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Insane Basement Action!

Me and my friends duking it out!!!

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 01:49 PM

Before our war started, we decided to mod my old secret shot 2. I decided that , well, if i was to have a war with a gun, i would like to haev one that ranks with the losers. Then i went to meijer. There was some hot girls there and i showed them this nightfinder gun i had haha. Boy , they didn't have any idea how much i was going to mod that gun! It shots so hard now!

So me and 2 other friends went into my basement. I turned off a couple lights to make things interesting. One started in one corner, another in a room, and me in another room. My little sister was the ref and she blew the whistle to start the game. It was double elimination, take no prisoners. My friend ben was scared about this whole idea because he doesn't like to get hit more than once, but after awhile he finally got persuaded to do it.

So the game starts and my dog starts barking! Darn him! So we have to go back to our places and we let him outside to let him do his business. He chased a car to it was really funny and the car honked at him. haha!

So back in the basement we had proceeded to start the game. I held in my friend kirk into the room with my laser scope so he didn't come out it was hilarious. My little sister was doing a great job reffing because i almost hit him once. I thoguht i hit him but i really didn't, and he said he didn't but i said that i did hit him but my sister said that i did hit him and the fact that i thoguht that i did hit him was totally wrong so the ruling was that he was not hit! Boy was that intense!

I wasn't paying attention and i thought my little was ben, so i shot at her, and out of nowhere ben stepped infront of the arrow so that she wouldn't get hit! what a nice guy! So my sister wasn't hit and ben was down one life. The next 10 minutes we sat there laughing because no one wanted to move because everyone was ready for them to move. Then kirk said "this is stupid" so i shot him when he walked out! Then i shot him again! haha!

I think all 3 of us are definitly going to be nerf fanatics for a long time, i wish i would've picked this up as a kid. We're gonna have tons of wars, maybe even recruit some new players!!!!
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#2 stevo123



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 02:42 PM

Wow...I just don't know where to begin...
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Stevo123 of DCNerf. Web site coming soon.

#3 Spectre2689



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 03:39 PM

Jesus...what the fuck? I mean...what the fuck was that?

There was some hot girls there and i showed them this nightfinder gun i had haha.

First tip. Never, ever, ever show hot girls that you nerf. You may think it's cool, but if you show a plastic dart gun to a girl, she's going to think you're a stupid nerd, unless she REALLY understands it. Most girls don't.

So the game starts and my dog starts barking! Darn him! So we have to go back to our places and we let him outside to let him do his business. He chased a car to it was really funny and the car honked at him. haha!

Tell me what this has to do with a nerf war?

The next 10 minutes we sat there laughing because no one wanted to move because everyone was ready for them to move. Then kirk said "this is stupid" so i shot him when he walked out! Then i shot him again! haha!

I'm not even going to start...just...no.

Alright, when you make a first post, try not to make it as...um...I need a word...pointless? That'll do. Not as pointless as this one. Try looking around, read what's happening for a while, see what people are doing, and then post some useful information. Not this. Stuff like this will probably get Cx to ban you. In fact he's probably going to suspend me for a while for going super-flame on you. But you gotta learn the hard way I suppose... Oh, and next time, proofread your post.

Edited by Spectre2689, 22 March 2004 - 03:43 PM.

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#4 Black Wrath

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 04:23 PM

First tip. Never, ever, ever show hot girls that you nerf. You may think it's cool, but if you show a plastic dart gun to a girl, she's going to think you're a stupid nerd, unless she REALLY understands it. Most girls don't.

... Dude, Erika thinks my guns are sexy though! And well, as you witnessed... she's got a nice shot. Bottom line, hot girls sometimes find it cool. I wouldn't stereotype if I were you, there are probably a lot of people, boys and girls that pretend that shooting things with foam isn't fun, but really think it's interesting.

Oh and... I've never seen you so uptight about a newbie... that time of the month again already?
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#5 Oroku Saki

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 05:10 PM

Yeah, some girls like Nerf guns too. My girlfriend shoots me all the time with my brass modded Nite Finder and Sharpshooter II. We sometimes run around my house with a few of our friends and just shoot at each other. In my experience, Nerfing can be great for flirting. Most of the time, girls won't really want to hear about the specs and mods you did on the guns though. Some may be interested, but I wouldn't recommend talking too much about it unless they show interest in modding. Usually, their main interest is to randomly shoot people with them, which is fine by me.
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#6 cxwq



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 05:12 PM

What a funny guy you are, Chad. I wish everyone was like you.

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#7 Spectre2689



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 06:28 PM

Cam, I said most girls don't find it interesting. I wasn't stereotyping. It's the truth. Erika's cool with it, that's good. Hell if she got in to Nerfing she'd probably own me. But in all fairness, a lot of girl's don't exactly "dig" Nerf. And the only reason I'm uptight about this newbie is because...wow...that was the most pathetic first post I've ever seen, in my opinion. It just blew me away...

And I can't believe Cx didn't suspend me. Probably because he came from some other site.
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#8 Black Wrath

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 06:35 PM

Cam, I said most girls don't find it interesting. I wasn't stereotyping. It's the truth. Erika's cool with it, that's good. Hell if she got in to Nerfing she'd probably own me. But in all fairness, a lot of girl's don't exactly "dig" Nerf. And the only reason I'm uptight about this newbie is because...wow...that was the most pathetic first post I've ever seen, in my opinion. It just blew me away...

And I can't believe Cx didn't suspend me. Probably because he came from some other site.

Oh man, I was just toying with you. You handled it quite assertivly, so congrats on that. Yes, I know exactly what you were saying. I think that she could kill me pretty fast, she'd dodge everything and then run up behind me and make me tap before I noticed she wasn't infront of me anymore. I understand most girls won't exactly admit they like a game/sport/hobbie such as nerf... but a few girls I know have expressed interest in Paintball.

Ha ha... yeah, that newbie's post was crappy. He wanted attention... and he was trying to prove himself over the internet by saying "yeah, I nerf with really hot girls that I would never be able to get with". Heh, people these days... mix ego with internet... and you get something "the creator" never meant to happen.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#9 cxwq



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 06:41 PM

No, actually he was trying to mock us.

Not very good at it however.

His site looks like a cross between a wannabe Fark and a not funny version of Jackass.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#10 Spectre2689



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 06:50 PM

Really? Wow...no kidding huh... I thought it was some newbie moron. Ah well, guess it serves him right. Maybe if I'm pissed I'll come flip out on him again.

About his site...I thought it looked more like a cross of cat vomit and something expelled out of Rosie O'Donnell's ass after a night of Taco Bell.
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#11 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 07:58 PM

Someone spent valuable time to mock us, eh?

No offense against people here on our boards, but us Azns wouldn't do so :-P
Most of the time.

God, I hate these types of people. Nothing better to do with their lives.

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#12 Jangadance



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 08:00 PM

ILUVNERF4LIFE is supposed to be Chad from fansn.com? I've been there before, linked from www.alldumb.com or something. That site's 1 redeeming quality is the Snow Sledding video. But what else can you expect from a bunch of Wisconsinites with too much time on their hands?

Edited by Jangadance, 22 March 2004 - 08:00 PM.

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#13 cxwq



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 08:07 PM

Well, he registered using Chad's email address. I've never heard of the site before but I tracked it down out of curiosity when he signed up. Mainly due to the obvious troll name.

I'm a little disappointed that web admins could be reduced to trolling on other people's forums when they're bored but I guess the Wisconsin thing applies there too.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#14 Oroku Saki

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 10:59 PM

What's wrong with Wisonsinites? I admit, alot of the people that live here can be complete dipshits, but not all of us are that bad.
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#15 Blaster



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 11:20 PM

What's wrong with Wisonsinites?

Jeffrey Dahmer, and the guy the movie Psycho was based on are a few examples (just kidding ^_^ )
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Posted 22 March 2004 - 11:28 PM

hahaha chad from fansn?? i wish lol that's my favorite site to watch movies on. you guys don't require authentication through email, so whats the point of using my real address?? ha rather someone else get spammed than me.

about the girls. Oh yeah? i called some up and told them i was playing and they thought it was cool. They said they will come next time and even take pictures to prove you guys wrong! Haha today i shot my friend in the stomach with his shirt lifted up and it left a welt. It's the funniest thing i've seen in my life!
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#17 Oroku Saki

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 11:43 PM

Like I said, there are a lot of stupid people in Wisconsin, but there are freaks and stupid people everywhere else too, so I don't see much of a difference between Wisconsin and any other state. Oh well....

ILUVNERF4LIFE: It's great that you're having fun with Nerfing, but I don't think that the rest of us really care about whether or not you got girls to play. You don't seem to be accomplishing anything by bragging here on the forums.
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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#18 cxwq



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Posted 23 March 2004 - 12:33 AM

hahaha chad from fansn?? i wish lol that's my favorite site to watch movies on. you guys don't require authentication through email, so whats the point of using my real address?? ha rather someone else get spammed than me.

This is extremely pathetic. Did it really bother you that much to be connected to trolling other forums? I guess it did.

So this Chad guy runs your favorite site but you wanted him to get spammed rather than you? That's a brilliant argument, friend. Why not use a bunch of random letters or billg@microsoft.com or go_to_hell@aol.com like everyone else? The thing is, people who do that have to register again a few days later because they realize that we do require email auth.

Shortly after I approved your registration, you received an email that read, in part:

Thank you for registering.
We require that you "validate" your registration to ensure that the email address you entered was correct. This protects against unwanted spam and malicious abuse.

To activate your account, simply click on the following link:

[...the link...]

(AOL Email users may need to cut and paste the link into your web browser).

If you had not received that email, sent to chad@fansn.com, you would not be posting here.


Edit: Since we've had two or three trolls with extremely similar names to the one you just used, I'm going to take the unusual step of IP banning your Comcast ass after you've had a chance to read this. If you're feeling really stupid, go ahead and register again from school.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#19 Accord



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Posted 23 March 2004 - 01:20 AM

showing a girl a nerf gun only augments your nerdiness. However, if you arent a nerd, there is nothing to augment.

#20 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 08:09 AM

Alright, when you make a first post, try not to make it as...um...I need a word...pointless? That'll do. Not as pointless as this one.

You think that was pointless? Remember this one from crazdmonkey050?

What is nerf?

Who in their right mind would nerf?

What is Nerf?

Does Nerf cost money?

Who is George W. Bush?

Does he nerf?

Who is cxwq?

Why do I love chocolate?

The questions of life.....yep the questions of life
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#21 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 23 March 2004 - 06:34 PM

Posted Image

Heh... Thought I would like to share :)

I'm a lazy bastard... Didn't want to imitate the font. Oh well.


Edited by MysticFalcon182, 23 March 2004 - 06:35 PM.

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#22 Nazgul Lord

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 06:38 PM

Wth, aircrafts, trolls, jokes man! :)
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#23 DoubleLnL



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 11:44 PM

Man, this guy sounds like he's on ritalin or somethin'.

Edited by DoubleLnL, 28 March 2004 - 01:51 PM.

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#24 Oroku Saki

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 11:47 PM

He got deleted for his stupidity anyway. Serves him right.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 26 March 2004 - 11:48 PM.

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"Do you like gladiator movies, Johnny?"

#25 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 27 March 2004 - 12:51 AM

Man, this guy sounds like he's on ridilin or somethin'.

It's spelled r-i-t-a-l-i-n.

And he doesn't seem of the like. I, myself, being diagnosed with A.D.H.D. take Concerta, a medicine that doesn't kill me as fast as Ritalin, is longer lasting, and is... better. Do I fuggin' sound like that guy?

Thank you.

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