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Firefly Modding

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#1 Cheeseme



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 04:45 PM

I'm pretty sure everyone knows what a firefly looks like, so I'll skip the introduction. Well I tried popping open the gun recently and it worked to a lesser extent. The back area near the shoulder stock wouldn't open without a lot of force, and seeing how I was short on cash, I didn't wanna risk damaging the gun. I took all the screws out and still the shoulder stock wouldn't open so I decided to put it back together. I went to a friend of mine and he said that he just smashed apart the stock with a flathead screwdriver, and I didn't wanna do that. Any advice on how to open a firefly without having to smash the stock open? I'm no expert modder, and don't even have the materials to mod, but I can't mod if I can't open the gun up, right? I was thinking gentle force, but any other ways to open the back of the gun? I'd really appreciate it.
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#2 IronicTrout



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 04:48 PM

Well you don't smash it... you simply pry it open with a flat head. Mine came apart fairly easily, and I don't think there is any way around it.
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#3 Mehku



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 04:50 PM

On the area that the shell is stuck, take a sharp knife (be careful) and kind of wedge it in between the seam of the two shells. Then "cut" along the seam until you can get it open. Do not use too much force, especially with a knife. If you still can't get it open after that, then I don't know what the problem is.
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#4 Bullshit Dragon

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 04:51 PM

For whatever reason, Hasbro decided to glue the stock together. You can use Zippo lighter fluid to dissolve the glue instead of using a screwdriver.
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#5 Mosin



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 05:16 PM

If you want a another alternative to a knife or lighter fluid, use laquer thinner or terpentine. You need to be outside or in a well ventilated room, though. I know I've cut myself way too many times doing something like this with a knife. Use one of the other alternatives if you can't get laquer thinner/terpentine. They do sell it at any hardware store, though. It also does little tricks on thin paint and annoying stickers. But do it outside or in a well ventilated room like I said. If not you'll start to feel kinda funky and might get a headache.
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#6 ninja mods

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 05:26 PM

i have opened up two fireflies that have been glued in the back. What i do is take the widest flathead screwdriver and a pocket knife. I twist the flathead into the back end of the gun to open it as much as possible. then i find the support that is glued and start cutting.(usually you can just break them)
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#7 Possemhunter



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 06:27 PM

If you don't have the materials to mod, I wouldn't bother opening the gun. Unless you're like me and just like to fiddle with things :blink:. make sure you know what your're doing. My advice is to get a large flat head screwdriver in there and twist it.
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#8 westpyroairsoftboy



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 08:13 PM

Use a knife 2 cut it

#9 PointBlank



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 08:16 PM

I often just use an exacto knife.
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#10 bluefin789



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Posted 27 April 2009 - 08:22 PM

hey i just modded a friends firefly and i pulled it apart with a little bit of force and it didnt break or damage the gun just a small black useless piece came off. so try it

#11 Cheeseme



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Posted 28 April 2009 - 03:59 PM

So my only two options are to either remove the glue by fluid or saw? I'd rather just leave the range the way it is, I'm pretty sure I can't find a saw that has the precision for cutting in my house. Thanks anyways guys. While we're on the topic of glue, are the air restrictors on the firefly glued in? Cause I've heard rumors, but I've never actually gotten proof.
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#12 dizzyduck



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Posted 28 April 2009 - 05:00 PM

No, the Air Restrictors on a Firefly are not glued in. You simply poke them out with a screwdriver or a dowel.
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#13 Capten Karat

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 05:06 PM

Just snap it, thats what i did.
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#14 Basilisk



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Posted 28 April 2009 - 06:28 PM

Westpyroairsoftboy, make sure you correct your grammar and punctuation, and using 2 instead of to is not good, just telling you before you get reprimanded by the admins.

Seriously Cheeseme!, taking a blaster apart should not be hard, the at3k shell halves are screwed as well as connected by little plastic pieces that you have to snap, and it was not hard to take the halves apart, so taking a firefly should not be a challenge at all. If you have trouble, just pull at them harder, I doubt that you should be worried about breaking any of the internals. If you are having tons of trouble, use a saw or the solvent to cut through the glue, from my experience though, exacto kives don't work very well for these kinds of things although its doable.

Edited by Basilisk, 28 April 2009 - 06:31 PM.

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