like Bob and HOTH, I am a BAFF nerfer, and I would like to go with Bob in the road trip. I would highly appreciate if someone can host us for the war, otherwise, we would have to rent a hotel or not go. If you can do something about this situation, PM me, Bob or HOTH. Thank you for your time and I hope it's a good war


P.S. I would prefer any date but the 3rd
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00:38 jakejagan I hear you guys still bring up the "gangsta shot"
00:38 Bags it is legend now

17:45 *** MrPzowned was kicked by Zorn (MrPzowned)
17:45 Zorn moral of the story: don't pick on idle mods yo

#14 roboman



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Posted 06 April 2010 - 09:57 PM

I can definitely make it again, and possibly one other person. I would prefer the 3rd or the tenth.
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LS and Retaliator boltsleds are currently available at https://www.facebook.com/RoboM8/

#15 Falcon


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Posted 08 April 2010 - 08:30 PM

The later the better, as I've got that little thingy in June to take care of...you know, that wedding thing. No biggie...

Anywho, the 10th or the 17th, but the 17th would be significantly better, so I can space out time requested off. I won't be able to get off much, as it's a pretty fresh job.

For all BAFF nerfers planning to attend:
I MIGHT be able to provide a floor for the lot of you. Details to follow.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#16 baghead



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 10:20 AM

Based on what I'm seeing we're leaning towards the 10th. anyone other than Zeke have strong objections to that date?
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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#17 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 10:32 AM

Based on what I'm seeing we're leaning towards the 10th. anyone other than Zeke have strong objections to that date?

Ryan shares my objection, last I talked to him. His situation might've changed, though, and he hasn't posted in here yet.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#18 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 16 April 2010 - 04:49 AM

Bags - Supreme Dance Commander of Southern California Unified Nerf

Methinks you stole my title :D

I'll try and make it, as per usual!
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#19 Falcon


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Posted 19 April 2010 - 06:05 PM

Bags - Supreme Dance Commander of Southern California Unified Nerf

Methinks you stole my title :D

No one could ever steal the title of Captain Asscrack, Toj. And you'd better not miss this year...last year's shenanigans were nae untouchable.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#20 shmmee



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Posted 25 April 2010 - 06:52 PM

Hey, I'm laying plans to come for Armageddon, and booking a cruse for the following week. Is the tenth a pretty solid date? It's really going to screw me if the date changes after I book. I'm really looking forward to attending my first major Nerf war.

Edit: The cruse was filling to the last 6 cabins. I had to purchase the tickets while they were still available. I'm really, really, really hoping the tenth is solid, cause i just may cry if it changes now!

Edited by shmmee, 14 September 2010 - 01:12 PM.

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"and we should respect the people who make our blasters. Even if we do molest the hell out of them..."

#21 Ryan201821


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Posted 25 April 2010 - 07:08 PM

I agree, I need to start looking at flights, and see if I can make this.
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#22 baghead



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Posted 01 May 2010 - 10:36 AM

I'm just gonna go out on a limb and set the Date as the 10th. I'm sorry for those of you who were banking on another date, this one seems to be the best for the most people, considering the 3rd is on a horrible weekend for driving and The following day is one of those holidays where people's plans change at very short notice. Also The Later in the month it gets the hotter its going to be.
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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#23 Hippopotamus



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Posted 02 May 2010 - 03:33 PM

You can slap me down as a definite yes. To Bob and my fellow clan members, I highly doubt I'll be able to make the trek, but I'll probably be able to Nerf none the less.

Edited by Hippopotamus, 02 May 2010 - 06:39 PM.

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#24 Falcon


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Posted 08 May 2010 - 11:17 PM

Got the job...got that weekend off.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#25 jakejagan



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Posted 08 May 2010 - 11:45 PM

I know I posted here before about asking someone to host me, but I won't be going because I will be on vacation.
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00:38 jakejagan I hear you guys still bring up the "gangsta shot"
00:38 Bags it is legend now

17:45 *** MrPzowned was kicked by Zorn (MrPzowned)
17:45 Zorn moral of the story: don't pick on idle mods yo

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