Overall, in the four hours I was there, I think this may have been one of the best southern wars yet. We got PLENTY of nerfing in before I had to leave. It's unfortunate that I couldn't make it back out due to some other obligations, but what's done is done. I can't wait to see the pictures and videos for this war. VIVA LA SOFA!
+ Nerfing for the first time in ages.
+ Nerfing with some really cool people.
+ Seeing some old faces as well as meeting new people.
+ Groove being able to make it down here to play with us.
+ Witnessing the power of two Gurus on the field at the same time.
+ Being able to see in person some of the guns posted here on NH.
+ My RSCB'd SNAPbow performing extremely well.
+ My RSCB clip saving my butt multiple times and earning me a 4-kill streak during the first TDM.
+ Testing the new field. I think I like this one better than Garrett.
+ Earning the new nickname "Tamanator".
+ Nerfing
- Good old Georgia weather...
- Inconsistent stefans. That's what you get when you procrastinate.
- Not being able to stay longer.
- Not being able to get back to the war.
How to improve future wars:
- FIND MORE NERFERS! Haha, there's gotta be more nerfers down here in the SE. Invite your friends! Show 'em what nerf really is.
I want to thank you everyone who came out for SOFA and survived the brutal heat and humidity for the sake of nerf. I hope to see many of you again at other events. If you haven't heard already, this war may have been my last war for a while because I need to focus on college and whatnot. I will jump right back in if the forces that be permit me. It was a pleasure nerfing with a group of great people. Hit me up if you see me stalking the site haha. I'll be around .
Edited by Shadowblade, 03 August 2009 - 04:20 PM.