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Mnsbw Recap

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#1 venom213



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 08:55 PM

That was a great war guys. Everything seemed to work out very well. The weather was better than I expected, and everyone showed up. I'm a bit tired now, I'll post my recap and pictures tomorrow. Post yours here.

Edited by venom213, 28 March 2009 - 08:58 PM.

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#2 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 09:15 PM

Sorry about not posting the recap.

-SM1500's making their awesome comeback by Ryan, Beaver and I. We rocked them
-Vets vs. Noobs. 5 on 7, and after all other four of us got out, after taking 2 with us, Ryan took on all 5 others by himself, ended the round with barely any darts, and still had all three lives.
-barely using my SNAP. Its weird, but single shot springers aren't as fun to use
-Seeing a single'd longshot perform amazingly, albeit only in the range department.
-Getting to use Venom's TTG in the pistol round, thus being able to play.
-My "pump action" nitefinder. Nuf Sed
-Gage's home made 2k tank. Its a beast.
-Seeing Max's SNAP. I will never get over how beautiful that thing is.
-Ryan's +bow. It looks nice, but he never used it.
-The geezer stick, or VIP prop
-"The dirty old man", we know your secret carbon
-Getting to Nerf alot.
-My maverick oddity. Its a mav, that with minimal mods can shoot 30-40 straight and consistently.
-The ball dart. It made no sense, but it was funny... I guess... Mostly just retarded.

Anything else? I wanna see these pics.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#3 NerfCrazy



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 10:07 PM

-My ball dart, simply a stefan glued to a nerf ball, purely as a joke and it was amusing
-seeing truly how powerful my homemade 2k (video writeup coming soon in about a week or so)
-the geezer vip cane
-being dubbed Captain A.D.D.
-going to wendy's and the lady at the register checked my 20 to see if it was fake, because I am totally going to put a 20 on my scanner and make copies
-playing "catch" with the ball dart, I know someone has a picture of it
-ranting about ice, everyone enjoys a good rant now and then
There's more but I can't think of it
I am making some more ball darts and when shooting them I will shout "HA! I hit you with my balls!"

Edited by NerfCrazy, 28 March 2009 - 10:28 PM.

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#4 venom213



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 10:11 PM

-SM1500's making their awesome comeback by Ryan, Beaver and I. We rocked them

Dude, what about me and Koree? We should have had team SM1500. That would be unfair as hell.

Anyway got a few things:
-My singled LS surpassing my expectations, and changing many people's opinions on them.
-My fucking friend stold me 4B last night and broke it. I went out of my way to go get it before the war, only to find it was broken. So basically, not having a Big Blast or any other gun I could put my beloved inline clip on.
-Luckily, getting to borrow a Big Blast.
-Being fairly innaccurate a lot of the time. I'm used to Big Blasts, when I can just aim right down the barrel. I was having difficulty being accurate with my SM1500. I couldn't aim my NF worth shit either. I was going on a "Beaver Hunt" in the pistol round. We kept firing back and forth at each other, and missing Effeminateally each time.
-Thinking I left my camera at the park, only to realize that I had brought it in to my house separatley from my other stuff.
-For some reason, I can't use single shot guns anymore. I get fucking diddled when I use something without a turret or inline clip. I don't even know how I was able to do as well as I did with a 1 barrel Big Blast at SPANO. I'm pretty much switching strictly to guns that can use some kind of ROF enhancing device.
-SM1500s proving to be very effective guns. I still can't get over the range Ryan's gets. I'm surprised I was able to dodge it as much as I did.
-Playing "catch" with Gage, using the BallDart. I need to make a bunch of BallDarts to shoot out of my Blastfire.
-I'll admit, at some points I was being a bit of douche during the war. Particularily when Julians friend was using the converted super soaker, an I told him to stop, and he wouldn't. In the past when people used airguns in pistol rounds, I would just say "Hey, springers only" and they would comply quickley. It wasn't so much that he was using it, it was more that he was being a dick with it and shooting people in the neck and stuff. When he refused to stop, I went ape shit. That's probably the only time in the whole war when I was truely, seriously, pissed at someone. I may be younger than him, but it's still my war. I also shot Gage pointblank a few times, I apologize for that aswell. I was still pissed about the fucking douchebag that stole my 4B, and my lack of sleep.
-Talking about Bullshit Dragon's Bullshit, good times.
-Group rants against Ice! We seem to always have some ranting about him at every war.
-When I got there Beaver was there already, and he told me that he had seen Carbon and Ryan go driving right by the park. They arrived not too long later thankfully.
-Everybody who said they would show, showed. We tend to not bail on wars.
-Seeing Ryan again after his fairly long hiatus from Nerf.
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#5 BustaNinja



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 10:18 PM

Honestly, Its a converted super soaker that gets about 40 feet, takes a minute to prime and is inaccurate as hell. If he wanted to use it, I woulda let him. Or if he was on your team, then I woulda told him no. Otherwise, its just such a handicap.

And about going ape shit, don't. Its not cool

But the ball darts were awesome.

Team SM1500 would be so so so scary. You need to patch up your old style though. We can only use old style SM1500's if we are gonna do that.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#6 venom213



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 10:33 PM

Yeah, I do admit going apeshit is pretty fucking retarded. That's the only time I can remember getting decently pissed at a war. I think I was more pissed because I saw Martin go right up to Jake and blatantley shoot him in the neck with it. I'm sure that the gun didn't perform as well as spring pistols people were using, but I honestly don't know why it made me so damn mad. It must have triggered some weird explosive reaction in my brain.

Hell yeah team SM1500. If I can't fix my old style one, I'll take the internals out of my new style, or out of a 2k like I did on yours. It would take some damn good fighting from the opposing team to take out 4 or 5 1500ers.
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#7 Carbon



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Posted 28 March 2009 - 11:51 PM

Just got home not too long ago...took an extra hour to Milwaukee because of all the freakin snow. Of course, fishtailing on the freeway gave that extra dose of adrenaline needed to keep awake for the rest of the way.

Great war, guys. I'll add actual recap stuff tomorrow, when I'm not about to fall over.
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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#8 Secret Assassin

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 12:57 PM

Probably the best war since spano.

-using an inline clip on a big blast
-Picking up a ton of darts
-great game types
-pistol rounds
-ranting on Ice's horrible youtube videos
-lunch at Wendy's
-using max's beastly snap
-being shot in the face with an AIR GUN during a pistol round
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#9 Carbon



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 02:00 PM

It ended up being as perfect a day for Nerfing as you could expect for late March...sunny, little wind, and warm enough. I had a great deal of technical difficulties during the day, but still had a great time. Looks like my foam source has shrunk, and rebarreling is in my future, as well as finally building the successor to Old Reliable.

Highlights of the day:

• Seeing SM1500s rock the day. Those things were beastly...but didn't break the skin when I took a face shot.
• Meeting Koree, and then playing on the same team with most of the day. Good times.
• Daniel Beaver being able to stay for the day.
• The Ridiculous Weapons round, and getting tagged with a flamingo.
• Pistol rounds!
• Newell Park is awesome...varied terrain, big trees, and different areas. Using hills for cover was a nice switch.
• Ryan being the ultimate winner of a 5 on 7 Vets vs Noobs game....and never even getting hit.
• CTF, and various sliding and dodging moves. I still don't know how I didn't get hit.
• Seeing Max's beautiful SNAPs. Clean, functional, and powerful.
• Ryan ignoring his +Bow in favor of the SM1500
• A +Bow with an RSCB clip. Yikes.
• The little kids who scouted darts for us.
• The long run around the baseball diamond chasing Daniel Beaver. I'll get you next time.
• The VIP cane. Also, quite literally getting sniped by Ryan. Nice shot, man.
• Passerby watching us, and grinning.
• Burning through the remainder of my darts.

And, from the trip home:
• Driving into a snowstorm, and going into a fishtail at ~50 MPH. YES. I AM AWAKE.

Looking forward to seeing pictures and footage, and the next war.

Edited by Carbon, 29 March 2009 - 02:00 PM.

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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#10 atomatron



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 04:14 PM

That was a good war, It started early and ended when it needed to.

-Getting out and nerfing
-Seeing Carbon's ridiculous manta and huge snap.
-Using the varied terrain and plentiful cover of the park
-Capture the flamingo, they make good "flags"(I shall soon be 3k-ing one and the other will return to future wars)
-Not having any shots to the face or whatnot
-Using my stock secret shot 1 in the ridiculous weapon round and actually hitting someone with the 'secret' barrel
-Buying more stuff from Beaver and Venom
-My ridiculous Vulcan/Death charge[walk] at Ryan#'s at the end of the Vets vs noobs round
-Seeing my friend (Chris) have a good time while seeing what a real Nerf war is like
-No guns breaking that I didn't expect to
-Explaining "The Fonz Darts"

-Leaving with practically no stefans left
-Seeing the inadequacies of the BBB....these will soon be addressed.
-My magstrike failing in my hands but worked fine when others used it.....
-Eating a frosty when its 40ish (the frosty was good but cold..)
-Koree partially breaking one of my flamingos (which is really not that big a deal)
-The SM 1500's....(this wouldn't be a bad thing if I had something to match them)
-I should have gotten my camera out, but I didn't.

I am looking forward to the next war, hopefully in April.
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

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#11 Ryan201821


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Posted 29 March 2009 - 10:06 PM

Awesome fucking war. The new location is great. Considering the amount of people that were also utilizing the park Saturday, I think it would be very beneficial to rent it out the next time we play there. Especially when it gets warmer out, the amount of people will only increase. It seems to be quite a popular place.

Anyway, it was great seeing venom, Julian, and the rest of the crew. It was also great to see some new blood out there and get to meet Koree and Beaver. Always a pleasure traveling with Carbon. I'm glad he could make the trip with me.

-Owning with the SM1500. I'm really glad I finally got one of these. This was the only reason I used the +bow in one round. The range, rate of fire, and accuracy was unmatched.
-Single handedly taking out the noobs and not losing one single life.
-Meeting new people
-Weather holding out and turning out to be a pretty decent day
-No problems with pedestrians
-Capture the flag rounds
-V.I.P. rounds, especially when I got that awesome shot on Carbon to end the game.
-Getting a good number of rounds in.
-Running like a fairy during the pistol rounds.
-Seeing Max's SNAP. That thing was sick.
-Raping noobs.

-Almost dieing on the way home numerous times.
-The lack of attention by our younger nerfers.
-Getting shot in the head twice
-Driving in general
-Losing a lot of my expensive darts.

All in all it was a great experience. See you guys in a couple months.


Somebody post some fucking pictures!
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#12 venom213



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 10:23 PM

Ryan: The fairy run was probably the funniest thing I saw all day. I nearly fell on the ground laughing when I saw that. I'm laughing my ass off now just thinking about it. Your 1500 is probably the craziest gun that was actually in play. I remember you using a singled one at MNCSO in a tower round, and the sound of the darts slamming against the playground was scary enough.

Anyway, I'll post the pictures tomorrow, but I really don't have anything special. And we forgot to take a group photo sadly. Here are some of my other most funny moments of the war:
-Julian's story about how to get thinwall CPVC, and that you can only buy it in 13" pieces. I wish we had recorded that somehow. Can you try and rewrite it as accurately as possible, Julian? For the record, I get my thinwall CPVC at the Ace on Grand Ave. nearest Summit Ave. Beaver told me he can get it at The Home Depot too.
-Seeing a random Asian couple when we came back from Wendy's and saying "hey, it's Koree and his girlfriend", because I thought the guy was Koree. Then Julian asking me about my other racial stereotyping.
-Beaver describing Apple Valley as "The whitest, nicest, suburb in the area" only to have Koree get slightly offended by the use of the term "whitest". I find it funny that my spellchecker has "Korea" as a replacement word for "Koree", which shows up as a spelling error.
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#13 Ryan201821


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Posted 29 March 2009 - 10:51 PM

Anyway, I'll post the pictures tomorrow, but I really don't have anything special. And we forgot to take a group photo sadly.

I remembered that as we were leaving. Everyone just disappeared when I was looking for darts. Oh well...

I know Beaver was taking a bunch of pics, I'm interested in seeing those. And also that video...are we ever going to see that, or is it going to take 99999 days to edit it again.

For the record, I get my thinwall CPVC at the Ace on Grand Ave. nearest Summit Ave. Beaver told me he can get it at The Home Depot too.

You lie. You can only get it behind 7-11 I heard.
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#14 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 11:27 PM

This was my favorite war so far. You guys need to post videos!

Ryan: I ended up grabbing a bunch of your darts, and forgot to give them to you. Sorry.
Venom: You makes Apple Valley sound like the ghettos. Clearly ones of us lacks the proper perspective on things.

-I saw Ryan and Carbon drive by on my way to the park. Did you two get lost?
-I started the day with three jackets on, but it warmed up to 40 by midday. A nice change from running around in the snow.
-Venom's singled LS got impressive ranges, besting even my 4B. We should have tried using it in one round to see how effective it is. It's a bitch to reload, so I'm not sure how well it would hold up.
-Likewise, the reactor with the inline clip never got used in a round. I love the feel of it, and the ranges were pretty good. I can see it working very well indoors, and I think it may have it's place outdoors as well.
-Venom finally took all that crap I sold him.
-My 4B performed very well for exactly one round before the pump handle broke off.
-On the flip side, my SM1500 held up for the rest of the day.
-I'm finally satisfied with the performance of my NF. It worked well during all the pistol rounds.
-I really liked the three-way deathmatches. It made for a more fluid game.
-I also liked the football game. A little more flavor than CTF.
-I got to use koree's +bow with an RCSB clip for two rounds. It worked as well as I hoped. I'm looking forward to using that setup in the future.
-In the past few months, I broke my +bow, and I broke Busta's CrossSNAP twice. Yesterday, I managed to break Carbon's original SNAP. I can't be trusted around homemades.
-Hitting Ryan in the face with the NF made me feel bad. It also made me feel good. ^_^
-Venom and I were hunting each other during the pistol rounds, and absolutely sucking. We probably exchanged 20 darts before a single hit was landed. That's why I like pistol rounds: accuracy and range sucks, so you can run around like dipshits without getting hit.
-Carbon's backwards/forwards somersault was humorous.
-I love Max's SNAPs
-Carbon was very tickled when he put my RCSB clip on his Big SNAP. Fix your SNAP 5, I want to see it in action!
-So many near misses wizzed by my head. Exciting!
-SM1500s were the flavor of the day. I keep trying to hate turrets, but I will grudgingly admit that they work pretty well.
-Speaking of which: everyone using the SM1500s were ignoring their arguably superior primary. Ryan didn't use his +bow, Busta didn't use his CrossSNAP, I didn't use my Big Blast.
-I had never used a new style SM1500 until now. I was very suprised: it's huge, and the ergonomics sucked.
-I also got to use a Splitfire for the first time. It's a fun gun, I want one!
-Ryan and Koree's duel was a lot of fun to watch.


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The pagodas are in the background. The dumpster was consistently an important piece of terrain.

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Carbon's little victory jig after pegging someone in the pistol round. Not sure why these pictures are so over-exposed.

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The ridiculous weapons round. Koree is trying to pull of his OG look while dual wielding pink flamingos.

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Here's that ball dart everyone loves so much. I'm not sure what the fuss is about.

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Action shots! This is Max. He's using that SNAP that everyone drools over.

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Another action shot. This is NerfCrazy. Or is it Secret Assasin? I can't tell who it is from this picture :P

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More action shots. Koree and Carbon Atomatron are exchanging fire.

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Ryan winning the Vets vs Newbs round all by himself.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 30 March 2009 - 09:18 AM.

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#15 BustaNinja



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 11:42 PM

So you gotta go down to the 7-11 behind that one taco bell. You know the place. Then go round back and buy a strawberry raspberry SNAPPLE from the vending machine. Take that down to the corner of 7th and 43 avenue, and throw the cap into the drainage pipe you see across the street. After a five minute wait or so some guy by the name of Slow Eddie will drive up in a 40's style rolls royce. Once he gets there, use the phrase "I'm fixing a leak" and he should take you round back to his trunk. Hidden under the emergency panels on the right side under the spare should be the Thingwall CPVC, which he will only sell you in pre-cut 13 inch segments.

Like that?

Man, fun pics. And the ball dart was just meant to be stupid. Im not sure the point, but that was why we did it... I think.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#16 Ryan201821


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Posted 29 March 2009 - 11:50 PM

Ryan: I ended up grabbing a bunch of your darts, and forgot to give them to you. Sorry.

It's cool. I'll get them whenever I see you next.

-I saw Ryan and Carbon drive by on my way to the park. Did you two get lost?

Haha...No. We turned right on the street before the parking lot and ended up going the wrong way. We kinda figured that no one would even be there yet anyway. I guess we were wrong. We ended up getting some scrumptious McDonald's breakfast though.

Beaver thanks for the pictures.
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#17 koree



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 11:57 PM

Great war!


Having Carbon and Ryan make it, they were awesome to nerf with.
Carbon's Effeminate roll (I can't believe you didn't mention that Carbon, though I think only you and I saw it)
Beaver's blow gun headshots (i think you got me around 3 times... though 1 of them were when we weren't playing, lol)
3 teams of 4 rounds were amazing
Nerfcrazy/Gage playing basketball with his nitefinder, while playing 3 teams of 4 on my team. Twice. We still won
Wielding dual flamingos during the "dumb" weapon round and using a flamingo with the leviathan (Carbon's homemade manta) during a pistol round. (And actually scoring taps both rounds!)
The dart ball or whatever it was called: With Busta's awesome tiny at2k.
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Seeing just how amazing SM1500s are, and seeing the potential behind RSCBing my +bow.
Holding the original snap, oldfaithful:
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Weather getting rather suddenly cold at the very end during clean up.
The L+L's plunger rod breaking down in the first pistol round. (Luckily, Ryan is making me a new plunger rod and catch plate)
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All Broken weaponry
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Realizing Beaver likes to destroy homemade, So far, he's damaged the +bow, Busta's snap variant, and Carbon's Old Faithful (They're all doing better now)

Edited by koree, 30 March 2009 - 12:01 AM.

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#18 Carbon



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 12:32 AM

-I saw Ryan and Carbon drive by on my way to the park. Did you two get lost?

Nah. We scouted the location to make sure w could find it, and then went to get breakfast...never figuring that people would actually already be there. The early start actually worked out well.

-Carbon's backwards/forwards somersault was humorous.

I'm glad others witnessed it...'cause I'm feeling it today.

-So many near misses wizzed by my head. Exciting!

Serious. I was hearing the Doppler Effect all freakin' day.

Carbon's little victory jig after pegging someone in the pistol round. Not sure why these pictures are so over-exposed.

Heh, I look so jaunty. I have no recollection of doing that.

More action shots. Koree and Carbon are exchanging fire.

That's actually Atomatron. It'd be counterproductive if it were me, because we were on the same team for most of the pistol rounds.

Carbon's Effeminate roll (I can't believe you didn't mention that Carbon, though I think only you and I saw it)

Now that you mention it, what exactly did I do? Near as can tell, I came around the tree, shot max, then did a forward roll and landed on my back.

Edited by Carbon, 30 March 2009 - 12:39 AM.

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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#19 MercenaryXero



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 12:45 AM

A bit late to this thread, but I've been doing stuff.

Overall, a great war. A majority of the things I would've said have been covered already, so I'll keep it short. Also, thanks everyone for the praise, its convinced me to create even more SNAP variants.

* The SNAPs were performing beautifully, even with the moderate winds. It's always fun to take a shot, miss, have the person poke themselves out of cover, then realize I have another primed shot and scramble back behind their tree.
* Meeting and playing with a cool group of people
* The new location has some nice features, and its nice to have better cover spread more evenly throughout the field. You could actually utilize things like flanking and suppressing fire, instead of the "dudes stand in line, shoot occasionally" style of play.
* Many other things that I can't recall right now

* I'm gonna have to make darts next war, I have about 30 left of the 70 I brought. Scavenging helped a lot in that regard.
* Amp energy shots taste like shit with toxic chemicals on it
* My legs are soar as hell, didn't stretch and sprinted quite a bit. I've gotten into the habit of advancing into enemy lines, taking a few shots, then running like crazy. (to my credit, I can't remember anyone hitting me as I ran, much less catching up)
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#20 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 02:50 AM

Sounds like it was a great WARM UP FOR THIS SUMMER.

that's all.

PS: Julian: Nice coat and ammo belt. You never fail to impress when it comes to aesthetics. I think I might start taking after you.

Back to being a college student.
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "

#21 BustaNinja



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 07:44 AM

Sounds like it was a great WARM UP FOR THIS SUMMER.

that's all.

PS: Julian: Nice coat and ammo belt. You never fail to impress when it comes to aesthetics. I think I might start taking after you.

Back to being a college student.

When I made it I wasn't so worried about a badass factor, that happened on its own. It worked beautifully. I like it alot better then using an ammo bag, as I generally only use about 30 shots in any given round, so once Im out on my ammo belt, Im generally out of the round too... accept that massive Vets VS Noobs.

You gotta come to the new park Hilt. I bet you would like it. Lots of great hills to slide down.

Can't wait till summer. Hopefully I will have the Cane-6 up and running for the Dirty Old Man to use again. (Its a cane with a Tec-6 on it.)
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#22 Carbon



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 09:36 AM

Can't wait till summer. Hopefully I will have the Cane-6 up and running for the Dirty Old Man to use again. (Its a cane with a Tec-6 on it.)


Although, I must say, a Tec-6? You'd be better off duct taping a flamingo to it.
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#23 BustaNinja



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Posted 30 March 2009 - 11:37 AM

Can't wait till summer. Hopefully I will have the Cane-6 up and running for the Dirty Old Man to use again. (Its a cane with a Tec-6 on it.)


Although, I must say, a Tec-6? You'd be better off duct taping a flamingo to it.

Way I see it, the cane is a melee weapon. if someone gets that close, you can go old man and hit them with it.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#24 atomatron



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Posted 31 March 2009 - 08:51 PM

I'm just wondering: during one of the three team rounds when our team (Beaver, Chris, myself and...secret assassin?) sat on the bench doing nothing until you lot noticed this, teamed up and charged us, what happened over there?
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

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#25 Ryan201821


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 12:41 AM

I'm just wondering: during one of the three team rounds when our team (Beaver, Chris, myself and...secret assassin?) sat on the bench doing nothing until you lot noticed this, teamed up and charged us, what happened over there?

We ended the round because everyone was running towards the playground. There were a few little kids there that we got too close to. We called off the round and restarted it.

I'm hoping that's what you were asking about.
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