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Building a fast, accurate plinker

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#1 judkinsa



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 04:28 PM

Howdy all! So, now that it's becoming winter, and airsoft is beginning to slow down in my life, I am looking to build a nerf gun to fool around with during the winter until spring rolls around. I would mostly be using this for target shooting, so I would like to build some kind of a bolt-action rifle. But, I have NO experience with modifying nerf guns so that's why I need your help. I just want this thing to shoot as fast and as accurate as possible. Money is no object. I need the following recommendations:

Base Gun

Links would be appreciated!

#2 Fredo



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 04:34 PM


Your welcome.

Edited by Fredo, 01 November 2009 - 04:35 PM.

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22:24 Mr_BadWrench wait, you have a name that makes it possible for talio to seduce a woman?

22:25 Mr_BadWrench whats your name? john holmes?

#3 judkinsa



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 04:50 PM


Your welcome.

Uhm, how does that help me at all? I'm not looking to see what others have done in the past, I'm looking to see what others would recommend to me. Let's think about it, shall we?

Gun A shoots accurately, but shoots rather slowly. Person X decides to use this gun to upgrade, and posts a thread about it.
Gun B shoots quickly, but not accurately. Person Y decides to use this gun to upgrade, and posts a thread about it.

I don't give two squirts of piss about what Person X or Y does, I care about what gun will both shoot accurately and quickly and will meet my needs.

Thank you for your helpful contribution. And by the way, I know how to use a damn Search Bar...




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Posted 01 November 2009 - 04:57 PM

We aren't going to spoon feed you at this site. I'm not sure how things work with you and your airsoft friends, but that's now how it works here. You aren't going to be able to have that amazing nerf gun with no nodding experience. Go through the mods section lookfor guns you can get and mod. We also have a modification thread. Look through it.
We aren't going to tell you what gun to mod.
Other then that. Welcome to the Haven!
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I remember when some girl in my English 101 class in college tried to cite The Onion as a source for her paper. The teacher lol'd.
The only time I got hit was when my spotter got hit and the enemy team realized there was a marksman in the bushes

#5 k9turrent



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 04:59 PM

While not completely spoon-feeding the newbie...

Try an Airtech 3000 (aka at3k)

-Turret allows for high Rate of fire (aka ROF)
-Airtank is large enough to allow for higher ranges

There was a recent thread called "3k overhaul" that coved most if not all flaws of the gun

Welcome to the haven


Your welcome.

Fredo's a dick
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That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#6 Banshee



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 05:01 PM

Try skimming through the Nerf Gun Modifications Directory and just look for something that fits your needs. We all want a fast and accurate gun, but whats in that thread is what we have, and not a single person on here is going to spoon feed you your information, if its not in that directory or in the search bar, then YOU have to come up with it because no one else has. Good luck.
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#7 Seven7h Man

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Posted 01 November 2009 - 05:11 PM

Try a singled longshot.
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#8 jerm78



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 05:27 PM

Ertl rapid fire shotgun
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#9 Fredo



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 06:46 PM


Your welcome.

Fredo's a dick

Yes I am aware that was a very dickish move, but I thought that this was another one of those four year-old kids wanting the best Nerf gun ever, as we see that all too often for them to only get their ass banned.

To make up for the douchebagish move I guess I'll help ya out a little bit. As K-9 mentioned there was recently a write up on how to overhaul a Airtech 3000. It applys most of what you'll want into a Nerf gun, rate of fire and accuracy. Search for that write up. Then you'll know what to buy. As for ammunition, search for dartsmithing tips. There is a pinned thread for that, which I believe will help you out a bit. Hope I helped.

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22:24 Mr_BadWrench wait, you have a name that makes it possible for talio to seduce a woman?

22:25 Mr_BadWrench whats your name? john holmes?

#10 Blacksunshine



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 07:53 PM


Your welcome.

Uhm, how does that help me at all? I'm not looking to see what others have done in the past, I'm looking to see what others would recommend to me. Let's think about it, shall we?

Gun A shoots accurately, but shoots rather slowly. Person X decides to use this gun to upgrade, and posts a thread about it.
Gun B shoots quickly, but not accurately. Person Y decides to use this gun to upgrade, and posts a thread about it.

I don't give two squirts of piss about what Person X or Y does, I care about what gun will both shoot accurately and quickly and will meet my needs.

Thank you for your helpful contribution. And by the way, I know how to use a damn Search Bar...

Maybe your dumb ass should consider looking thru what others have done in the past to see what would work best for you rather then coming in here all arrogant like and expecting others to do the foot work for you. We don't know your modding skill. There's no single "Best" gun. There's what you can do with a given gun to make it better. This isn't like lazy Airsoft where you can just throw money at it and get the best blaster.

Also you should give two squirts about the rules of this forum. It amazes me that potentially good members have to wait 3-6 months to get validated and lazy jackasses like yourself seem to get in without any issue.

Nice thing is you probably won't last past this thread. If you know how to use the search function maybe you should do that before posting another thread.
If you had any sense and browsed this forum before getting validated you should already have expected to get flamed for this thread.

Edited by Blacksunshine, 01 November 2009 - 07:53 PM.

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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#11 The Nerf Devil

The Nerf Devil


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Posted 01 November 2009 - 10:29 PM

...Base Gun

To me this says that he wants to know what gun to buy and what upgrades to buy and drop in and what ready made ammunition to buy. To me that means he thinks you can buy upgrades and decent darts, which tells me he doesn't know anything about nerf. It seems he doesn't want to do any work he just wants to drop in a new whatever load it up and it will be accurate to 100 feet and be fully automatic at 70RPM. Nerf doesn't work like that buddy. You have to mod your own guns yourself, there are no ready made parts for them. The darts you can buy suck, you need to make your own darts or buy from a NIC member. So if you don't want to get your hands dirty go get an angel contract and figure out what gun you want through research. Or look at what has been done look at pictures of the internals and go mod something yourself. It is that simple.
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It's funny looking through things you said years ago, you realize how much of an ass you came off as sometimes.

#12 fallinouttadabox



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Posted 01 November 2009 - 11:03 PM

Since money is no option, I would suggest you get the SuperTech 9000 Rifle/Pistol combo. Not only will it make you an automatic guru, your penis will grow a foot aswell.
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fallinouttadabox (intentionally lowercase): sometimes you want to be somewhere between thinking in the box and thinking out of the box. Trust me, I would know.

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