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Alternate Elimination Rule Compilation

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#1 Zack the Mack

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 06:14 PM

Sometimes, 3-15 gets boring or kicks off tedious philosophical debates. I've set up this thread to collect and organize our alternate rule sets, so war organizers and basement warriors can browse for something new. Who knows, maybe one of these will become the new 3-15?

The purpose of this thread is to collect rules for elimination - what gets a player killed. If you have a new game type, such as a variant on HvZ or CTF, this ain't the place to put it. None of these rules are my idea! They're collected from wars and other threads, which I'll link to when I'm feeling less lazy.

East Coast Rules
Players begin the game with 10 hit points. When a player is hit, they lose a hit point and don't count down. Before a game starts, the war host should decide how to resolve situations where players don't know how many times they were hit.

2-3-15 (Shields)
When a player is hit by a dart or barrel-tapped, they do not lose a life, but instead begin a 15-second countdown, during which they can still shoot and be shot at. If the player is hit again during the countdown, they lose a life and must remove themselves from the game for 15 seconds. If they finish the countdown without being shot again, they're good as new.
Variant: Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they lose their shield and count down as if hit. During the countdown, neither player can shoot or tap the other.
Variant: Gears of War Style
While a player is counting down, they must keep one knee to the ground. They can still move, fire, etc, but one knee must always remain in contact with the ground.

LARP Rules
When a player is hit by a projectile, they lose a number of lives that depends on the type of projectile. Micro darts always take away fewer lives than other projectiles. Example values:
Micro Dart - 1 Life
Mega Dart, Mongo, Ball - 2 Lives
Missile, Arrow, Marshmallow, Chicken McNugget - 3 Lives

Restricted Ammo
Long-range blasters without multiple barrels may not use Micro Stefans.
Sample list of applicable blasters: PAS, 4B and variants, AT2K, AT3K, SM5K, +Bow, Xbow, RFSG, L+L, Maximizer, MaxShot, Titan

Shields Permitted
Players may use a single shield of any size, within reason. Shields that aren't carried in the hand or strapped to an arm don't block shots. Projectiles that break through the shield count as being blocked. Shields do not block barrel taps.

Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they must count in but do not lose a life.

00-15 (Count-Up / Deathmatch)
Players have an infinite number of lives. When a player is hit, they're out of the game for 15 seconds, and the player who tagged them tallies the hit. After a set time limit, gameplay ends and each team totals their number of hits.

Spawn at Base
When hit, players must return to a designated team base to re-enter play.

Edited by Zack the Mack, 02 February 2010 - 12:17 PM.

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#2 LotusNerf



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 06:39 PM

I'm liking your idea of the timer in 2-3-15. I see a problem where people may count at different rates and/or not be honest. This would be extremely vulnerable to cheating.

What else bothers me is that it may be very hard to count fairly in mid-combat, whether you are trying to shoot people or being shot at. (I hope this is self-explanatory).

I'll put my thought into this idea to try to make it a good type of gameplay.

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#3 bourbon



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 07:14 PM

Awesome. We derailed the shit out of the Reverse Plunger thread, this is a great idea.

BTW, if the "LARP" rules was supposed to be based on my whole scheme, could you make it sound slightly less retarded?

The proper rules are that all players have 2 HP (doctors or VIPs may have more). You lose only 1 HP from a Micro dart, and 2 for anything else. Basically, you can take one hit from a Micro dart and survive, all other gameplay is the same as usual. HP is restored when the conflict between two or more players ends.

Any gun can use micros and any gun can use megas. It doesn't matter. Micros are a two hit kill, be it from a RF20 or a +bow. Megas are a one hit kill, from Nitefinders to PAS.


Edited by bourbon, 28 January 2010 - 09:21 PM.

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#4 FatNerfer



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 07:22 PM

I'm liking your idea of the timer in 2-3-15. I see a problem where people may count at different rates and/or not be honest. This would be extremely vulnerable to cheating.

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QUOTE(SchizophrenicMC @ Feb 8 2010, 08:57 AM) View Post
Because calling a nerfer a nerd is like calling water wet.

QUOTE(PunkPictures @ Oct 9 2009, 05:26 PM) View Post
nerfhaven is so fucking gay.

#5 T dog

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 07:45 PM

One game that I've played was zombie 3-15. It's pretty much 3-15, but once you lose all your lives you go put your stuff away and then come back as a zombie. When shot, a zombie is out for some set amount of time but has infinite lives. They can't be barrel tapped, and a tag from a zombie counts as a hit.

This game gets crazy fast, and at the end high rate of fire becomes very important!
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#6 minsc



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 08:27 PM

2-3-15 (2 Hits to Die)
When a player is hit by a dart or barrel-tapped, they do not lose a life, but instead begin a 15-second countdown, during which they can still shoot and be shot at. If the player is hit again during the countdown, they lose a life and must remove themselves from the game for 15 seconds. If they finish the countdown without being shot again, they're good as new.

LARP Rules
When a player is hit by a projectile, they lose a number of lives that depends on the type of projectile. Micro darts always take away fewer lives than other projectiles. Example values:
Micro Dart - 1 Life
Mega Dart, Mongo, Ball - 2 Lives
Missile, Arrow, Marshmallow, Chicken McNugget - 3 Lives

Restricted Ammo
Long-range blasters without multiple barrels may not use Micro Stefans.
Sample list of applicable blasters: PAS, 4B and variants, AT2K, AT3K, SM5K, +Bow, Xbow, RFSG, L+L, Maximizer, MaxShot, Titan

Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they must count in but do not lose a life.

I like the first one as well, kinda like a COD thing. May be hard to enforce.

The hardest thing about the LARP Rules is the enforcement of micros versus mega darts. While running around getting hit, no one will stop to look and see the diameter of the dart lying on the ground.

As mentioned before, there will be issues with the definition of "long range" guns.

Won't that encourage barrel tapping AND shooting from point blank range? Or smacking someone twice? This is the only one that seems like a bad idea.
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QUOTE(Zorn's Lemma @ Jul 25 2010, 12:18 AM) View Post

You'll do a lot better if you spread the lips with the front. Trying to wriggle the back in there first seems a bit counterintuitive.


#7 DERDS126



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Posted 28 January 2010 - 08:47 PM

Me and my friends play a one hit kill system and if your gun gets hit you're out. But above each teams base is a sheet of notebook paper taped to the wall.(We play in my basement) If the paper, aka the rejuvinator, is hit the person whos shot the paper gets all of his/her "out" teamates back in. When your team is all out you lose simple but fun.

#8 Eh Watt

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 10:10 PM

I don't understand proposed the barrel-tapping rule. Is it so you can barrel tap someone and run away (i.e. you need to reload, and your enemy's gun is primed), or is it to sneak up on someone and barrel tap 'em, while your buddy shoots him (That would go with the 2-3-15 rule)? But it sounds pretty good on most accounts.

I'm liking your idea of the timer in 2-3-15. I see a problem where people may count at different rates and/or not be honest. This would be extremely vulnerable to cheating.

I don't think so, most nerfers aren't douchebags/cheats/dishonest finks, at least not in person. :)

Maybe I just nerf in too friendly of a state.

Edited by Eh_Watt?, 28 January 2010 - 10:11 PM.

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#9 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 10:29 PM

2-3-15 (2 Hits to Die)
When a player is hit by a dart or barrel-tapped, they do not lose a life, but instead begin a 15-second countdown, during which they can still shoot and be shot at. If the player is hit again during the countdown, they lose a life and must remove themselves from the game for 15 seconds. If they finish the countdown without being shot again, they're good as new.

It takes less than 15 seconds to get off 3 shots with a speed loader. It takes even less to get off 3 shots with a turret or rscb.
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#10 Zack the Mack

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 11:08 AM

I see a problem where people may count at different rates and/or not be honest. This would be extremely vulnerable to cheating.

What else bothers me is that it may be very hard to count fairly in mid-combat.

The same could be said about the countdown in regular 3-15. It could be difficult to count during combat, but that could be a handicap for the player who got hit, perhaps? This is an untested game type, so this rule will get refined as games are played.

The hardest thing about the LARP Rules is the enforcement of micros versus mega darts. While running around getting hit, no one will stop to look and see the diameter of the dart lying on the ground.

As mentioned before, there will be issues with the definition of "long range" guns.

Won't that encourage barrel tapping AND shooting from point blank range? Or smacking someone twice? This is the only one that seems like a bad idea.

1. The attacker usually calls hits on the defender, so I doubt that would be a major problem in combat. If someone calls a ball hit and their blaster is chambered for Micros, you know that they're bullshitting. Gotta trust each other!

2. If the gun restrictions are used, either a standardized list or the war organizer would make the restrictions beforehand. I'm not a fan of this particular rule.

3. In 'modified barrel taps', the player must still remove themselves from combat and can't shoot or be shot for 15 seconds. They just don't lose a life. It's like stunning a zombie in HvZ. I'll edit the rule to make it more clear.

I don't understand proposed the barrel-tapping rule. Is it so you can barrel tap someone and run away (i.e. you need to reload, and your enemy's gun is primed), or is it to sneak up on someone and barrel tap 'em, while your buddy shoots him (That would go with the 2-3-15 rule)? But it sounds pretty good on most accounts.

The original version of the rules in the reverse plunger thread didn't cover barrel taps. Perhaps make barrel taps cause instant kills?

It takes less than 15 seconds to get off 3 shots with a speed loader. It takes even less to get off 3 shots with a turret or rscb.

Then you'll kick ass in this game type! Even if you can shoot rapidly, I'd imagine it would be difficult to take someone out at long range in 2-3-15.
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#11 Zack the Mack

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 11:13 AM

Yeah, it's a double post, but it's worth it.

BTW, if the "LARP" rules was supposed to be based on my whole scheme, could you make it sound slightly less retarded?

The proper rules are that all players have 2 HP (doctors or VIPs may have more).

Role playing is retarded. If your role is a doctor or a VIP, you have more health. Hmm...
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#12 DX-Robert


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Posted 29 January 2010 - 12:07 PM

If Tim's ok with it, we can try out some of these things tomorrow. Since BCNO rounds are so fast, it's a good testing ground.
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#13 sllewgh



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 08:11 PM

For the vast majority of games I run, there are no eliminations. If you get hit 3 times, you go to a designated safe zone thats out of the way, count, then come back in. I trust most people not to count too fast or cheat, but the fact that the safe zone is far away from combat forces people to take time out before returning, regardless of counting speed. There can be team-specific zones, too. For example, if playing CTF, the area around your flag is the safe zone. That way, it's much harder to attack than defend, and it takes a big coordinated push to eliminate the defenders.
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#14 faddle



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 08:41 PM

I played a game called VIP here it is

Teams: Two, the VIP and bodyguards, and the assassins.
Objectives: The VIP's team generally has to keep the VIP alive for a certain amount of time, or to move them to a "safe" location. The assassins have to kill the VIP.
Overview: The VIP's team is generally stacked with the more firepower, but is almost always outnumbered. The VIP is generally very lightly armed, or not armed at all. As an interesting reversal of the game, the Bodyguards may be required to "rescue" the VIP before taking them to safety.
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#15 cheesypiza001



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Posted 31 January 2010 - 09:31 PM

We played this at BCNO yesterday and it was great! I highly suggest that others try it.
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#16 Zack the Mack

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 11:13 PM

I played a game called VIP here it is

Teams: Two, the VIP and bodyguards, and the assassins.
Objectives: The VIP's team generally has to keep the VIP alive for a certain amount of time, or to move them to a "safe" location. The assassins have to kill the VIP.
Overview: The VIP's team is generally stacked with the more firepower, but is almost always outnumbered. The VIP is generally very lightly armed, or not armed at all. As an interesting reversal of the game, the Bodyguards may be required to "rescue" the VIP before taking them to safety.

Yeah... I mentioned above that I wanted to keep this thread for elimination rules, not game types.

You also ripped that off from Wikipedia. I wrote it.

BTW, we played "Shields", aka 2-3-15 at BCNO. It was a hell of a lot of fun and really did make standoffs impossible. Many kills came from melee weapons and even an Atom Blaster.

Edited by Zack the Mack, 31 January 2010 - 11:14 PM.

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#17 z80



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Posted 01 February 2010 - 01:23 AM

I played a game called VIP here it is

Teams: Two, the VIP and bodyguards, and the assassins.
Objectives: The VIP's team generally has to keep the VIP alive for a certain amount of time, or to move them to a "safe" location. The assassins have to kill the VIP.
Overview: The VIP's team is generally stacked with the more firepower, but is almost always outnumbered. The VIP is generally very lightly armed, or not armed at all. As an interesting reversal of the game, the Bodyguards may be required to "rescue" the VIP before taking them to safety.

Yeah... I mentioned above that I wanted to keep this thread for elimination rules, not game types.

You also ripped that off from Wikipedia. I wrote it.

BTW, we played "Shields", aka 2-3-15 at BCNO. It was a hell of a lot of fun and really did make standoffs impossible. Many kills came from melee weapons and even an Atom Blaster.

Hes telling the truth. The gametype works surprisingly well, and does reduce the effectiveness of long range guns, while not entirely nerfing them.
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#18 bourbon



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Posted 01 February 2010 - 03:19 AM

Fucking A. I knew that two hit gameplay would work just fine. If people could keep track of the whole "getting killed in one hit by bigger ammo" thing, I'm sure that would be just as interesting.

By the way, an idea I see getting thrown around here is my suggesting "forcing" larger guns to use megas. This isn't true. Any gun can fire any ammo type. If your gun is powerful enough that it can take the range hit and still be effective, by all means fire the megas. You can still use micros, they just take two hits to kill.
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#19 BobRedshirt



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Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:28 AM

Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they must count in but do not lose a life.

I think there was some discussion about this one earlier in the thread, but I didn't see this specifically addressed: what's the idea behind this one? Isn't barrel tapping basically an anti-douche rule so that you don't shoot someone at point blank with a ridiculously powerful gun? Why penalize someone for doing it? Plus, it's harder to do a barrel tap, since you still have to have your gun loaded anyway.
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#20 z80



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Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:46 AM

Modified Barrel Taps
When a player is barrel-tapped, they must count in but do not lose a life.

I think there was some discussion about this one earlier in the thread, but I didn't see this specifically addressed: what's the idea behind this one? Isn't barrel tapping basically an anti-douche rule so that you don't shoot someone at point blank with a ridiculously powerful gun? Why penalize someone for doing it? Plus, it's harder to do a barrel tap, since you still have to have your gun loaded anyway.

Its a balance issue. If you get an instant kill with it, barrel taps become better than a normal shot. If it just takes out sheilds, then you still have to shoot someone to kill them, defeating the point of a barrel tap.
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#21 Ambience 327

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 09:36 AM

If you really wanted to get creative with this barrel-tapping rule, you could take a page from numerous FPS's (which is where the whole "shield" thing comes from in the first place) and say that a barrel-tap to the person's back is an insta-kill, but a barrel-tap anywhere else is the simple stun as listed above. If you manage to sneak up on someone and tap them on the back, they are out. If they hear you coming, they are obviously going to turn and avoid that hit.
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#22 SorrowX



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Posted 02 February 2010 - 10:35 AM

Wow, I'm really liking the 2-3-15, shields and modified barrel taps. I'm going to try these out next war that I host. There is also

Deathmatch Style
Players have an infinite amount of lives, a set respawn point, and a time limit. Players must count their hits, so they can be tallied at the end of each round. The team with the most hits wins.
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#23 Zack the Mack

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 12:05 PM

I think there was some discussion about this one earlier in the thread, but I didn't see this specifically addressed: what's the idea behind this one? Isn't barrel tapping basically an anti-douche rule so that you don't shoot someone at point blank with a ridiculously powerful gun? Why penalize someone for doing it? Plus, it's harder to do a barrel tap, since you still have to have your gun loaded anyway.

Eliminating barrel taps in most outdoor games is generally regarded as A Bad Decision, since yes, short-range 4B shots hurt. One caveat is that unlike shooting someone close-range, a barrel tap can't miss or misfire. This means that short-ranged blasters aren't as useful, since the opponent's long-ranged blaster is more reliable. This rule allows long-ranged players to escape from a situation without having to hurt someone, but provides an incentive to use short-ranged blasters.

Deathmatch Style
Players have an infinite amount of lives, a set respawn point, and a time limit. Players must count their hits, so they can be tallied at the end of each round. The team with the most hits wins.

This is also known as 00-15. I'll add it to the list! A major downside of this rule is that players can forget or fudge their scores.
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