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Nerf In Larping

Think EQ in real life... With guns!

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#1 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 29 February 2004 - 01:51 PM

I've decided to come up with an idea to incorporate Nerf in LARPing.

For those who don't know what a LARP is, LARP stands for Live-Action Role Playing. Essentially, it is an MMORPG or regular RPG (like EverQuest, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo II, etc), but in real life. You choose your character class, race, skills, stats, etc., but you act out the character, which is where role-playing comes in. Just think of EverQuest in real life; you are the character. You don't need to go "dang, if that was in real life, I would've blocked it" or stuff like that; you can. Any little noise can give awa your position, you can yell wildly and charge at someone to actually create an effect. There are, however, regulations. You can't bring in a real katana and start chopping peoples' heads off, or bring in a medieval heavy ballista or catapult... The objects that physically come into contact with people are foamed up, with pipe insulation foam (around 1/2"-2" thick). Arrows are very heavily regulated, and as are throwing weapons. For more information on LARPing, check Larp.com or Knight Realms. Of course, while in the game, try to make it as real as possible.

Well, in which Nerf comes in... If anyone here has played Phantasy Star Online or any other game in which you have people shooting each other while others wield swords and knives, there you go. The guns will be integrated in the game (obviously the setting will be fantasy-like), and fairly... No one-shot-kill, because then everyone would revert to use Nerf guns for their power. Of course, certain classes need a higher attribute to wield a gun; you can't have a lv1 Mage wield a rifle, for example.

My friend and I are trying to make this happen... We might also add in an unusual effect- turn-based battles. Normally in a LARP, you have people hacking away at each other in real time... With a turn-based system, skills and spells will be more effective, and battles will be more organized... No more "that arrow hit you!", or "you missed me!".

Anyways, I'd just like to spark peoples' imaginations, on what to do for a next Nerf war, or possibly even create a whole LARP with Nerf integrated into it.

Have fun! And please, feel free to comment/suggest anything...
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#2 J cobbers

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 11:33 AM

LARPing is one of the things that got me heavily into nerf as an undergrad. Using nerf in combat added a cool element of realism. We did real time combat and had overall system that involved very little metagaming i.e. if you can do something so can your character, unless of course your character would have to reason to know how to do something. For example if you were plaing a character that spoke a different language or was mute, you couldn't speak in english. Back to my point, in combat if you sucked you sucked, but if you were good you were good, and nothing can change it but practice.
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#3 Groove


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Posted 02 March 2004 - 06:30 PM


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.


Okay, I'm done.
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#4 CustomSnake202



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Posted 02 March 2004 - 07:28 PM

That was the funniest crap I've seen for weeks. He just popped out of no where, in a kilt!
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#5 Famine



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Posted 02 March 2004 - 09:02 PM

Yeah, any of the Horsemen will testify to the fact that I fully endorse Pen n Paper RPG'ing and am a huge fan of tabletop. But there's just something unsettling about LARPing. Now I like Nerf, and I like RPG's, and I even like Boffling, but combining all three in anything less than the most carefully monitored and structured situations is just asking for trouble on a scale of unheard of geek-dom.
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of Mag-7
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#6 Zero Talent

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 12:06 AM

Yeah, I'm all for boffing, and low-count HP rules, but if someone yells "lightning bolt!"... Well, the foam's coming off. I like how the one kid fell down. ^_^

But hey, we're all part geek now, aren't we?
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Posted 03 March 2004 - 11:52 AM

Larping strictly forbids any physical contact....WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT!!?!?! I don't mind nerds thinking they're tough vicariously through completely fabricated individuals of various race, creed, and heraldry. I mean, they need that, I can't deny them it. But this? This is just fucking ridiculous. If you're going to hit each other, than fucking hit each other. Why does physical activity have to have the safety net of a complete lack of physical repurcutions. If you don't wanna get hit than just go back into your god damned basement, don't pretend you're gonna do something about it. It's like getting sick of the limitations porn and instead dressing up and pretending you're not a virgin.

~I hate because I care~
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#8 Oroku Saki

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 05:12 PM

With my friends, we do not necessarily LARP per say, but we do create foam weapons to beat each other with. I am sure if we do get off our asses and devise some LARP rules, I think we would still hit each other anyway. It is just the way that I am used to playing. What's the point of carrying around weapons in a LARP if you aren't going to use them?
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#9 Talio


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Posted 03 March 2004 - 05:35 PM

I'm going to say this, and only this...not every Larp group plays with hands off rules...that is all.
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#10 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 03 March 2004 - 08:16 PM

I'm going to say this, and only this...not every Larp group plays with hands off rules...that is all.

...Yup. My friend hits people with a wooden sword while LARPing for no reason whatsoever.

For anyone else interested, here are some weird rules... Yep.

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#11 VACC


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Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:08 PM

...Yup. My friend hits people with a wooden sword while LARPing for no reason whatsoever.

I'd make a witty reply but I'm in awe of your friend's apparent bad-assness. Think you could get me an autograph? I'd do it myself but he might deal me a critical blow with his +3,+3 hetero-bane.

~it's always that time of the month~
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#12 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 04 March 2004 - 06:47 PM

...Yup.  My friend hits people with a wooden sword while LARPing for no reason whatsoever.

I'd make a witty reply but I'm in awe of your friend's apparent bad-assness. Think you could get me an autograph? I'd do it myself but he might deal me a critical blow with his +3,+3 hetero-bane.

~it's always that time of the month~

I'll give you it whenever I happen to see you :w00t:

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#13 Blaster



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Posted 11 March 2004 - 08:31 PM

hmmm.... the idea of LARPing sounds kind of interesting. Integrating nerf into it sounds interesting as well. but cobbers you were saying something about characters. could you be any character of your choice or are there some limitations or something like that?
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#14 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 17 March 2004 - 11:36 PM

For a normal LARP, you pick out of a race (Human, Elf, etc), class (Archer, Wizard, etc) and customize your character with the skills you're allowed to use within that class.

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#15 Blaster



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Posted 18 March 2004 - 10:39 PM

For a normal LARP, you pick out of a race (Human, Elf, etc), class (Archer, Wizard, etc) and customize your character with the skills you're allowed to use within that class.


I see, so basically it's like a real life version of dungeons and dragons?

o and hi.
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#16 Oroku Saki

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 01:04 AM

That's right. In my area, the closest thing we have to organized LARPing is a Foam Fighting League, where it is more focused on combat rather than roleplaying.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 19 March 2004 - 01:04 AM.

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#17 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 21 March 2004 - 01:35 AM

For a normal LARP, you pick out of a race (Human, Elf, etc), class (Archer, Wizard, etc) and customize your character with the skills you're allowed to use within that class.


I see, so basically it's like a real life version of dungeons and dragons?

o and hi.

I've never played it before.

Think... Diablo II as an MMORPG with more variety.

For this LARP I'm organizing, it's more Final Fantasy-ish with turn-based battles because... Nobody else has done it yet ;)

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#18 Blaster



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Posted 21 March 2004 - 11:52 AM

For a normal LARP, you pick out of a race (Human, Elf, etc), class (Archer, Wizard, etc) and customize your character with the skills you're allowed to use within that class.


I see, so basically it's like a real life version of dungeons and dragons?

o and hi.

I've never played it before.

Think... Diablo II as an MMORPG with more variety.

For this LARP I'm organizing, it's more Final Fantasy-ish with turn-based battles because... Nobody else has done it yet <_<


Ok I think I get what you're saying. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Your idea sounds pretty good.
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"The voice of the American people has been heard; and, I won't imitate it, out of respect for the retarded."
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