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Spano 09 Recap

Epic Win!

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#1 Nerf Bros

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 06:26 PM

this war was awesome, lots of fun and some really Effeminate rounds.
I don't feel like saying much now, put it was a lot of fun besides Harry Beaver and Rork being sick. Guns worked well, broken guns fixable, and my new nightfinder arrived so I can start making it Effeminate.
So yah, post whatever, pictures, etc.
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#2 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 07:11 PM

I'm going to wait 'till Carrtoon posts pictures, realize I can't one-up him, and then have an excuse not to upload anything...
No, I'll get pictures up, just... not yet. Busy days ahead.

I will recap a little though:
- We had some pretty Effeminate rounds, especially the ridiculous weapons round (which I got all of on video, though much of it is off screen).
- The vets FRICKING LOST the vets vs. round. I think we needed Sam. Nothing personal guys, it's just... he must be the glue that holds a vet team together or something.
- I saw some great guns there, and I was especially impressed by Calvin (sorry, I didn't catch the forum name) and his BBB. Everybody did great, no doubt, but there's always someone that catches my eye and this time it was Calvin.
- I guess what I was happiest about is that the war worked. When I found out the pagoda was reserved all day I kind of freaked out but I think we pulled ourselves together (or, to the side) pretty well. I didn't see anyone complaining, either, not even the brightly colored teenage girls.
- My USS Cresline was Effeminate for the first few rounds but then had some seal problems. It should be an easy fix though, so look forward to fighting her again on the 25th (Venom? Erm... who is hosting that one?).
- A big thanks to all of you who drove more than 30 minutes to get here. I think you really made this war what it was -- the best MN war this summer. There will be many more, of course, but I think getting to know the hot glued side of those far away from you is one of the best parts of Nerf.

Okay, enough from me. Unless I think of anything in particular I'll just post pictures when... well, when I post pictures.

Thanks again everyone. Sorry I kind of ran off at the end -- was eager to get home.

'Till next time.

Edited by Flaming Hilt, 20 June 2009 - 07:13 PM.

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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
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#3 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 07:25 PM

Hilt, you got pretty close. Name's Kelvin.

War was great. Having a good night's sleep and getting breakfast means I was totally on it for the war. Adrenaline guys. I'll probably edit with some notes after I wake up from passing out.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#4 bigred1rifleman



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Posted 20 June 2009 - 07:29 PM

What exactly was the "ridiculous weapons round"? Sounds like alot of fun, and I can't wait for the video of it.

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#5 Nerf Bros

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 08:17 PM

What exactly was the "ridiculous weapons round"? Sounds like alot of fun, and I can't wait for the video of it.

Ridiculous= blow guns, ballguns, missiles, melee, etc. If it sucks, it works.
So, I (older half) will start with my Pros/Cons
+Hot and a little sticky, but not that horrid, I've survived a lot worse.
+Guns did great, SGSL worked great but needs a better pump and a better trigger.
+Tons of fun with big enough teams to really enjoy playing
+So skinny no one can hit me, I stand in the middle and reload and no one cares.
+I actually hit people!
-Sick people (Rork and Beaver)
-Face and Neck shots
-Need a spring primary

My turn! (younger one)
+ Getting all sorts of ideas for future primaries
+ Getting to play with all of the Chicago nerfers
+ Seeing Zorn's sweet BBB
+ Me and Carbon's crazy charge during Capture the flag (Me and Sons had a sick one too... leading to a point)
+ Hearing Scott say "Look out! Carbon's coming up the rear!"
- My sm1500 breaking
- My Snap really never working (I am still deciding to rebuild it or not)
- Tons of welts everywhere
- Getting a scrape on my cheek from Koree's + bow.

We will post pictures later, maybe tomorrow, I don't know, but they will come.
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#6 BustaNinja



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Posted 20 June 2009 - 11:09 PM

"I'm standing here squishing watermelon in my hand and talking shit. I love Minnesota"

Yeah, I was pretty quotable all day.

I loved it. REPEAT!! LOVED IT!!

I cant move, my legs hurt, my feet are sore, we did a hella lot of Nerfing, and it was crazy fun. Like, way more fun then almost any war we have hosted in a LONG time. Ryan, you being there and reppin for the FBI and Illinois always make it better. Zorn? Fuckin monster. I would Nerf with you any day of the week. Ryan's friend Scott? Yeah, he better come back. It was just a giant midwest clusterfuck of awesomeness and badass Nerfing, I am speechless.

Anyone I didn't mention, thats only because I have Nerfed with you before. EVERYONE was awesome. An entire group of about 12-18 people made it all that much better. Rork not showing up due to illness was forgivable, but it certainly separates the extreme people from the mundane. Beaver? You got poison ivy-ed, had a cold, and still rocked a round or two.

It did go a little long without the flow breaking dart sweeps. The dart sweeps serve to pretty much bring yourself back together, and a few more of them would have been nice. As it stands, I got none of my darts back, so at the next war I will be claiming lots of them. Sadly, it gets quite expensive to make entire new darts every time because most of mine walk off... or get lost.

The new staging area worked, but I kinda like the pagoda more. It just feels safer. But at the same time, had it been free, I wouldn't have been as distracted during the last couple rounds I played. I'm not gonna lie. There were some amazing looking girls over there...

Totally awesome war. Great way to unwind after a week of dealing with stupid kids.

I need to fix up my SNAP. I love the idea of a good spring powered gun, and that seems to be the best base I have. I love the way it feels.

Ok, thats about all for now. I can't wait to do it again, and see the pictures.

Bravo Midwest. We Officially Kick the most ass.

Edited by BustaNinja, 20 June 2009 - 11:12 PM.

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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#7 atomatron



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 12:01 AM

A fantastic war, the biggest war I have attended to date.

There were only a few things that I didn't like:

-It was hot, too hot for me and my guns (The stuff I had that was held together by hot glue began to fail).
-I could not seem to get enough water into my system.
-The watermelon made me feel sick after I thought I had overcome an old aversion to it.
-Beaver leaving early and Rork not being able to make it due to sickness.

It was cool meeting new people (Zorn, Caffeine, Carrtoon) and seeing others I've Nerfed with before (though it will probably be a while before I refer to you by name because I'm absolutely terrible with names).

The area that we played at today was pretty nice; decent shade and enough trees, I just wish there had been somewhere to sit down comfortably.

That small soldiers SM 5000 I got from Tators worked pretty well for me, I'll have to fix it up and use it at future wars (same with the Tornado2K). After using it today I dislike ramrodding just a little more... I also was victim to it's low ROF on a few occasions.

Beaver's +Bow didn't work very well for me with the RSCB clip on it, I should have tried a simple barrel setup.

Defend the core was fun, we should do that again next war. Same with the Apocalypse-pistol-zombie rounds (even though there is no way for the humans to win).

Busta: I have the communal bin of darts, a lot of them were yours. [The bin #'s 392 darts (A NEW RECORD!)]
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

Rainbow Clan

#8 BustaNinja



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 09:52 AM

Oh ok. Next war if you will bring that box, I am gonna go through and grab alot of them. It kinda sucked leaving before the dart sweep, so I really didnt get any of my darts back. But it can be fixed.

It was a great war, and after about 13 hours of sleep, my legs, arms, feet, fingers, and everything else are feeling it. I can't move at all.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#9 MercenaryXero



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 12:32 PM

Replying while this is still fresh in my mind.

Great war, especially Defend the Core. It feels so awesome to have a practically never-ending dart supply at your feet, and just load, prime, and pick people off. I must have had a double digit hit count for sure. We got a lot of nerfing done, which is always good.

Also, I came with about 70 darts, left with like 50. Scavenging is awesome.

Later in the day I got pretty tired, which just amounted to me yelling at stuff and trying to use a big blast one handed. Also like Busta said, those girls looked hot. (at least at a distance, lol) I remember we were chillin at our spawnpoint and I was like "Ya'know, I've become less interested in playing and more interested in boning those chicks"

Overall a great experience, despite the lack of a proper staging area.
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#10 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 12:56 PM

I also had a great time at this war. My only cons were waking up so late after my alarm had been going off for an hour, and then spending another half hour sitting in horrible road-construction traffic on 94. Everything else was fun. Defend the Core was a pretty awesome game that we should defiantly play again.

Can't wait for the next one.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#11 Carbon



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:12 PM

I'm making a note here: huge success.

What a fantastic group and Effeminate day. I actually liked the staging area off to the side, because it drastically reduced the amount of play stops because of people walking by, or kids being a bit too curious from the playground. The only downside was the lack of continuous shade. Shade moves, and darts melt in direct sunlight.

Lots of fantastic moments from the day...everyone was in great form. Defend the core was awesome, and allows for a lot of strategy shifts. The flow of the day was great, with minimized downtime between rounds. The occasional low power/ridiculous rounds kept things light. The only real downs from the day was Rork not making it, and Beaver leaving after only a couple of rounds.

In summary: reread Busta's post. Yeah.
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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#12 rork



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:33 PM

Blah blah mundane blah blah blah

Yeah, fuck you, buddy. There ain't a war on earth that's worth projecile-vomiting my way across 3 states for.

But seriously: I HATE that I missed this. And you can bet your corn-fed ass that I WILL be back. Even if I have to make a dedicated trip out here in order to do so.
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<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20296" target="_blank">SNAPbow Mk. V</a>
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20409" target="_blank">Make it pump-action</a>

#13 tatertotguy



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 02:02 PM

This war was Effeminate! All the rounds we played usually lasted for along time because there was so many people. I can't wait until the next war. I need to get some awesome guns ready for the next war so I am going to be busy.
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"So thats when she says, 'No that's my belly button'."

#14 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 03:45 PM

Well... they shacked me up in the hospital because I´m getting weird side effects from have respiratory disease and auto-immune response at the same time. I'm loopy on drugs now, but feel better. That hour and a half of running yesterday was incredibly painful, but I'm glad I got at least two rounds and quite a few hits in with my dual Nitefinders and Bow N Arrow. It was good to see everyone, if nothing else. Hopefully ya'll had fun using my +bows.

At least I won't need to make darts for the next war.
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#15 koree



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 04:05 PM

Well... they shacked me up in the hospital because I´m getting weird side effects from have respiratory disease and auto-immune response at the same time. I'm loopy on drugs now, but feel better. That hour and a half of running yesterday was incredibly painful, but I'm glad I got at least two rounds and quite a few hits in with my dual Nitefinders and Bow N Arrow. It was good to see everyone, if nothing else. Hopefully ya'll had fun using my +bows.

At least I won't need to make darts for the next war.

Are you still there at the hospital? If i weren't stuck on the east coast i'd come visit you. Hope your back to 100% soon. Speaking of +bows, hows' my backup one doing? Did you guy's make good use of it? It's not under some rock at Highland i hope. :D

Glad you guys had a good war. I'll be back in the fall.
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#16 Nerf Bros

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 04:32 PM

Speaking of +bows, hows' my backup one doing? Did you guy's make good use of it? It's not under some rock at Highland i hope. :D

Glad you guys had a good war. I'll be back in the fall.

Yep, it's great I used it for a couple of rounds. (It cut my cheek on it as well...) Anyways, Koree you missed a great war, I'm sure there will be another Effeminate one after you get back. I enjoyed meeting Carbon and seeing the snap mk2 - 6. Beaver I'm sorry to hear about your sickness. Also defend the core was awesome, It was nice having an object to protect besides another person. (I think the rules need a little bit of tweeking though...) I am looking foward to the next war with great anticipation.

Pictures will come soon... I'm not at home right now.

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#17 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 07:51 PM

Lessons learned:

- Everything that can break, will break. I reinforced the fuck out of my gun internals at all the weak spots and guess what breaks? The coupler off of my 3B and the damn pump handle off of the 4B. Major thanks to Carrtoon for bringing the hot glue gun, and BustaNinja for letting me use his 4B for the rest of the round.
- 4Bs are awesome. Half the rounds I didn't feel like loading 5 LS mags so just went with a singled 4B with straight barrels. Whenever Talio speaks of the 4B, he's right.
- RSCBs are overrated. Maybe it's just me, but while I can hit people at 70' with the singled 4B, I'm down to maybe effective range of 50' with an RSCB. Darts just don't go where I want out of one.
- Carbon takes steroids. Seriously man, driving down the morning of, running around for 6 hours, and then having the energy to out-sprint people half your age during the last two flamingo rounds? Awesome.


- Meeting a whole bunch of new and awesome people.
- Kyle (FlamingHilt?) sacrificing his body for the core during one of the dtc rounds.
- Barrel tapping Ryan. He got me back with a lip shot, a forehead shot, and a neck shot though.
- Pulling surprise victories during the flag and flamingo rounds by ninja sprints with Kyle, Scott, atom, and Nerf Bros Jr.
- Shortest pistols CTF ever. Maverick never loses!
- N00bs > vets


- rork missing out and Beaver leaving early.
- Missing out on ridiculous because I was fixing stuff.
- VIP round didn't quite work out. We still need to get balance issues on that fixed. Maybe it was the terrain?

Edited by Zorn's Lemma, 21 June 2009 - 08:00 PM.

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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#18 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 08:25 PM

This is the third time I've tried this post so I'm just going to jump to the good stuff.

First Base.
Posted Image

Second Base.
Posted Image

Teams of fricking SEVEN.
Posted Image

Zombies (or, Carbon and Ryan own EVERYONE).
Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

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Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

I recommend everyone check out the whole album. There are some nice shots in there.
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "

#19 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 08:46 PM

Ryan's lightsaber is the wrong color. Sith Lords use red.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#20 BustaNinja



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Posted 21 June 2009 - 10:56 PM

Blah blah mundane blah blah blah

Yeah, fuck you, buddy. There ain't a war on earth that's worth projecile-vomiting my way across 3 states for.

But seriously: I HATE that I missed this. And you can bet your corn-fed ass that I WILL be back. Even if I have to make a dedicated trip out here in order to do so.

Well, considering we play Zombie VIP, the vomiting would fit right in. Kidding though. Having had food poisoning, it is nothing short of brutal. The fact that you can even type on a computer is crazy to me. Unless its a laptop ontop of the toilet.

But I'll make you a deal Rork. Come to an MN winter war, and I will mark you back to extreme.

Edited by BustaNinja, 21 June 2009 - 11:06 PM.

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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#21 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 22 June 2009 - 12:46 AM

Jeez, Busta and Hilt look like they're modeling for sexiest pose. Which is pointless -- I will always have the sexiest pose, even when I'm not in the picture.

Glad to see you guys had fun. They kicked me out of the hospital, so I don't have to stay the night. I'm still kinda high, so I can't be held responsible for anything I post.

Zorn: heh, that happened to my ugly 4B. You'd think the pump handle would be the last thing to break.
RSCB clips increase ROF at the cost of range. Their effectiveness greatly depends on your style of play. I can't actually hit anyone beyond 40', but I make up for my poor aim with ROF. Your millege may vary.
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#22 Ryan201821


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Posted 22 June 2009 - 01:47 AM

I have to admit this was one of the best wars I've attended in a while. It was great to see everyone again and also be able to meet some new guys. We kept the time in between rounds to a minimum. I'm glad somebody is actually taking some initiative in organizing the next round and picking teams/captains. Kyle and Mark did a pretty good job at that.

I forgot how much the +bow destroys. My 1500 started leaking in the first warm-up round. I didn't get to use it the entire day. The Maximizer didn't get any action. But the +bow worked great. I threw on the RSCB clip for one or two rounds and immediately took it off. I can't hit the fucking broad side of a barn with it. I guess it depends on your style of play, like Beaver stated. In my opinion, nothing can beat a speedloader. I'm going to experiment with trying a multitude of barrels like Kelvin had on his BBBB. It looks pretty effective.

I apologize for any welts I left yesterday. Especially all the neck/face shots. I'm not aiming for your head even though it seems like that sometimes. I know I gave Kyle one right on the cheek. I'm sorry Kyle. When you are standing in front of the core, bad things will happen. I remember an Effeminate dive you had in front of the core when we were rushing to attack the core. Now that's taking one for the team.

The vets stunk it up. Not having Julian and Sam really hurt. Plus I had to worry about Scott and that damned +bow. He shot me twice during that last round. It's alright though, he has plenty of welts that I delivered earlier in the day.

Scott really had a fun time at his first war. Julian, he told me to tell you, that he will be returning for the next war in July. I got him hooked.

It was great seeing Brandon again. You were the only person I had a hard time shooting. You dodged a ton of my shots. Well played sir. The singled Longshot you used was crazy awesomesause. It's so tiny and light. I thought singled longshots were pointless/stupid until I saw yours.

Defend the core was awesome. After each round there was a sea of foam within a 10-15 feet radius of the core. Maybe next time we can try having the core higher up so people can't use themselves as human shields. I'll rig up something for the next war and we can try it if you guys want. Just a suggestion.

The new zombie game Mark suggested was pretty cool. That's the most fun I've had in a zombie game. Well, besides the time I took off my shirt and ran around like a monkey.

I'm glad caffeine came out. It's nice to see people representing Chicago. I hope to see you at some of the next wars here and in Minnesota. Scott and I had a lot of fun hanging out after the war.

Beaver it sucked you weren't able to play. I missed you out on the battle field. I hope you feel better soon.

I nominate Kyle as the next war host. Now go post a new thread.


But you all missed the quote of the day while in the car ride on the way back.


It's fun to play with your wiener

<plays with wiener>

Don't ask.

And Kelvin is correct. I need a fucking red lightsaber.

Edited by Ryan201821, 22 June 2009 - 01:51 AM.

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#23 BustaNinja



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:17 AM

Im glad your friend is returning Ryan. He was such a pleasure to have on our team or play against. For this being his first MN NIC war, he was a fucking monster. It was great playing beside him, and I love how he even understands that its Nerf, so he was taking alot of risks. Great guy to play against or have on our team. Honestly, he rivals you Ryan, only because he looks more menacing with some shades and a cig.

Yeah, all the "newbs" were fun to have their. They aren't noobs in my book, but hey, they were all REALLY good. Kelvin? You make rounds more amusing in the way that the Gears of War shotgun makes things amusing. You would run in, take like 6 shots, and run out again with 6 hits. It was amazing to see.

Sonreece... or whatever your forum name is? Reppin the old man league worked beautifully. Now we have two "Dirty old men" as I call Carbon. Not only that, but you have some Effeminate painted guns my friend. I am now looking forward to winter to paint some stuff like that.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#24 SonReeceSonJensen



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 08:27 AM

Holy mother F by body is in complete dysfunction. I have to hobble around the house and getting in an out of a car is a massively painful ordeal.

Ok, here goes: retrospective on my first war

• Seeing a gun from the forums and going “hey you must be *name here*”
• Me and Nerf. Bros 2-man CTF win
• Hilt’s Matrix-like dives and pistol antics
• Seeing a balls-out +bow for the first time
• Defend the core: just awesome
• Great terrain with lots of trees for hiding
• Actually figuring out what works in a Nerf war
• Finding out that you all are not, in fact, basement dwelling hyper-nerds but a pretty cool group of people
• N00b p0wnage of v3ts

• Taking 3 shots to the neck from Venom
• Getting chased ¼ mile by Ryan during CTF in the most futile athletic attempt of my life.
• My Shotgun Sally breaking
• Huge bruise on my palm from pumping a Sonic Bazooka all day.

There is no doubt in my mind that I have chosen the right hobby/sport to be a part of
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The Difference:
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people

I do not play with guns.

#25 sam



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Posted 22 June 2009 - 01:28 PM

Glad to hear you guys missed me. Cute.

Cool that this little war I started a few years ago has gotten to be so awesome.

I'll be back in July. Nerfing twice sounds awesome (SOF war and a warm up war?).

Oh, and Noobs will never be better than Vets. You punks just got lucky. I also have to keep my promise and punch all the vets in the face. Sorry guys, a promise is a promise.

Edited by sam, 22 June 2009 - 01:30 PM.

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