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Too Many Topics Are Being Closed

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#1 Banshee



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Posted 08 February 2010 - 11:58 PM

I've been noticing a lot lately that a lot of new topics started, mostly by new members, are being closed simply because they ask a stupid question. Half the time the question isn't that stupid, its just not interesting. I don't find that as a good excuse to close a thread.

Threads that obviously break our rules and are targeted at with flamming or trolling are understandable. However we are having people asking simple questions with simple answers that they don't get because the topic was "boring" and in turn closed indefinitely.

It appears to me as though some of us have lost sight in what we at Nerf Haven are here to do. We are here to share our knowledge with others and help those of us who don't understand get a better handle on the concepts so we can all gain from each other. Most new members are automatically shunned because we don't bother to help them because they are new. We were all new at one point, and we didn't get where we are by having every one of our topics closed.

There are many reasons to close topics, but I'm seeing many topics here and there being closed for no good reason. All I'm asking is that we try to put a little effort and consideration into what topics we close and stop deciding after the first post that it will go nowhere when it might. Just give the topics a chance, if the topic turns bad, goes off topic, is redundant, spam, trolling, then go right ahead and close it, but if it has a question that hasn't been answered previously that can't be found in a simple search, then let the topic go on.

Thank you for reading,
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#2 nerfer9



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:23 AM

I've been noticing a lot lately that a lot of new topics started, mostly by new members, are being closed simply because they ask a stupid question. Half the time the question isn't that stupid, its just not interesting.

I disagree, some people are just stupid. I mean, look at shrub, team stray dogs, etc. Take a look at this one. And this one. Don't forget this one. Look at all those, they are sad and they clutter up the forum.

Ugh.....embarrassing sig is embarrassing.

Edited by nerfer9, 09 February 2010 - 12:31 AM.

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#3 Split



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:29 AM

We are here to share our knowledge with others and help those of us who don't understand get a better handle on the concepts so we can all gain from each other. Most new members are automatically shunned because we don't bother to help them because they are new.

That's HQ's job. We're here to have an experienced, intelligent and productive community. Sort of like.. a Haven for Nerf. Whether we still accomplish that goal is another topic entirely.
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#4 Lion



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 01:32 AM

I agree that they needed to be closed, most of the answers they wanted could be found with a search or simple 'just try and do it yourself'
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#5 Talio


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 02:05 AM

Seriously, I'm not gonna be the only one who finds this funny right?
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Posted 09 February 2010 - 08:36 AM

Seriously, I'm not gonna be the only one who finds this funny right?

Nope, I started chuckling as soon as I saw the little lock load on my new topics screen.

Oh, and just a few tidbits I ripped from the pages of time.

this is definitely NOT the place for a newbie to hang out.


I'm glad people are picking up on that.

Not that we're trying to be exclusive or anything, we just wanted a haven from the idiots. One might even suspect that we planned for that before registering our domain.


A few of you lack an understanding of the role NH plays in the world of Nerf related forum sites. We're not discouraging people from joining a Nerf forum, we're discouraging them from joining this Nerf forum.

It's an important distinction because, frankly, we don't give a shit. The Haven was created to escape from the idiotic masses, now they're all here. I hope Vacc deletes a few people while registration is turned off.


I think it is best to work together with other forums like NHQ, they deal with the noobs, and their mods reccomend additions to the NH clientel. This system would work best if all possible forum mods work together to make the entire nerf community a better place. Keep NH for the bet of the best, and select the best from other forums for promotion to the NH forums.

I don't think the other forums would like that so much, to be honest.

We don't need scouts, we don't need recruitment, all I'm worried about is running this site the way we (me and Vacc) want it run. If people don't like it here, they can go elsewhere. If people don't fit in here, I will kick them out. It's really simple.

It's always been this way. This is how we planned it. We're not going to change our policies to fit some percieved hole left by HQ's shift in M.O. If you don't like that, than don't post.

We have maintained, for quite some time, that pure concept threads and threads asking questions that have already been answered, will not be tolerated. When we get an influx of new members these types of things crop up in bunches. And everytime that happens some idiot who either hasn't been here for more than a few months or simply can't remember the last validation surge, starts worrying about the sky's rapid fucking descent.

It'd be frustrating if it wasn't what I've come to expect. All the more reason for us to trudge on with our 7 year old mission statement.

I've said it before, and I'll probably be saying it as long as I do this. This site, and I as a nerfer, have never stated as our intention the growth of this hobby. Rather, we are here to help those who enjoy the hobby, and are capable of intelligent discourse, enjoy it more.

Anyone who so chooses is encouraged to start up "Nerf for Noobs", "Toys for 'Tards", or "Foam for Fags" on their very own site. We will not stop you. In fact, I offer my assistance in the creation of any number of insulting aliteration based titles.

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#7 cxwq



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Posted 09 March 2010 - 02:07 PM

Oh my goodness.

I laughed. I cried. Literal fucking tears rolled down my face as I read this wonderful thread.

I'll have you know I had to sign into the goddamn nerfhaven gmail account in order to retrieve my password and come here and tell you this.

Want to know what's in the nerfhaven gmail account? No, you don't but I'm going to tell you anyway.

Things like this:

my account name is n3rf-v4mp1re and i want to know why the smeg i have been suspended for a YEAR

my first post on the forums, yes...i admit it was an old topic to begin with...BUT A FRELLING YEAR??!!!!!


hey you are gonna fix my profile or ill sue you for the website and 100 dollars
make sure i get what i want because my godmom is a lawyer and my dad is a cop and my mom works for the courts and can file a warrent against you and/or can get my dad to hunt you down and arrest you so i get what i want there will be no problems
by the way ill hunt you down myself im a junior cop and can still arrest you and i have a tazer


please communicate with me about why my son was suspended, reddog421 received notice of suspension and is frantic, please help me, ken staaf

and, lets see... 1983 (dearly wish there was one more) that are more or less exactly like this:

To whom it may concern,
I had registered last Saturday, yet I never got a confirmation. I tried posting and it says I can't yet it shows me logged in. I have also Emailed you all 2 other times and have yet to get a response.
Please help with my issue.
Tatfree is my user name.

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