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Lanard Shot Gun

Easy to Mod, Awesome Results.

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#1 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 04:28 PM

This gun has the best mod time/difficulty to usability ratio I have encountered yet. It took me maybe 3 hours to finish it from conception to range testing, and a good portion of that was spent on lunch and dinking around with a useless part of the turret.

Electrical Tape
Silicone sealant (or Goop if you don't mind it being permanent)
Tiny amount of epoxy putty or glue of choice

Step 1: Open the gun, watch out for a screw under the pump and a piece of tape along the top.

Step 2: Take a look inside, pull out the turret and plunger tube, try to keep everything else in place.
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Step 3: Take the plunger tube. At the front is a white piece of plastic that forms a seal with the turret. Take your sealant and place it between the white piece and the orange part of the plunger. The sealant should hold the white piece a mm or 2 forwards so it makes a good seal when the turret is in place. Here's what it should look like when placed back in the gun.
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Step 4: Take the plunger head, and wrap once with E-tape and fill in all dead space with hot glue. I apparently forgot to take a picture of this, but it is exactly the same thing that Darken did in his mod. My plunger had no lube in the tube when I opened it up so if you do this make sure to lube it after.

Now we move on to the turret.

Step 5: There are 4 screw holes on the back of the turret, unscrew them all, and the turret should open right up.
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See that piece I crossed out? It is 100% NOT needed, and can be thrown away immediately.

Step 6: Cut the front of the turret like shown, to fit whatever barrel material you will be using.
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This picture also shows the back of the turret. Place your sealant along the flat part inside those rings at the bottom. Now reattach the two turret pieces, and slide your barrels in through the front. Those 3 pieces of plastic sticking in were the exact fit to stabilize my cpvc on the bottom. You may have to trim them if your barrel material is larger in diameter. After this step my barrels were air-tight.

Step 7: The barrels are in place, now we just have to keep them there. I used a small amount of epoxy putty like so.
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I could have used more, but this seems fine so far, and I didn't want it so heavy that it messed up with the rotation. There doesn't appear to be any type of slip-mech like in a Maverick or Firefly, so you will always want to rotate the turret by pumping.

Step 8: Put everything back together. I found it necessary to prime the gun a small amount to get the plunger to sit flush with the shell and catch mechanism, but that might not be true for everyone.

Step 9: Enjoy!
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Extra Thoughts and Ranges:
I thought about making this rear-loading. I believe it wouldn't be too hard, but there are 2 layers of plastic to go through. After that the holes on the turret and the plunger/turret seal would need widening. I'm kinda lazy, so I'll let somebody else attempt this.

My barrels are probably around 9in long. I didn't really measure, just looked at the mod pictures of the Lanard Hand Cannon that are around and guesstimated the length they used.

The rotation seems a slight bit off, but my ranges were better when I left it alone then when I adjusted it after rotation.

Ranges varied from 50 to approximately 80 feet. I'm going to wait for everything to cure and find a slightly longer ramrod before I test them again. I did not add a spring yet because the one already inside is awesome, and I want to see how other spring additions go before I break my gun.

I hope you guys found this write up informative and easy to follow. I would recommend this blaster to anyone, and I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement in the future.

Edit: I shortened the Barrels by a couple of inches, and the ranges are much more consistent now. I shot 12 darts off, 2 went into the high 70's, the other ten were between 50 and 60 feet.

Edited by VelveetaAvenger, 28 July 2009 - 10:30 AM.

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#2 Salmon



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 05:15 PM

Good mod. The ranges seem a little... inconsistent, but if it can shoot over 50-60 feet, good enough for me.
The only thing I don't get is, why didn't you make it rear-loading? I mean, if you have to ramrod your darts, what's the point of a turret? It just makes the gun bulkier, more complicated, and less effective IMO.
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#3 Bullshit Dragon

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 05:36 PM

Good mod. The ranges seem a little... inconsistent, but if it can shoot over 50-60 feet, good enough for me.
The only thing I don't get is, why didn't you make it rear-loading? I mean, if you have to ramrod your darts, what's the point of a turret? It just makes the gun bulkier, more complicated, and less effective IMO.

Not to mention reducing firing rate.
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#4 Hi Yah

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:02 PM

This thing really needs rear loading, but other than that it seems kinda like a mini doomsayer.
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The yellow balls are also slightly smaller in diameter than the green ones.

#5 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:35 PM

Good mod. The ranges seem a little... inconsistent, but if it can shoot over 50-60 feet, good enough for me.
The only thing I don't get is, why didn't you make it rear-loading? I mean, if you have to ramrod your darts, what's the point of a turret? It just makes the gun bulkier, more complicated, and less effective IMO.

I suppose I should be more clear on the ranges. The first 4 rounds I shot I was adjusting the turret to line up with the middle of the gun because it seemed to be a tiny bit off from the center of the gun where the plunger tube goes out. Those went about 50 feet. The next 4 I didn't adjust the turret, and they went significantly farther. Later tonight I'll be trying again.

Like I said above, rear-loading would have required reworking the turret to plunger tube seal, with no guarantees that I would get it right. I agree that it would be a lot nicer, but having 4 shots ready to go at a time is still better then one.
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#6 white moonlight

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:48 PM

Dude, take a shot at making the gun rear loading.

I do understand it could be a challenging process, but it would definetly be worth the risk. I also understand
that you could mess up and risk breaking the gun, but like I said before it would be worth it and a lot better than having to ramm down all the darts.

First of all ramming darts tremendously decreases rate of fire and it makes not only slower, but a lot harder to

Also it looks very nice and if you don't make it rear loading your the only one that needs to deal with loading
it, the decreased rate of fire, and difficulty to load, not us.

Edited by white moonlight, 26 July 2009 - 06:49 PM.

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#7 Nerf Bros

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Posted 26 July 2009 - 06:54 PM

Darn, you didn't keep the 3 shot spread... that was the coolest part. Anyways nice job!

p.s. What kind of keyboard do you have? I might have the same one. :)
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#8 randomnerfninja



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Posted 26 July 2009 - 08:20 PM

Just wondering why you didn't keep the 3-shot spread. Other than that, great mod!
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#9 TantumBull



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:04 AM

Nice mod, but I whole heartedly agree with the 2 above posters. IMO, the best thing about this gun was the triple shots. Maybe if you were bent on better ranges, you could have taken out one barrel, and still had two.

Then again, you can always shotgun load one barrel. Which would also mean less deadspace.
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#10 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:45 AM

Darn, you didn't keep the 3 shot spread... that was the coolest part. Anyways nice job!

p.s. What kind of keyboard do you have? I might have the same one. :P

Yeah, I was a big fan of the three dart thing also, but when I saw the insides of the turret I just had to try "third-ing" it. I personally don't think it would be worth the effort to try and rebarrel the 3-shot part for stefans, but it is a lot of fun stock.

I shot a few more rounds off before I went out this evening. Once again, 50 was the lowest and close to 80 was the highest. Unless the plunger/turret seal is acting up, it's probably because the darts I have are the dregs of our 2 day MN war.

Keyboard is a Dell model L100.
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#11 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 12:46 PM

I have built a blaster before with a three-dart spread, but I intentionally favored one barrel out of each group. I would try to do the same in modding this. I found that having one dart go farther and fairly accurately, accompanied by two more going about half as far, was really the best of two worlds. Beyond maybe 30-40 feet, if your target knows to dodge, it's only a little harder to dodge all three. And closer than that, especially when they're moving, the three dart spread can really help - or you can be a little more lazy with your aim (whichever way you choose to look at it).

That's an interesting idea, I would have assumed that all three barrels would need more or less even air output or just the one would fire. Regardless, I'll be looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
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#12 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 01:23 PM

Very good work, now throw that sweet Blue Steel paint on there like your MavTitan and BBB/DS

I would say if it came stock with 4 single barrels I would unquestionably add 3-shot couplers onto it. I think that is just the mentality of our hobby, to make what-is different.

I can’t wait to drop $30 brassing the stock barrels…
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-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
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#13 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 03:54 PM

Very good work, now throw that sweet Blue Steel paint on there like your MavTitan and BBB/DS

I would say if it came stock with 4 single barrels I would unquestionably add 3-shot couplers onto it. I think that is just the mentality of our hobby, to make what-is different.

I can’t wait to drop $30 brassing the stock barrels…

Glad you like it. I won't be painting this one quite yet, I don't mind the colors it is now, and I don't want to lose that sweet "•SHOT GUN•" sticker on the side.

That's an interesting idea, I would have assumed that all three barrels would need more or less even air output or just the one would fire.

Actually ... that seems like a reasonable theory. I guess it's time to test whether I just got lucky with that one. Maybe the excess air output of a mildly expanded air chamber (SM3K) was covering up my turret design's deficiency all along.

Enough extra air will solve lots of problems, but I do hope it works out.
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#14 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 08:15 PM

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#15 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 08:22 PM

↑ How's it working for you? I knew where to put the holes, I just figured since they had to be the same size as the seal it would end up being too much of a hassle.
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#16 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 08:34 PM

stock spring an unmodified seal, still getting 50s... want to use LS spring.... looking for ACE spring for LS with no luck


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Edited by Mr BadWrench, 28 July 2009 - 08:59 PM.

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#17 q4nailgun



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 10:21 PM

Very kick ass results! I haven't done the barrel mod yet, but I removed the rubber air restrictors and barrel posts in mine. Then I put in a recon spring and a longshot spring in addition to the stock spring. 3 springs, kewl. But make sure you don't forget about the catching mechanism that locks the plunger/bolt thingy in place. I was having a problem with that for a little bit. I'm not sure if I want to single it because I like the spread shot. 1 shot, 3 darts, 1 nerf kill. Ranges about 35-50 feet currently.
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#18 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 11:40 PM

How do you get the cylinder ("turret" if you prefer) open?

It's not obvious to me, so I thought I'd ask before applying force.

There are 4 holes in the back that have screws inside of them. Once you get those out it should pretty much just fall apart. If you have to pry at it a bit that should be fine, mine definitely didn't have any glue or anything like that.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

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