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New Airzone Series

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#1 FuriousGeorge



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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:09 AM

I was at Toys-r-us yesterday getting a Nite Finder and I saw the new airzone series. Has anyone else checked them out? I think people have talked about the Tek Ten, but what about the Blast Bazooka. The Blast Bazooka resembles a X-stream. It has a similar casing, and shoots similar ammo. The difference is its pumping. It looks like it has great potential. Im going to try to open it up soon. I also saw a massive gun the looked a lot like the Ultimater. I couldn't get it, but I'm going to try to soon. It might be really good. The only other thing I saw was some stupid blowguns. Has anyone else checked out this line? What do you think?
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