Here's what not to bring.
- Absolutely no singled Titans. Plugged Titans must be shotgunned to at least FOUR barrels - a minimum of FOUR attached to the airtank, with all barrels firing upon the trigger pull.
- No singled AND plugged 4Bs, LBBs, National Geographic Guns, or Signal Launchers. Plugged will imply shotgunned to at least two barrels.
- Special cases on the above banned guns will be considered on a case-by-case basis; if you feel you have something that is listed as banned but doesn't perform powerfully enough to warrant banning you may bring it, but please don't waste our time with a singled, plugged Titan where you shotgun-load a single barrel.
- Air-powered homemades (spring-powered ones are acceptable) will be considered on a case by case basis as well but the limitations on those will be stricter, since they're generally able to put out a lot more air than most of the big blasters. If they shoot less than 140ft flat they'll probably be okay. +Bows are allowed, because they're awesome.
- In the pistol rounds, the following will be banned: SM750s, Secret Shot 2s, AT2Ks, and some other high powered air pistols. Again, if you feel that you have a gun that should be an exception to this banned list, by all means, bring it along for testing.
- Do NOT bring anything painted all black. That is bad and you won't be allowed to use it, except for PASs and RFDGs. Those come in that color and are therefore fine. You need a flourecent tip on anything that's black, I'll probably have some orange DUCK tape.
Here's what you should bring.
-150-200 darts IF POSSIBLE- From my experience, more darts the better. People are always asking to borrow some, and doing a favor is a nice thing. Also, you don't want to be running out of darts in the middle of the round. NOTE: Don't rely on other people to bring darts for you.
-Bring at least a Primary and a pistol (That is not banned from above). You want to nerf, right?
-Obstacles/bunkers. We'll be playing in a park with some scattered trees and a jungle gym in the center, these will help.
-A melee weapon. We'll be having a melee round.
And here's some stuff to keep in mind.
-Barrel tapping- Use this technique if you have the chance, no one likes being shot from 3 ft away. This is not mandatory, but again, dick moves are not fun.
-Absolutely no dart stealing. You can borrow darts or buy darts, but you can't just take them without asking.
-If you're caught commiting douche-nozzlery, you'll either be asked to leave or shot at randomly with high powered blasters.
Game types will include the following. Don't mind telling me if you'd like another game type, I'll be sure to add it.
-Defend the core.
-Ridiculous Weapons
-Team vs Team Deathmatch
-Possibly HvZ, I'm still learning that one.
-Possibly RvZ, I'm still learning that one, too.
-Gun Slingers
Definite players are listed below.
-Finn (me) + X
-Oodalumps + X
-Gold Hawk + 2
-Flounder + 1
Players that are unsure of participation are listed below.
-2222Golf (YouBube, he lives across the street from the location, lol)
The location's in the link below.,0.019248&z=16
Pictures are in the following pages of this thread.
Edited by bigred1rifleman, 03 August 2009 - 06:50 PM.