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Yalpam Ii

With Integration Goodness

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#1 taerKitty



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 02:34 AM

One comment someone made about the YALPAM (Yet Another Longshot Pump-Action Mod) was that the vertical shotgun mod reduced the blaster's integration potential. Possibly true, possibly not. Please consider the YALPAM II:

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The two front blasters are tied to the pump action vertical handle via cable triggers. The single trigger on the front gun's handle triggers both integrated blasters.

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This one started out backwards. I wanted to see how the blaster would look first, so I attached the front blasters to the Longshot before doing the cabling. So, the first part was getting the pieces ready.

As much as I like the nameplate, it had to go - I needed the sides level.

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I glued the front blasters to the sides carefully, only by the 'upper' halves (more detail below.) The bipod assembly serves as a makeshift stand to hold the blaster upright for photographing, nothing more.

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As part of the fit-and-finish, I used part of the front blaster's upper section to 'reduce' the end of the front blaster from where it abruptly squares off, instead using the angles to guide it back to the Longshot's body:

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In case there's confusion, this is the part in question:

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This is what I mean by gluing the 'upper' halves of the front blasters:

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I have two front blasters, and each has a left and a right half. The left front blaster half will be the upper half on one side of the Longshot fore-end, and the right front blaster half will be the upper half on the other side.


The YALPAM I was thrown together. The YALPAM II gives me a chance to make some corrections, specifically to how I did the fore-end. Firstly, instead of fastening the rails with clothes hanger wire, I cut notches in the magazine well for them to nest and be securely affixed to:

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Then, I used pop rivets this time:

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The notches hold the rails in the rear; the rails themselves are longer than the track distance:

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And I cut a flat sheet from the bolt cover instead of leaving the canted edges. Every centimeter of the fore-end is needed for the slide action:

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Speaking of every centimeter, I also removed a good portion of the lower half of the barrel collar so the front blaster handle would have room to slide:

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That's pretty much it. I tried to use some epoxy putty and tried also some body putty to fill in the gaps, but they cured too quickly. I also tried some Crayola "Model Magic" air-hardening foam, but that didn't cure to the requisite strength. The end result is that the front blasters are securely, but sloppily mounted to the Longshot.

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The Model Magic also filled in the empty space in the 'reducing trim'. I just don't like it being open.

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The blasters themselves are only lightly modded for performance.

The Longshot's air restrictor is removed and its leak hole is plugged. The piston head has a few inches of Teflon tape, but no extra springs. It gets a respectable 45' to 55', more-or-less flat. I'm not deliberately angling it, but I'm also not attaching a bullet level to the blaster to verify.

The front blasters have their air restrictors removed, and have been lubed down with Tri-Flow silicon lube. They get 30' - 35' or so, but I see them as more last-ditch weapons.

The system is a little front-heavy, but the vertical foregrip alleviates it. It only feels unwieldy when I try to single-hand it, and that's only good for one shot.

The cable trigger controls both blasters. It's a stiff trigger, and there must be something snagging in the system because the trigger does not return to true by itself. The catch-points are staggered, as well. This isn't by design, but there's something logical about behing able to trigger off only one shot of the two. When fired 'all the way', the two front blasters manage to keep the darts in a tight grouping with the main Longshot blaster.

I've not tested the 12-round clip 'Slam Fire style', but I wouldn't be surprised if I get off all dozen rounds in under seven seconds. I can see myself firing two a second. Now, accuracy, that's another matter....

Edited by taerKitty, 22 June 2009 - 07:47 AM.

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#2 TantumBull



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 02:44 AM

That sorta just became my favorite longshot. Nice job. You're awesome.
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#3 Blue



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 02:48 AM

Very cool concept and looks, but couldn't you have used at least a semi decent blaster with the cable triggers? Front guns are terrible. But it looks amazing, which makes up for it all.
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#4 Vinnie D

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 04:26 AM

Even looking at the pictures I can say that thing is quite intimidating to look down the wrong end of. Nicely done.
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#5 Bullshit Dragon

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 04:37 AM

I assume it's VERY front heavy. Do you have a weight in the stock to counteract that?
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#6 white moonlight

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 06:03 AM

This is a great mod.

It is very cleanly done, as well.

Would there be anyway to wire the 2 longshot front gun triggers to the longshot trigger?
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#7 taerKitty



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:19 AM

That sorta just became my favorite longshot. Nice job. You're awesome.

Mucho thankye. I don't have many blasters, and this is the only one that is 'finished' as far as the mod process goes. (The YALPAM I gave to a fellow Nerfer, so I don't own that one anymore.) That said, it's my favourite Longshot as well.


Very cool concept and looks, but couldn't you have used at least a semi decent blaster with the cable triggers? Front guns are terrible. But it looks amazing, which makes up for it all.

Front blasters suck (or blow, depending on which you think is the worse insult.) Mavericks might be worse, but they were they only other blaster I had, and those are my office team's gun so I can't use them as integrations.

For my next mod/integration, I recently purchased a pair of Tek-10's for $20, but they look to be in the same performance bracket as the front blasters.

I'm new at this - I don't have many blasters to use. I wish I had Angel's 7 Bins of Blaster Holding. I'd love to hear suggestions. I forgot who, but someone suggested Dart Tag blasters for the ammo capacity. I see ATxK's commonly used. For single-shooters, a modded NightFire will probably give me better performance.

In this case, I just went with what I had. (If you want to donate to a poor nerfKitty, please PM! :) )


Even looking at the pictures I can say that thing is quite intimidating to look down the wrong end of. Nicely done.

Yep, that was the point. It's more to show the non-NIC with what can be done to/with a blaster. I haven't had the chance to meet many NIC in real life, so I'm hoping to grow my own, to get people interested in modding and point them at the online sites, then watch them take off on their own.

So far, that's not yet happened....


I assume it's VERY front heavy. Do you have a weight in the stock to counteract that?

It's not that bad, It's a two-handed piece, and the center of mass is above and between the two hands, even when cycling the action. The weight distribution is noticeable only when holding it one-handed, such as reloading. At all other times, it feels just fine.

One-handed, I can still hold it fully outstretched. My arm will tire after a few seconds, and the shakes will throw off any chance I have of hitting someone beyond, say, 10 feet. However, I doubt this thing weighs even 3 pounds.

Like the YALPAM I, the stock is removable and I can add stuff like a toolkit. Next chance I get, I'll see if a few rolls of pennies help or hurt it overall.


This is a great mod.

It is very cleanly done, as well.

Would there be anyway to wire the 2 longshot front gun triggers to the longshot trigger?

Much thanks. It still needs a paint-job, but my life is getting busy again and I fear I won't have time to complete it so I posted it nude.

I'm sure it's possible to attach the cable trigger to the main trigger, but I wouldn't advise it.
  • The point of the LSFBs is to be last-ditch weapons, to provide insurance in case anyone tries to rush me while I'm reloading.
  • The cable trigger has a balance problem - it doesn't want to return to station, so using it with the LS itself will mean my reliability and RoF drops.
  • There's nothing to be gained by adding two short-ranged darts to one medium-ranged dart at the LS's ideal range (where I can reach you but you can't reach me.)
That said, I have fired all three at once in a test run. It's surprisingly satisfying.

Edited by taerKitty, 22 June 2009 - 08:24 AM.

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#8 Darken



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 09:12 AM

Just looking at the front of the gun makes it look beast! Though, the cables seem to be longer than they need to, and kinda make it less awesome looking, but not by much. I'd hate to see that against me in an indoor war just from sheer intimidation.
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#9 Vengeful Waffle

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 10:51 AM

Is this where that bolt went?

Anyway, this looks very nice. I can imagine your friends in the office are a lot more interested in the NIC now.
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[18:46] <+Famine> With the cock ring coming out the back of it?

#10 umpshaplapa



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:42 AM

Where did you get the cables?
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#11 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 12:34 PM

^^^^^^Bike Brakes.

Nice work dude. I'm glad you finished it.

You should make a firing video. That would very much tickle my fancy.

Edited by Renegademilitia15, 22 June 2009 - 12:36 PM.

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#12 Possemhunter



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 01:56 PM

that.... is .... skill. I love how you used the front trigger to actually fire something instead of keyrings. Great job.
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#13 Ubermensch



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 06:16 PM

Fantastic, really great work. It looks really cool.
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#14 taerKitty



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Posted 23 June 2009 - 08:26 AM

Just looking at the front of the gun makes it look beast! Though, the cables seem to be longer than they need to, and kinda make it less awesome looking, but not by much. I'd hate to see that against me in an indoor war just from sheer intimidation.

Sadly, the cables are about as short as they can and still bend. Those cable triggers are a neat idea, but impractical for petite applications. Here, they allow the pump handle to slide.

The rear ones can be tighter, but run into the problem of kinking. The trigger is already heavy and does not return to position. The front blasters really are a last-ditch weapon - reloading them requires me to manually nudge the catches back into position, then cock the chambers and finally load the darts.


Is this where that bolt went?

Anyway, this looks very nice. I can imagine your friends in the office are a lot more interested in the NIC now.

Sadly, the bolt is still not in my office mailslot yet. It's probably mis-directed. Happens a lot. This one was a separate LS. I have another one that's awaiting your bolt. I will try to mate it with a Tek-10 in some unnatural way and offend man and God.


Where did you get the cables?

They're bike cables. It's written up in the Cable Trigger thread.


Nice work dude. I'm glad you finished it.

You should make a firing video. That would very much tickle my fancy.

I'll try, but it may take a bit. Question - if I do it a week or more later and post it to this thread, would it be considered a necro?


that.... is .... skill. I love how you used the front trigger to actually fire something instead of keyrings. Great job.

Much thanks, worked many hours on it (most of it on the stupid putty between the LS fore-end and the front blaster upper halves.) As for using the front trigger, it's not an original idea; check out Bedhed117's Ghost V.4 - uses the Titan's front trigger for the integrated Nightfinder and Crossfire.


Fantastic, really great work. It looks really cool.

This place sets a high bar on mod cleanliness, just trying to meet it.


General Comments:

I probably won't be doing this mod again, but if I did, these are the steps I'd change:
  • I'd leave the 'barrels' on the front blasters. That's the 3/4" or so of rounded plastic at the business end. Originally, I leveled the top of the LSFB, intending the front of all three blasters to be on the same plane, but that would get in the way of the bolt handle, which I intend to carry with me in case the shotgun handle breaks.
  • I learned to put tape behind the gaps I'm puttying closed. One of the two LSFBs has a lava spill of putty into the LS' fore-end.
  • Model Magic craft foam is good for filling space, but makes a lousy surface. I'll need to cover the exposed parts with plastic. DVD case, here little DVD case....
  • Cable triggers need more work. If I take this apart, I'll try lubricating the cable, but right now it sticks and jams returning the trigger to true.
  • And yes, if I re-do this mod, I'll use better blasters, assuming I have some.

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#15 slowguitarman



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Posted 23 June 2009 - 02:28 PM

I can't believe I didn't look at this yet. Awesome ideas and awesome work.
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