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Bush's Space Plans

Good idea?

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#1 Spaztic 75

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 10:08 PM

Hopefully most of you have heard about Bush's not so recent proposal to got to the moon and to Mars. I think although there could be important reserch to be done on the moon, it is insanaly costly to send one ship into space, and despite the important reserch that could be done it would be a giant black hole sucking up our money. Not to mention the fact that they're going to kill the hubble and take money from medical reserch to pay for it. And further more they refuse to take money away from the multi-billion dollar mistake known as the International Space Station.
I also find it ironic that his father also proposed to go to Mars when he was president.
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#2 Spectre2689



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:26 PM

Well, I'll say this. Bush in control of the U.S. Army is like a retard with a rocket launcher. Bush in control of the moon? (shudder)
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#3 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:27 PM

Like father like son, eh?

These plans won't be "finished" until 2030, I believe.

In short, Bush is an idiot and possible the Antichrist.

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#4 Oroku Saki

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:42 PM

President Bush overheard discussing space plans behind closed doors:

"Strap on the rockets........WE'RE GOING TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!"

Sometimes I wonder about him. All I can say is that he definitely doesn't have my vote in this election. I don't think anyone can ever fuck up our country more than Bush did.
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#5 J cobbers

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:49 PM

i want to grow oranges on the moon. Go Moon Base Go.
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#6 Oroku Saki

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:51 PM

i want to grow oranges on the moon. Go Moon Base Go.

I wonder how those would taste......

But Bush taking over the moon may have some merit. Maybe he'll find Iraq's weapons of mass destruction there, or maybe they were up his ass the whole time, and the CIA didn't know about it.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 28 March 2004 - 12:39 AM.

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#7 VeggieBoy 3000

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 01:28 AM

wow guys, give Bush a break, seriously. He probably has the hardest job in the world, and he has to know about everything every day. He's not the best speaker, so what? That doesn't make him a bumbling idiot. Regardless of what's happened, the guy's doing his best, and he's doing what he thinks is right for the country. I mean we elected the guy didnt we? (no whining about the election, he won according to the rules that have been htere since the beginning of the country) It's not Bush's fault that we were attacked by terrorists, which definitely caused a ton of the problems the U.S. faces today. I don't know too much about the space things, and they may well be stupid ideas, but leave the rest of the stuff out of it.

P.S. Lewis and clark's expedition was probably "meaningless" to many people at the time.
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#8 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 01:53 AM



Seriously though, his decisions make him look like an idiot.

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#9 reversedracula



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 01:57 AM

Is this NerfHaven? Or a Fark flamewar? I know anything goes in this section but it's still disconcerting I suppose to read this sort of thing here. Maybe new reentry tiles from this Mars project will bring us a cheaper, better foam that won't heat up no matter how fast we fire it.
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Posted 28 March 2004 - 08:35 AM

I want all of you bashing bush...to shut the fuck up. You say hes a bad president, lets see you try! He doing ahellof a better job than alot of other people could. You guys keep saying hes crazy, yet hes taken the taliban ot of power, captured sadam and freed iraq. Furthermore, hes trying to make a giant scientific leap to the mon, and make a base their. it will help science, yet hes a bad president? Also note his education plans. I think alot of you numbnuts need to remember what hes done for this county, and other countries, before making him sound like your average criminal.

I think we should go to the moon, and from their, we would go to mars, and maybe even to other galaxies lookin for life once technology allows us.

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#11 Highlander



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:37 AM

Yeah, Bush's education plan is good, but its been proven WRONG. It was tested in Texas were it failed, and Bush lied about it. I do agree with going into space, but not now. The economy is terrible and is never going to be the same since he aloud companies to send factories and such over seas. You want to know the reason why he went to war with Iraq? Two reasons. Saddom tried to kill his dady, and second because of the oil. Bush won't win the ellection, to many people are mad with him.

Edited by Highlander, 28 March 2004 - 11:38 AM.

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#12 Blaster



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:57 AM

Ok I'll give Bush credit for doing an Ok job as president (he got a little warhappy but not completely without reason) but there seems to be something wrong with his Mars plan here. Why on God's green Earth would he take away money from medical research to go to mars?!?!? That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard! We've got diseases like AIDS and HIV to worry about, and saving the lives on Earth seems to me to be a lot more important than to see if there might have been life on Mars. Let's worry about our own planet before we go invading others.
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#13 UpGraD3



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 05:43 PM

Think what Al Gore would have done after the terroist attacks. Bush has had one of the hardest presidencies.
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#14 cxwq



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 08:52 PM

I want all of you bashing bush...to shut the fuck up.

We can't bash the president? What's the fucking point of being an American then? He's a dipshit.

You say hes a bad president, lets see you try!  He doing ahellof a better job than alot of other people could.

Red herring. Pointless to compare a president to a bunch of people who don't want the job. The question is: Is there someone who could do better? I'd have to answer with a big "hell yes".

You guys keep saying hes crazy, yet hes taken the taliban ot of power, captured sadam and freed iraq. 

With the exceptions of oil and militant Christianity, it's debatable how wonderful these things are, all things considered. He spent a lot of money he didn't have and killed a fuck of a lot of people - Americans, Afghans, and Iraqis alike. Not to mention that he lied to the American people about his reasons for going to war.

Furthermore, hes trying to make a giant scientific leap to the mon, and make a base their.  it will help science, yet hes a bad president?

Wait, didn't we go to the moon 35 years ago? Where is the giant scientific leap? Propaganda, that's all his space plan is. Kind of stupid propaganda though, since even the people who are pro-space think his ideas are lame.

Also note his education plans.  I think alot of you numbnuts need to remember what hes done for this county, and other countries, before making him sound like your average criminal.

Already been addressed. Do some searching around the net on Bush's wild success with kids in Texas. I'd do it for you but I already have and it's too depressing to do again.

I think we should go to the moon, and from their, we would go to mars, and maybe even to other galaxies lookin for life once technology allows us.

Yeah, axe the Hubble and wait for the technology that will take us to other galaxies? Hubble is already showing us the beginning of the fucking universe and we're going to let it fall into the goddamn ocean. It would cost less than $200M to upgrade Hubble's systems and give it an orbital boost that will buy us another decade of real science. Bush wants to spend $12B on mars and the moon, $11B of which is to be stolen from NASAs other programs while only $1B is new funding. He has given NASA an unfunded mandate to do what he thinks is popular rather than what scientists want.

Anyone but Bush in '04.
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#15 Oroku Saki

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 09:04 PM

Thanks for helping back up our points, Cx. Bush needs to spend money on more important things within the country (Economy, Healthcare, etc.) before wasting money on needless projects. I would not have as much of a problem with the moon program, but only if Bush pulls his head out of his ass and care more about the country's true needs first, which will probably never happen.
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#16 Spaztic 75

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:51 PM

First of all Veggie, we don't own the moon, we did however own the land Lewis and Clark explored they were simply checking the merchendise. And second, THIRST I know I couldn't do better, I'm only fourteen. But if I had a degree from a presigious collage, decades of experience, my fathers past possition as president, and all the extra time from his unnexcused absence from his military duty, then I most definataly could. If he has all that under his belt and still cannot do his duty up to the standerds he should be easily capable of, then I'm sorry but he's just incompetent.
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#17 merlinski



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:11 AM

I just got back from hearing Al Franken speak. He's a helluva speaker, and one of the smartest political minds I've ever seen.

First - The moon base and mars mission is total political propaganda. He announced it 2 weeks before the State of the Union, and yet failed to mention it at all in the address. He had time for steroids in baseball, but not to talk about his huge scientific leap. You know why? Cause it was a political ploy that failed.

Second - The wars were complete and total crap. Not because I like Saddam. He was a bad bad man. But that doesn't mean that a president can lie to his country. And that's exactly what he did. Repeatedly. Rumsfeld went on "Face of the Nation" and tried to deny that he ever used the words "immediate threat". Then Thomas Friedman read him quotes where he said just that. Face it, this administration lies through its teeth for political purposes. Bill Clinton lied about a blowjob. When George W. lies, hundreds of American soldiers die.

Third - He had a tough presidency? 9/11 was tough, but Bush was presented with the most unified nation in history, and with the support of almost the entire world after it. What did he do? He wasted it by using it to further his political agenda. There was never a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq, but Bush asked Richard Clarke to find one on 9/12! Why? Because Iraq was on his political agenda since day 1. Bush turned the most goodwill towards America in our entire history into unaffected hatred. That is not because of a tough presidency, it is because of lying and bad decisions.

Fourth - He's doing the best he can? What the hell kind of excuse is that? It works in 7th grade Soccer, when doing your best is what counts. It sure as hell doesn't work in the most powerful job in the world. I don't care if he's doing the best he can, if the best he can do is to lose 2.5 million jobs, invade another country under false pretenses, screw social security over, and establish regressive tax cuts during wartime, then he doesn't deserve to be our president.
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#18 Nello



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 02:54 AM

First off, I would like to know who out of all the people involved in Bush bashing actually voted in the last presidential election. I understand that some of you are not eligible to vote due to age or citizenship restrictions, but anybody who could have voted in the last election and didn't, need not say one more word about Bush in this thread. You had your chance to elect someone you wanted to lead your country, and you didn't use it.

12 billion dollars could provide cures to major diseases that are killing thousands of people every day. 12 billion dollars could feed millions of starving people around the world. 12 billion dollars could educate people and allow them to become functioning members of society. 12 billion dollars could update and create new recycling programs that can stop global warming. 12 billion dollars could help rebuild cities that have been destroyed by war and natural disasters. 12 billion dollars could send peacekeepers into the Sudan, Somolia, Haiti, or Isreal. 12 billion dollars could make off shore turbines that use wind power to create electricity and provide clean energy to places like California. Or 12 billion dollars could take us to a desolate, inhospitable and far away planet. I think there are many issues that need to be taken care of on our own planet before we explore other planets.
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#19 Highlander



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 11:06 AM

Very well said, people. Let me just say that I am a Moderate Democrat, and do like some views of the Republican party. I don't honastly think that Bush will win because so many people are mad at him. I wouldn't vote for him if I could, which I will be able to do in four years. But he will be out of office if he wins.
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#20 Oroku Saki

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 01:02 PM

I was too young to vote in the last election, but if I was eligible, I wouldn't have voted for Bush anyway. Yeah, he may have had some tough times to go through, but so did every other president before him. Sure, he captured Saddam, but I think anyone else could have done it if they put their minds to it. In my opinion, he took military action for all the wrong reasons, created a larger budget deficit that could have been reduced or prevented, and lied to us to get away with pursuing his own political agenda. America needs someone to turn around the negative things going on around here, and I don't think Bush is going to do that.
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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:30 PM

We can't bash the president? What's the fucking point of being an American then? He's a dipshit.

What I meant, is you should be loyal to your country, even if you don like it, weve got it great here compared to how other have to live.

Red herring. Pointless to compare a president to a bunch of people who don't want the job. The question is: Is there someone who could do better? I'd have to answer with a big "hell yes".

I doubt it, Bush has had a hard presidency, and he is under alot of pressure. If there is someone who can do it better, I would welcome him, because its for the good of the country, but do you really think someone like Al Sharpton can do that?

With the exceptions of oil and militant Christianity, it's debatable how wonderful these things are, all things considered. He spent a lot of money he didn't have and killed a fuck of a lot of people - Americans, Afghans, and Iraqis alike. Not to mention that he lied to the American people about his reasons for going to war.

He had several reasons for going to the war, just because he left a lttle of the les justified reasons out, he still has a great reason to go there, and even if he did lie about it, he got rid of Saddam.

Wait, didn't we go to the moon 35 years ago? Where is the giant scientific leap? Propaganda, that's all his space plan is. Kind of stupid propaganda though, since even the people who are pro-space think his ideas are lame.

We went 35 years ago, and I think its time to stay there.

Already been addressed. Do some searching around the net on Bush's wild success with kids in Texas. I'd do it for you but I already have and it's too depressing to do again.

I realize that, but it's biased. It tested one state.

Yeah, axe the Hubble and wait for the technology that will take us to other galaxies? Hubble is already showing us the beginning of the fucking universe and we're going to let it fall into the goddamn ocean. It would cost less than $200M to upgrade Hubble's systems and give it an orbital boost that will buy us another decade of real science. Bush wants to spend $12B on mars and the moon, $11B of which is to be stolen from NASAs other programs while only $1B is new funding. He has given NASA an unfunded mandate to do what he thinks is popular rather than what scientists want.

Im talking about bringing astronuats ot of the galaxy, and being able to communicate with them. We would find alot. We could use the technology to send severa people out to several othe rgalazies, give them a safe landing, and guve them enough supplies to last awhile. If we could do that, we would find alot.


Edited by THIRST, 29 March 2004 - 03:32 PM.

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#22 merlinski



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:48 PM

What I meant, is you should be loyal to your country, even if you don like it, weve got it great here compared to how other have to live.

Yeah, but Bush isn't the reason this country is great. Look at it this way. Between the two presidencies of Bush Jr. and Bush Sr., you don't have one new net job created. Therefore, if the Bush family had run this country from its inception, none of us would have jobs! We'd all be hunter-gatherers.

I doubt it, Bush has had a hard presidency, and he is under alot of pressure.  If there is someone who can do it better, I would welcome him, because its for the good of the country, but do you really think someone like Al Sharpton can do that?

No, but I think that Clinton did better, that Gore would have done better, and that Kerry will do better, which is why I'll be voting for him in the next election.

He had several reasons for going to the war, just because he left a lttle of the les justified reasons out, he still has a great reason to go there, and even if he did lie about it, he got rid of Saddam.

He didn't leave some of the less justified reasons out, he lied about the reasons he used to justify the war. He took a country to war under false pretenses. He's killing American soldiers under false pretenses. He's condemned us to bankruptcy and condemned an unknown number of American soldiers to death under false pretenses. And not only that, but when he was running for presidency, he said he was against Nation-Building! Which I guess is true, because he sure as hell isn't helping Iraq build up their infrastructure.

I realize that, but it's biased.  It tested one state.

So we should condemn all of America's children to poor education just to see if it's that bad? Think about this for a second. Texas has millions of children. Unless all Texans are somehow dumber than other Americans, I don't see how a plan that fails there will work everywhere else. His plan doesn't work theoretically, and it hasn't worked in practice. Why should we give it another chance when we stand to harm millions of children?

THIRST, you never even responded to my question:
Why Bush would ignore such a plan in his State of the Union Address if it was anything more than just a political tool?
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#23 Blaster



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 04:56 PM

I understand that Bush has had a hard presidency THIRST but is that an excuse for a stupid space program. According to Cx doing this will not only cost billions less, but it seems safer. I mean I'd rather risk the Hubble looking into the Universe and other Galaxies for us rather than sending other astronauts out to them. That does sound like the point you're making. And the his school plan is obviously bad if it failed in Texas. Alex has a point, that's one huge friggin state, and if it failed there odds are the plan's just not gonna work.
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Posted 29 March 2004 - 05:26 PM

THIRST, you never even responded to my question:
Why Bush would ignore such a plan in his State of the Union Address if it was anything more than just a political tool?

I dont know. You have convinced me off the craptacular job he's done, but i still support him, msotly because he's the most "for" Israel out of him and Kerry. Ive heard alot of crap about how its all Israel's fualt. We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks, save defend oursleves from several attacking armies at the same time, and coincedentally wining more land. Bush realizes this. Im not sayin no one else does, but its the truth...

Merlinksi, Ive read all of your poitical posts, and your getting some government postition when you grow up. I know it.

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#25 UpGraD3



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Posted 29 March 2004 - 05:35 PM

I hate politics...
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