?magstrike-longshot Integration?
Posted 19 September 2009 - 07:09 PM
I just finished my first modification, which I will post ASAP.
After finishing my mod, I was thinking of a good mod that would be useful and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I knew I wanted to do something with my Longshot shell, the remnants of once a great weapon. So I looked at my LS and wondered what I could possibly do with it... Then I looked at my Magstrike, and then at the Longshot. And that sparked a great idea.
Placing Magstrike or RF20 internals inside the LS shell so as to make the Longshot an automatic / semi-automatic assault rifle.
As well as modifying the LS/Recon clip to fire fully automatic rounds.
But I'm unsure if it would work.
So I turn to all the members of NerfHaven for your word on whether this would be a success or not.
So, would this work?
Posted 19 September 2009 - 07:14 PM
It will not work. It will never work. If it does you're on an acid trip.
Edited by Echnalaid, 19 September 2009 - 07:20 PM.
Posted 19 September 2009 - 07:40 PM
I've looked at magstrike integrations from every angle after I trashed my shell, and given up on all of them. They're not worth it. Nothing fits the inflated bladder, anyway.
(I forgot to take a picture of my own poppers)
Every size rod you could ever want.
Posted 19 September 2009 - 08:55 PM
Totally feasible and will definitely work. Post pictures of your cuts on your LS when you're done so I can see if you did it right. Make sure they go through the area where the handle and plunger tube were so you have room for your magstrike, and who cares, you don't need the LS internals in there again anyway.
Edited by TantumBull, 19 September 2009 - 08:57 PM.
Posted 20 September 2009 - 06:19 AM
What are you guys talking about, its totally possible. First remove all the LS internals except for the bolt sled and barrel. Throw them away, they're pretty useless anyways. Then, use a dremel to cut out a BIG slot at the back half of the LS and epoxy the magstrike to it. Then connect the advancing arm to the bolt sled and use 1/100" ID vinyl tubing to go from the MS air outlet to the back of the LS bolt.
Totally feasible and will definitely work. Post pictures of your cuts on your LS when you're done so I can see if you did it right. Make sure they go through the area where the handle and plunger tube were so you have room for your magstrike, and who cares, you don't need the LS internals in there again anyway.
So your saying the movement of the magstrike internals could open and close the breech?
Or did I read that wrong?
Posted 20 September 2009 - 06:25 AM
5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.
Posted 20 September 2009 - 11:25 AM
Posted 20 September 2009 - 08:42 PM
Edited by TantumBull, 20 September 2009 - 08:56 PM.
Posted 20 September 2009 - 08:48 PM
"Just adding some lube and twisting it back and forth for a while should make it easier"
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Posted 20 September 2009 - 09:06 PM
Yeah, carlough, my idea will work. I just finished my magstrike LS which is currently hitting 130 (140 with a good dart) with a modified piston. Its cycling about 10 darts per second, so it eats up a clip in about half a second. Double raider clip, anyone? I'll post pics later when I have time.
Despite your incompetence with the English language, what you suggest is actually possible. Albeit not in the way anyone in this thread has said so far.
Either way though, this thread is stupid, and so is everyone in it (especially me).
Edited by Zorn's Lemma, 20 September 2009 - 09:09 PM.
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 20 September 2009 - 09:14 PM
Posted 20 September 2009 - 10:30 PM
Of course it's possible, I already did it.
You did?! make a write-up man i wanna see it!
Posted 20 September 2009 - 10:33 PM
Or instead of making a longshot semi automatic and automatic... Why don't you just buy a magstrike? Ever stop to think of that?
Earth to Dumbass. I clearly said i HAVE a magstrike up in my first post. Or can you not read?
Posted 20 September 2009 - 10:58 PM
Or instead of making a longshot semi automatic and automatic... Why don't you just buy a magstrike? Ever stop to think of that?
Earth to Dumbass. I clearly said i HAVE a magstrike up in my first post. Or can you not read?
*nudge* double posting usually draws the ire of the admins. Just a friendly heads-up.
Also Tantum, can you take some pictures of how you extended the stroke of the Magstrike action?
Why so serious?
Posted 21 September 2009 - 10:51 AM
The problem with the idea is that the Longshot's repeater mechanism is nothing like the Magstrike's. When you pull the Longshot's bolt back and push it forward, it pushes one of the darts from the clip into an internal barrel. They don't fire directly from the clip like the Magstrike.
You could probably integrate the Magstrike's internals into the Longshot so the air power fires a dart, but you'd still need to manually use the bolt to chamber a dart, which defeats the purpose.
If you had some serious modding chops, you might be able to integrate the Magstrike internals into the Longshot shell, so it's just a Magstrike in a Longshot's body. That would probably be a hell of a lot more trouble than it's worth, especially because the Magstrike fires from two positions and the Longshot only has one barrel extension.
It's possible to use a motor or something to actuate the bolt and get your full-auto. It's already been done, and it's called the Vulcan.
Posted 21 September 2009 - 12:59 PM
EDIT: Also you would need some sort of motor.
Edited by NerfPancakes, 21 September 2009 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 21 September 2009 - 04:06 PM
Posted 21 September 2009 - 04:35 PM
well you never now but good luck to all of you that are attempting this integration mod so anyway i would try that mod if i had a longshot and if i new someone that has got it to work so anyway best of luck to all of you that are doin it
So we stick the shpoopa in the loomapoo and then jam it up your ass till you speak english?
Sorry. I'm sorry. But seruisly the mods will probably be after you for that sentence(there are NO periods). Just a word of advice. Sorry again. NO ONE DARE SIG THAT.
But I am interested in how you did this Tantum. A write up would be very much appreciated. I want to see how you enlarged the pistons stroke.
FYI. Season 6 of House is on at 8 TODAY.
Edited by carlough, 21 September 2009 - 04:36 PM.
Posted 21 September 2009 - 06:10 PM
Anyone who's sig is a quote of themselves is an enormous douchebag.
Join the Revolution
Posted 21 September 2009 - 07:15 PM
Really, guys? I totally thought that 140 feet and 10 dps would throw some of you off, but apparently not. There's no way you could make a breech chamber foam without ripping the dart to shreds that fast (without shells at least).
It started as a mockery of the OP, and honestly I'm surprised more of you didn't catch on.
Now, onto the reasons why my "idea" is retarded.
A. as pointed out, you would need to make the arm stroke much longer to actuate an LS breech. Very, very hard to do, and at that point you might as well remake the piston and advancing arm.
B. that advancing arm would have to be flying to actuate a brass'd LS's breech
C. Everything would be a bitch and a half to make work together.
D. It would be big as fuck
So basically, some genius might be able to pull it off. But if they were a genius, they'd quickly see that the whole idea of an automatic longshot is retarded when there already is a magstrike that can hit nice ranges when modded correctly. Not to mention oodalumps RF20. Suggestion to the OP: replicate that mod.
Edited by TantumBull, 21 September 2009 - 07:17 PM.
Posted 21 September 2009 - 08:54 PM
Edited by Bedhed117, 21 September 2009 - 08:55 PM.
Anyone who's sig is a quote of themselves is an enormous douchebag.
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