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Sofa Recap Thread

Hot and sweaty, just the way I like 'em...

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#1 Shadowblade



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 04:19 PM

It's funny to think that I'm writing this as the war is still in progress, but because I had to leave early and now I have access to my computer, I'll go ahead and get this thread going. :lol:

Overall, in the four hours I was there, I think this may have been one of the best southern wars yet. We got PLENTY of nerfing in before I had to leave. It's unfortunate that I couldn't make it back out due to some other obligations, but what's done is done. I can't wait to see the pictures and videos for this war. VIVA LA SOFA!

+ Nerfing for the first time in ages.
+ Nerfing with some really cool people.
+ Seeing some old faces as well as meeting new people.
+ Groove being able to make it down here to play with us.
+ Witnessing the power of two Gurus on the field at the same time.
+ Being able to see in person some of the guns posted here on NH.
+ My RSCB'd SNAPbow performing extremely well.
+ My RSCB clip saving my butt multiple times and earning me a 4-kill streak during the first TDM.
+ Testing the new field. I think I like this one better than Garrett.
+ Earning the new nickname "Tamanator".
+ Nerfing

- Good old Georgia weather...
- Inconsistent stefans. That's what you get when you procrastinate.
- Not being able to stay longer.
- Not being able to get back to the war.

How to improve future wars:
- FIND MORE NERFERS! Haha, there's gotta be more nerfers down here in the SE. Invite your friends! Show 'em what nerf really is.

I want to thank you everyone who came out for SOFA and survived the brutal heat and humidity for the sake of nerf. I hope to see many of you again at other events. If you haven't heard already, this war may have been my last war for a while because I need to focus on college and whatnot. I will jump right back in if the forces that be permit me. It was a pleasure nerfing with a group of great people. Hit me up if you see me stalking the site haha. I'll be around ;) .

Edited by Shadowblade, 03 August 2009 - 04:20 PM.

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Proverbs says, "The wise man doth not shoot the Viking in the ding ding for he shall pummel thee."

But you can totally shoot Vacc there, he loves it!


#2 happybiscuit



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 05:48 PM

I live around Gainesville, GA ,but couldn't make it because my mom had to work and my dad had people coming over to install our gutters. I'll definitely try to make it over next time.
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#3 xtremejumpy



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 06:47 PM

Hey, guys, i know you are tired, but this will be my last war of the Summer


I'm sorry I couldn't make SOFA. Kinda pissed I couldn't. Let me know if you can make it. Let you work out those kinks and try em' out before the next war.

And if you think you'll die if you don't make this one, I have one every month.
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#4 Myster E

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 07:24 PM

WOW, that was probably the best war I've ever been to.

+ Using only the Beastfinder for most of the entire war.
+ A great new site.
+ Seeing Groove, Rork, Zax, A Side and Veggie again.
+ Meeting both Rogue and Flying Chicken.
+ 15 kills with the Beastfinder.
+ Finally, a good batch of Stefans.
+ "Crazy Nitefinder Guy" ---> May have been said to alert your team, but I'll hold on to that one, Zax...

- LBB trigger snapping 5 minutes before I left...
- Bringing the sword with nowhere to use it...
- Heat
- Leaving for 3 hours.

Overall, a damn good war. Unfortunately, my position seems to be much the same as Shadow's and I will be taking a furlough from Nerf for a while to fill most of my attention with school and other such things. Not done forever, though.


Myster E [Los]
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"breastfeeding from cxwq's nippies".
- rawray7

Thanks for that wonderful mental image. I'm going to kill you now.

- Spoon Nerf God -

#5 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:15 PM

Oh my lawd that was a great war!

Wow, that was one of the best merfing experiences in my career, I totally dig the new location!

+ Getting to nerf again with many of the LoS guys that I don't get to see much
+ Nerfing
+ Good Sportsmanship from all
+ Rogue
+ Doing formidable in clan wars until team diddle, well...diddled us.
+ Getting together most of the active SE nerfers at one location, (I've nerfed with most of you at diffrent wars but today we were all on one field)

I'd also like to say thanks to those of you who traveled great distances. Rogue, mad props, your journey sounds fun, life threatening, awe inspiring, religious, and foamy.

Nerf on.
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Southeast Nerf Contingent

#6 Zaxbys


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:26 PM

Hands down today was the best southern war we have ever had. In my opinion the location was better and despite the heat I had alot of fun. Thanks for everyone who came.


+Badass arrival to SOFA with loud music
+Adding onto an already Effeminate nerf weekend
+Hanging out with friends and meeting new nerfers
+Running the serpentine pattern again
+Many many good rounds
+Working well with Groove on the field
+Starcraft quotes
+The diddle dished out
+Clan round
+Ben is a crazy son of a bitch
+Rogue is a crazy son of a bitch
+MysterE is a crazy son of a bitch
+Using a high squeaky voice when referring to anyone other than myself
+Good sportsmanship especially by Tamanator and the league of shadows as well as the FL guys
+Dinner at Chili's after with Rork and Groove
+Playing well considering I arrived tired
+Having the two Gurus spoon as we went to lunch
+Perfecting the official Guru butt tap as a sign of awesomeness
+Defending and regaining Guru hill "The easy way...or that other way"
+Facing off against a setup identical to my own
+BAMF spins and a few dives
+Everyone playing aggressively and not camping

If anyone got any kind of photos or footage from today PLEASE PM me about it as I need it for a video.

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"Bitces be crazy"

"Hey girl... you like water sports?"

~Groove 6/26/09

#7 Groove


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:30 PM

Wow, such an amazing war. By far the best ones I've attended in the past couple years.

Today's weather was brutal. I downed entire water bottles between rounds, and sweat out more liquids than humans should be capable of sweating in a single day. To put it into perspective for you, I had crusty layers of salt from where my sweat had dried and collected on my forehead. Team Guru dished out a fair share of punishment today, and my body has endured a fair share of punishment in the process. Driving from VA > NJ, then NJ > VA, then VA > GA, then GA > VA and Nerfing for 2 days throughout this 4 day quest really took a lot out of me.

Anywho, on with the highlights:
  • Arriving in style by blaring Queen's "We Will Rock You" from my car stereo.
  • Getting to meet some truly awesome Nerfers from here on the boards including NerfRogue and rork.
  • The infamous "zombie stumble kill" towards Rogue in the zombie round when he thought his gun was primed.
  • Good sportsmanship all around, especially from Shadow and his little brother. You guys were great.
  • Myster E's crazy-ass Nite Finder. That thing was pretty beastly.
  • Alliances between Rogue's team and my own team during the gunslinger matches were awesome.
  • Hitting almost everything I shot at today, and landing some lucky foot hits on people that tried to jump my darts. I got several running-at-an-angle shots on people today which was immensely rewarding.
  • Exchanging several good shots back and forth with ASoN all day long.
  • Seeing parents actually Nerf with us! I cannot stress how AWESOME it is for parents to jump in and play with their kids.
  • Zax and I running the serpentine pattern. And lo, was it awesome to behold.
  • Getting to autograph Rogue's arm with the (now working) Splitfire on the Mk. III.
  • Bullshitting with Rogue and rork between rounds. Sitting is fun, but talking to other forum-goers is more fun.
  • Getting a ton of kills during the clan round and the Gunslinger's with primaries round. Those were probably my two best rounds I've played.
  • Zax and I executing the perfect "velociraptor" decoy maneuver several different times today. Essentially, one of us would draw enemy fire or gain the attention of a group of people while the other moved into a flanking position. If you've ever seen Jurassic Park and seen the part where the Australian tracker gets mauled by velociraptors, then you know what I'm talking about.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go die. Somebody revive me when I need to drive 8 hours back to Virginia.

  • 0

"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#8 flyingchicken



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 08:48 PM

The war was...incredible.

General Highlights:
-Meeting everyone. Rogue, the Augusta crew, Groove, rork, you guys are great.
-Remeeting the Lollipop Guild
-Groove and Zaxby's teaming up to be the best two man team there. Also, Guru vs Guru was cool
-Shadow's snapbow was working pretty well; I usually stayed away from it.
-Whoever thought that longshots suck at wars have been proven wrong. Kudos Rogue
-Rate of fire is truly the most important thing. The guru's owned.
-Myster E using just a NF...crazy
-Great sportsmanship all around
-Wearing the Superchicken cape!
-Zombie Groove getting Rogue...hilarious. (brainz...)
-rork's rapecannon. It always seemed it was never loaded
-Speaking of never loaded, good job Veggy. (splitfire)
-Everyone using my pistols.
-Myster E's swords
-Firing Big Blast missles from a converted water gun

Personal Highlights:
-Not being the first out every round.
-My Crossfires have failed me. Time to combine them...
-I'm so glad I finished my NF a few days before. It's now my pistol of choice.
-Scorpian Bow. I believed I have proved that thing is a beast. Until it broke.
The little part of the plunger rod that I didn't reinforce snapped, and I broke another piece along with it.
-Until my Sbow broke, I was doing surprisingly well. The first 2-man team round was just ownage. I was quite literally getting hits left and right.
-Using my BBB temporarily, then using Rogue's for the last round. That thing is a beast.
-The heat. God...
-Playing Gunslinger for the first time. It's interesting, but I prefer regular 3/15.
-Loosing ~half my darts, but then getting a shitload of unclaimed ones. :D
-Rogue's Guru "autograph"

I'm sure I'll think of other things later...

My dad took around 30 pics of the war, so expect those in the next few days.

Edited by flyingchicken, 05 August 2009 - 02:56 PM.

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I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#9 rork



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 01:23 AM

-"Omigahd, I shot Groove!"
-Using my 4B/MM. Great frakking gun. I just need to learn to load it in mirror image to a regular 4B.
-Ben's berserk charges.
-Getting some nice hits.
-Owning the clan round without losing a single player.
-Eating afterwards with Zax, Groove, and my guys.
-Nipple guards are the next big thing in nerf accessories, guys.
-Completely pwning Zax in our gloriously immature game of vulgar oneupmanship. Sometimes you just gotta fellate something if you want to come out on top.
-Seeing a good friend getting his Nerf on for the first time, with style and applomb. His impression: "I'm a little worried by how much fun I had shooting children."
-2 Guru wins with a side of Guru ripoff fail.
-Cruising into my driveway blaring Effeminate Chunes.
-Seeing a LS that actually, like, works.
-Drinking more water than I would have otherwise imagined. Lord, was it hot.
-Seeing people I know, putting names to faces, all that jazz. Well done, people.
  • 0
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20296" target="_blank">SNAPbow Mk. V</a>
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20409" target="_blank">Make it pump-action</a>

#10 NerfRogue83



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 08:12 AM

What an awsome time fella's! We got back to my house at 3:15AM this morning...and promptly passed out! Now that I have regained some form of coherence, I would like to post my highlights from this crazy foam fest:
-The drive there..what an adventure! $130 budget for the whole trip, 36 cops, 468 miles, crazy rain.
-Autographs hurt! Thank you Groove---I am honored, really...(ouch)
-An Effeminate duel with me and Zaxby's---and Spyker got it on video!
-Meeting Groove, Zaxbys, Rork, Ben, Flying chicken, Veginator, A Side of Nerf, and Flying chickens Awsome dad
-Staring down 2 Guru's and actually moving TOWARDS them....even got a shot on each--before being owned!
-A side of Nerf putting on a fine display of nerfy awsomeness
-Myster E holding his own and then some---with a F-ing NIghtFinder!
-Me getting 3 kills in one round of gunslingers---with an Eliminator! HAHA!
-I actully got 2 kills in team FFA with the Magstrike hanging on my back!---WIN!
-ShadowBlade and his little brother were great.....I narrowly avoided their fury during pistol gunslingers
-Having one hell of a BAMF LS!---and actually eliminating people with it! (sorry Rork!...LOL!)
-Getting a pic of previously mentioned LS(RogueShot) with the 2 Guru's.
-My Effeminate "Matrix" dodges of Zaxbys main barrel---then getting up and being shot in the face by Rork!
-Getting to chill out and talk to Groove and Rork---very,very cool dudes.
-Alliences Rule!
-Learning that range beyond 60ft really dont mean much---ROF baby!
-Finding the FuryFires place in the outdoor nerf world---Zombies! (damn jam....nice dive Groove!)
-Fying chicken and his dad were great---his dad was a total beast during pistol rounds.
-I actually eliminated some people, and with an LS! HA...take that naysayers!
- My guest (Spyker78) picking up a Nerf gun for the first time--and getting some damn good kills early
-Eating afterwards!

-Getting shot in the face by Rorks guest, ouch!
-Stefans melting in the Georgia sun
-sleeping in Spykers car the night before the war---only to be woken up by a cop at 3AM
-The awsome foamfest being over
-pouring myself back into the car right after and driving 8 1/2 hours back home

We had an absoulutely awsome time, and it was great to meet you all! Spyker got some great pics and video that will be posted soon. Groove and Zax---thanks again---mad respect to you both. Now I will try to sleep more, and walk off my "Groove Autograph", see you boys at CFNF!-----Rogue.

Edited by NerfRogue83, 04 August 2009 - 09:05 AM.

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IRC chat: louiec3-- he offered $500 for someone to build a bomb he could send to his ex wife
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!

#11 Shadowblade



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 10:34 AM

Lessons Learned from SOFA:
- LSs, when modded correctly and work correctly, can hold their own very well.
- RSCB clips are underused. I am now a firm believer in their effectiveness and steady ROF.
- Maximum range really doesn't matter as Rogue stated above. I scored 99% of my kills from 70ft and below. ROF and accurate darts are more important than hitting 120ft.
-Nerf is an amazing sport.
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Proverbs says, "The wise man doth not shoot the Viking in the ding ding for he shall pummel thee."

But you can totally shoot Vacc there, he loves it!


#12 flyingchicken



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 10:51 AM

- Maximum range really doesn't matter as Rogue stated above. I scored 99% of my kills from 70ft and below. ROF and accurate darts are more important than hitting 120ft.

I have to agree. This is something I'll be working on till next war.
  • 0
I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#13 NerfRogue83



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:00 PM

Ok kiddies, show and tell time.....

Zax moving in for the kill...
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1 Guru is dangerous, 2 Guru's are really bad news....
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Rork under fire! A side of Nerf and Zax taking care of business!
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More action....
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Me running down Veginator....
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Hot Guru on Guru action....
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The SOFA 2009 crew....1 handsome bunch of dorks, huh?
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  • 0
IRC chat: louiec3-- he offered $500 for someone to build a bomb he could send to his ex wife
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!

#14 NerfRogue83



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:11 PM

More pics.....
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Me getting up from dodging Zaxbys main barrel, only to be finished by the fearsome splitfire.....
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Everyone decided to play "Kill the Rogue"----wonderfull!
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Edited by NerfRogue83, 04 August 2009 - 03:13 PM.

  • 0
IRC chat: louiec3-- he offered $500 for someone to build a bomb he could send to his ex wife
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!

#15 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:39 PM

Groove can levitate? Truly a Nerf God he is...

Posted Image

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Rork, come to Minnesota!!!

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 04 August 2009 - 03:40 PM.

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#16 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:45 PM

Holy crap, those are some great pictures Rogue! Do you mind if I use them in a SOFA video I'm constructing?
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#17 NerfRogue83



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:52 PM

Holy crap, those are some great pictures Rogue! Do you mind if I use them in a SOFA video I'm constructing?

Go for my friend---make it good! The pics are courtesy of my guest, Spyker78 (On Xbox Live), and he said I can do what I will with them.
  • 0
IRC chat: louiec3-- he offered $500 for someone to build a bomb he could send to his ex wife
Rknight-- wow......N9---your dad is in trouble now!

#18 A side of nerf

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:54 PM

Thanks, man!
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#19 flyingchicken



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 04:16 PM

Awesome pictures Rogue. Haha at the last one

I have some too!

At the start, before everyone tired to death.
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Guru vs Guru!
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Getting ready to begin a round.
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Superchicken! Later, it was more like Failchicken. Ignore the chin.
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Confronting the other team.
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Rogue facing Veginator and his brother.
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Run, Rogue run!
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Starting to rush...
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  • 0
I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#20 flyingchicken



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 04:18 PM

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Shadowblade...er, handling his SNAP.
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Man, it was hot.
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Close-up of Rogue's "Guru" autograph
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Featuring Groove!
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Everyone was tired
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That's all...
And yes, Groove can levitate.

Viva la SOFA!

Edited by flyingchicken, 05 August 2009 - 02:50 PM.

  • 0
I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#21 xtremejumpy



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 06:19 PM

ZOMG, looks like it was fun. I sat at home shooting my wall...

BUT! Some of you should try and make this war!


Its fun, and very casual. Don't worry if you can't make it, there are others...
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#22 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 07:09 PM

Did the host ask for permission to be on the school grounds, or did you guys just show up? If you did ask for permission, how did you approach the Administrators?

Looks like a great war, guys.
  • 0
I'm a runner, and I like to run.

[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#23 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 07:20 PM

ZOMG, looks like it was fun. I sat at home shooting my wall...
BUT! Some of you should try and make this war!
Its fun, and very casual. Don't worry if you can't make it, there are others...

Can you please stop spamming this thread to advertise your war? You've already posted that link once before any of us even had a chance to recap, we've seen it now stop posting that damn link.
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Southeast Nerf Contingent

#24 xtremejumpy



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 07:32 PM

ZOMG, looks like it was fun. I sat at home shooting my wall...
BUT! Some of you should try and make this war!
Its fun, and very casual. Don't worry if you can't make it, there are others...

Can you please stop spamming this thread to advertise your war? You've already posted that link once before any of us even had a chance to recap, we've seen it now stop posting that damn link.

Sorry, there's just been no post in the thread yet. Its been up for about a week and no one one but Shadowblade responded. You guys are the main group of nerfers who would make it to the war. Had some people said "sorry I can't make it" instead of no reply I might actually think people reviewing the thread. Sorry for the spam, but I'm trying to get word out about the monthly NALWs (North Alabama Wars).
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#25 Shadowblade



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 08:16 PM

Haha, flyingchicken, it looks like I'm about to lick my SNAPbow. It was that good ^_^ . And that is a very good picture of NerfRogue83 and Groove. That HAS to go in the SOFA vid.

Wow...Groove really CAN levitate. Good sir, you're gonna have to add that skill to your nerfing resume.

And now for the million dollar picture. Two Gurus and a working and very effective Longshot.
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Other pics (warning: Picture Heavy!)
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Edited by Shadowblade, 04 August 2009 - 09:25 PM.

  • 0
Proverbs says, "The wise man doth not shoot the Viking in the ding ding for he shall pummel thee."

But you can totally shoot Vacc there, he loves it!


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