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#1 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:51 AM

When I was thinking up a mod for the "The Mother of All Modification Contests", I thought of multiple blaster to modify. So I decided instead of modding just one blaster why not four? This is what I came up with:

First all the blaster you will need for this:
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a Big Bad Bow, Air Tech 3000, NiteFinder, Spider-man Wrist Blaster.

I think it would be best to break this mod up into five sections. One for each blaster.

Lets start with the BBB:
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Take out all the screws and remove the first part of the shell.
Here are the internals:
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Take off the orange top and cut off the original barrel, you also need to cut a 1/2" PVC coupler in half:
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After you cut them, sand them down until there flat. After you do that Epoxy them together.
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Now after that dries take a one inch piece of 1/2" CPVC and wrap one or two layers of E-tape around it and shove it down where the original barrel used to be.
Before the CPVC:
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After the CPVC:
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Fill it up with hot glue until its almost flush with the CPVC:
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Doing this will kill pretty mush all the dead space and there for increasing range.
Since that part is done take out the plunger head:
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Stuff some foam ( You can use a tank to bowl gasket foam or just some hard foam that won't lose its shape. If you use the Tank To Bowl Gasket you will need to trim the OD just a little bit. ) in the lip of the plunger head:
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Doing this will make the rubber expand and making a better seal. After you do that take out the white piece that
stops the plunger( I forget the name of it .):
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Not really sure if this part helps or not but I did it any way. Cut a circle out of thin plastic ( Like what you get in the SMDT gun. ) and put it in the middle of the white piece:
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And glue it with some hot glue on the other side:
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And then drill a hole in the middle. Like the picture above shows.
Now lets move on to the orange piece that holds back the spring. We need to reinforce this piece if we want it to last after the spring re-placement. Take a metal washer ( I forgot the size but you can take the orange piece to a hardware store and find one that fits. ) and the orange piece and sand them a little bit and Epoxy them together:
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You also need to cut out a section of the wash like in the picture. If you don't then the orange piece won't be able to go back on the plunger rod. Do this to both sides.
Now on to the spring re-placement. Take a + Bow spring and cut it down to the size of the original BBB spring:
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Well thats pretty much all of the internal mods, now lets move onto the external mods. here is the first half of the shell:

Edited by Dayko, 24 July 2009 - 03:00 AM.

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#2 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:52 AM

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Now lets minimize it. First cut off the handle and sand it smooth:
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Now cut off top piece and sand that smooth as well:
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Here is the after product:
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Now put the BBB back together and set it to the side for now. Now lets get a barrel for this baby. Take about 6"
piece of 1/2" PVC and drill the inside with a 5/8 drill bit. Keep drilling until you can slide 9" of 1/2" of polyester tubing or 1/2 CPVC ( They have the same OD. ). Then after that part is done cut a window about a half inch above the end of the PVC. Make the window about two inches long. As for the width cut the PVC in half. Here are some photos of the breech:
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Take the original barrel and drill it with a 5/8 drill bit. Put a 4" piece of CPVC in the barrel and hot glue it in place:
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Now wrap the end with E-tape and shove it in a piece of 1" 1/2" PVC:
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There ya go, now you can use Stefans and the arrows.
Now is a good time to give the BBB a paint job.
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#3 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:53 AM

Now lets move on the the AT3K.

Take out the internals ( AKA air tank and pump, you don't need anything else. )
Cut the tube that connects the pump and air tank:
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Using a Dremel cut away all the plastic on the sides of the air tank, careful not to go to deep. If you do you will puncture the tank and that would be vary bad. Heres the tank after it has been sanded:
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Take about a 1/4" of 1/2" polyester tubing or CPVC and hot glue it around the opening of the air tank:
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After that take a coupler and and drill a 3/16 hole ( Or what ever your hot glue gun nose fits into. ) and then super glue it on. I used the coupler that is used on the + bow ( it makes centering so much easier. ):
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Now fill the coupler with hot glue. Lets get to the trigger now. Drill two small holes into one of the pieces of plastic
thats on the metal rod. Now run some fishing wire though both the holes. I used a little more the 18" in total. So when you run it though both holes it comes out to a little more the 9". Now Take a 8" piece of 1/2" Thin walled PVC and cut out a 1" x 1/2" notch at one of the ends.
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Now run the fishing wire through the 1/2" PVC and tie about 5 or 6 knots ( Make sure the notch is facing down.) . After that put a key ring on the end of
the fishing wire:
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Now with the notch facing down position it so the notch gos over the end of the air tank:
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Then put a lot of hot glue inside ( be vary careful when putting the hot glue in the PVC, you don't want the glue to spill into the metal rod.) and on the outside:
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Now its time to re-connect the air take and the pump. Shave off any excess tubing that is on the air tank.
Take the tubing that is on the pump ( there should be around 4 or 5 inches left.). Put a lot of super glue on the
air tank stem and then push the tubing from the pump on the stem. Here is an after pic of what it looks like:
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Now the air tank is pretty much done. lets move onto the pump.
Cut off the excess plastic on the top of the pump:
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After that plug the pump. Put some hot glue in the hole on the bottom of the pump.
Before hot glue:
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After hot glue:
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Now that the pump is plugged, put it back in the pump shaft. Cut a piece of thin plastic and drill a hole in the middle just wide enough for the pump to fit in loosely:
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Now suer glue the plastic onto the pump shaft, then cut away any excess plastic. Doing this will keep the pump level and straight, allowing you to pump easier:
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Now wrap one or two layers of E-tape around the pump and then shove a 1/2" CPVC elbow coupler on the end:
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All thats left to do is add a barrel. I picked 7" of 1/2" polyester tubing and nested it in about 3"s of PVC.
Well that pretty much covers the AT3K.
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#4 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:55 AM

Lets move on to the NF:
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Now take the screws out and remove the shell:
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Remove all the internals and cut away the front of the shell:
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Now that is minimized lets move onto the internals. Remove the ARs:
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Sand the ARs so that you can fit a 1/2" CPVC coupler:
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Now rough of the sides and add Epoxy:
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After the Epoxy dries flip it over and glue some tough rubber ( I used a tank to bowl gasket.) on the bottom:
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This will help absorb the blow of the plunger. Now lets take out that NF spring and put in a industrial strength one. here is a comparison of the two springs:
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Now cut the spring down to the length of the NF spring. After that put all the internals back together.
Now lets talk barrels for this one. Having a single shot is good, but having multiple barrels is better.
Cut a 3" length of 1" PVC:
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Now cut four 4" polyester tubing pieces and hot glue them to the sides of the 1" PVC:
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Now we have a four shot turret. We still have a gap on the front of the NF that we need to fill up. Cut out a piece of cardboard to the length and width of the hole, also do the same thing to some thin plastic ( from the package
of the SMDT, such useful stuff. ) and hot glue the cardboard and the plastic together. Then hot glue the cardboard and plastic over the hole:
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Now give it a good paint job and were done with this for now.
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#5 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:56 AM

Now for the SMDT:
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First thing we need to do is to minimize it. Start by cutting of the fins at the bottom making it flush with the bottom:
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Now cut off the barrel about 1/4" from the back and sand down the inside:
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After the sanding put a 3 1/2" to 4" of polyester tubing and hot glue it in the hole. I put a bracer near the front of the barrel to keep the barrel straight and everything steady. For the bracer just just a square out of 1/8 Plexiglas and drill a 5/8 hole in the middle. After that hot glue the bracer down:
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Now lets add a ram rod holder on the one side:
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( 1/2" polyester tubing )
and ammo holders on the other side:
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Thats all for the SMDT blaster.
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#6 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:57 AM

Now for the last step: combining all four blasters into one awesome one.

First we'll attach the NF. Cut a piece of cardboard and carefully hot glue it to where the handle used to be on the
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Now hot glue the NF to the cardboard:
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After the glue dries, put a lot of Epoxy putty on the NF and the BBB:
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Do this to both sides. After that sand the Epoxy putty smooth.
Now lets add the 3K. Putting a lot of hot glue to both the top and bottom part of the pump:
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Now on the right hand side put the air tank. When putting the air tank on make sure the tubing is under the BBB but above the NF plunger rod. Now hot glue the tank to the BBB:
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Now the only thing left to add is the SMDT. Hot glue it on the top of the BBB.
Now finish the paint job on the blaster and your done.
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#7 Dayko



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 02:58 AM

Now the finished product:
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I know the barrel on the 3K is pointing down. I put the barrel in crooked.

Ranges of each of the blasters:

BBB 80-90
AT3K 80-90
NF 60-70
SMDT 25-30.

Over all I'm pretty pleased with this. I used it at W@M and it held its own.

If you have any questions about this feel free to ask.

Edited by Dayko, 24 July 2009 - 02:59 AM.

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#8 Blacksunshine



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 03:26 AM

Ahh yeah there it is! Awesome blaster, seeing it in action was sweet.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#9 white moonlight

white moonlight


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Posted 24 July 2009 - 10:50 AM

That's great.

I really like the paintjob.

Did you consider sanding down the excess epoxy?
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#10 TantumBull



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 11:20 AM

This beast is scary as hell in person. It was the first thing I really saw after getting to Marymore. I proceeded to introduce myself and drool over the gun. Excellent work.
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#11 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 11:43 AM

Excess = balls awesome. I like the meticulous attention to the paintjob as you go, that makes a blobular mass into an intimidating beast like this.

I will follow your lead to get rid of some of the guns that are cluttering my basement. My wife thanks you in advance.
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

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#12 Bedhed117



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 12:00 PM

Dang! That thing is sweet. I always loved tons of guns in one type weapons. The only thing that I'm bummed about is I was going to name my BBB the Overkill. Oh well. I especially like how you kept the ability to shoot stock arrows out of that thing. That'd be cool if you won the grand prize because then you'd have two beast 3Bs.
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#13 TantumBull



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 12:27 PM

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Is that an 836 century spring from Ace? It's what I use in all of my NF's.

Edited by TantumBull, 24 July 2009 - 12:28 PM.

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#14 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 24 July 2009 - 04:14 PM

Dang. Nice work dude.

I remember that beast at the SOF war. Very Beastly.
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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

#15 Dayko



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Posted 25 July 2009 - 01:53 AM

Thanks for the comments, guys.

TantumBull: No. I bought that spring at Home Depot. My ace by me sucks.
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#16 Captain Scottland

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 10:43 AM

All of the barrels appear to be at different angles. However, this could be just the pictures, but I think we may have a contender for the contest with this one.
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#17 Chaos-blades



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 12:47 AM

I have no doubt that using it at a war would look like this.

Just needs a guitar and monkey.

Good job mate.
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- "sorry we don't have Farmer's Union, we've got Oak if you like"
- "Looks like it'll be nothing for me then"

#18 spartan062



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Posted 28 July 2009 - 02:50 AM

Nice. However, there is no such thing as overkill. There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload."
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