Location and time: To be decided. Currently looking at 4 locations
Day: June 20th or 27th depending on location (Saturdays)
-Eye protection mandatory
-No singled titan other guns will be tested. I will have my tape, and it will be proven there
-You Must have a primary and a SPRING pistol and a rocket blaster if at all possible. (BBB missile, BBBB missile, Titan.)
-Bring as many guns as you wish but remember there will be bases and different part of the war so plan your selection out carefully
-Many many darts, at least 200 or so . Please do not take darts from other members.
-Bring water and money for pizza or a lunch. If you don't have money you can't get pizza, sorry
We're gonna try and do some Halo-style rounds
-slayer/ team slayer (normal, rockets, pistols),
-capture the flag,
-Human vs. Zombies
-Griffball (hehe)
-And the regular nerf war stuff.
One location we are HIGHLY considering has an indoor place in about 10 min, walking distance from a park
Let me know if you're intrested.
Edited by xtremejumpy, 08 April 2009 - 09:23 PM.