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Brass Or Cpvc

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#1 FuriousGeorge



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:13 AM

Which would you suggest on a Tech Target or Nite Finder, Brass or Cpvc? Also, which is a better sidearm, Nite Finder or Tech Target.
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#2 Ice Nine

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:28 AM

I feel that brass is definately superior to CPVC. At hobby stores, it's sold in 1/32 inch incremints, so it's really easy to find a size that fits your stefans. It's also lighter, but the only problem is that it's really easily bent.
Out of the TTG and the NF, I'm not really sure. I haven't played with the NF yet, but it looks really good. Small, and seems to be very easily moddable. The TTG, on the other hand, feels so awesome in my hands it's not funny. It's also extremely easy to mod, and it's very powerful and accurate.
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#3 CustomSnake202



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 12:12 PM

Get a nite finder. It's cheaper, has a nice color and light, and basically has the same distance as the TTG. Also, the NF isn't that hard to mod and I agree with Ice Nine about using brass.
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Posted 21 February 2004 - 02:24 PM

Lets see, well we all know that NF's have a larger plunger tube than TTG's. On my TTG, I actually shortened the plunger tube, and used cpvc. On my NF, I had a nice nested brass barrel, and It shot at a lower velocity, and lower range than my TTG. I definatly reccoment cpvc over brass, but many people prefer brass over cpvc because you can nest it, and you can bow darts down the barrel. In my opinion, I say cpvc, but they all have their pros/cons.

My favorite gun is a TTG, but they are expensive, and an NF is als a ver amaizng gun. I recomend the NF, a great gun all around.

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#5 Ragornocks



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 03:15 PM

Your best bet is to go ahead and look here to find the right ratio of output and such, then select your barrel.

I'm assuming you want the barrel for one of the pistols, yes? You want to go with a slightly tighter fit for two main reasons:

A: A short, constricted barrel does alot better on guns with low but fast air output.
B: Pistols usually mean sidearms, sidearms mean holsters/pockets, and you don't want the darts falling out.
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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#6 cooldood31



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 06:35 PM

Use cpvc: it's cheap (3.14$ canadian for 10 feet. That's what, 2 cents american?), and it works.
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#7 Spectre2689



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 09:53 PM

I've done both mods on both guns. I can't really say which was better. I found the TTG was better with brass, but the NF was about equal with both. Then again the TTG's plunger tube exploded in quite the spectacular way, so... I'd get an NF with CPVC. Even though it's tighter than...yeah don't know where that's going...it keeps the dart from falling out, and launches out of the barrel like a crazy mofo. CPVC is also a LOT cheaper.
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#8 cxwq



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 12:55 AM

Once again, everyone mentions the huge price difference between $.80 worth of brass and $.06 worth of CPVC. More than 10 times the cost? Sure, but we're talking about $.74 difference here people!

As for which to use, it all depends on your darts. If they fit CPVC well, take your pick. If they don't fit CPVC well, use brass.
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#9 Jangadance



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 01:16 AM

As for which to use, it all depends on your darts. If they fit CPVC well, take your pick. If they don't fit CPVC well, use brass.

Yup, everything is relative to how wide your foam was made. And then of course what blaster you're using it with- higher powered guns can handle CPVC, but generally nested brass will benefit your spring guns and PETG or brass will be great with air pump guns.
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#10 Dan Wask

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 12:06 PM

I just recently started using cpvc because up until yesterday, my HD never carried 1/2 FBR. My cpvc nite finder makes me want to cry it shoots so nicely. Again, choose what ever is a) most available <_< fits your darts best.
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#11 Gamefreak



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 01:34 PM

Where DO you buy CPVC I've asked around at home depot and there culeless? Thanks Gamefreak
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#12 Dan Wask

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 01:48 PM

Its right near the pvc, just look for it because as we well know most HD employees are dumbasses. Its sorta yellowish and it says cpvc on it.
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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 9 2005, 12:02 AM)
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#13 Langley


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 02:21 PM

For some reason the CPVC wasn't in the isle that's got PVC and other pipe at my HD, it was in the next isle over. You're HD may have a similar layout.
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#14 Gamefreak



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 03:40 PM

Ok thanks my dad works there, so yeah, I'll have him check.
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#15 Sharpshooter



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Posted 01 March 2004 - 03:32 PM

ahahah He said that hd emplyes are dumbasses and your dad works there lol. Nm sorry but do you get the same size CPVC as you would Brass for a NF or TT?
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#16 LDM



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Posted 01 March 2004 - 04:40 PM

No, since you can't really get 9/16" CPVC, like you would with brass.

And THIRST brings up a good point: The Tech Target is pretty pricey, for a pistol.
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#17 Ragornocks



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Posted 01 March 2004 - 07:38 PM

It seems the majority of the new members have the intelligence of a hamster...or a n00b. Every once in a while, we get someone who knows what they are doing, and keeps a civil tounge in their mouth, but...I'm gonna have to steal the term "Asshat" here.

CPVC comes in 1/2" and 3/4", and is measured by O/D, I belive. You want 1/2" for micro stefans.
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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

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