+Screaming Leeroy Jenkins and fail-rushing the opposing team.
+Effeminate Truck
+Getting a disk launcher kill
+My Crossbow's Equilox seeking darts.
+My Crossbow working and hitting crazy long ranges with pinpoint accuracy.
+Getting a DTB and using it in Zombies
+Getting some awesome kills during Zombies
+None of my guns breaking
+Getting quite a few kills in a row with my 1500.
+Meeting lots of new people and putting names to faces
+My SM3k working and proving to be a force at close quarters.
-HOT! It was in the mid to high 90's if not hotter. I drank a few gallons of water, entire water bottles and sometimes even more were downed between rounds. Sweat + salt = unpleasant, especially when it gets in your eyes. Equilox started having heat cramps despite having downed lots of water.
-Flying about 5 feet in zombies after being tackled after shooting someone... after someone had tagged me in the back.
-Getting multiple headshots during a round.
-My little brother's 2k breaking.
-Giving Equilox multiple welts with my Crossbow
-Ace of Nerf wossing out on us a couple hours early.
Edited by Homestarune, 08 August 2009 - 08:42 PM.