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Nj Apocalypse #8

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#201 PhotoBug



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Posted 05 August 2009 - 03:19 PM

Some of the photos I took:

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The rest.
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#202 Saber



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Posted 05 August 2009 - 08:25 PM

Good times, hopefully more people will come next year. More people to flank. :ph34r:
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Do you like waffles? Pancakes?! French toast?!?!

~ Wardog Squad Scout

#203 zander2



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Posted 06 August 2009 - 09:38 PM

hm. didnt know lswielder was there. i ALSO thought it was august 8th, not 1st, for some reason... grumble grumble... missed it.
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#204 Silencer



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Posted 06 August 2009 - 10:05 PM

hm. didnt know lswielder was there. i ALSO thought it was august 8th, not 1st, for some reason... grumble grumble... missed it.

He wasn't there.
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#205 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 13 August 2009 - 12:53 AM

Well its about damn time I listed my highlights for the war.

First and foremost I would like to thank 3 people whose actions made this a trip a reality.

A gargantuan amount of gratitude goes out to:

#1 Kuhlie for hosting this war and all others who helped out to make APOC 2009 a war to remember.

#2 Rambo for housing us Canadians and being the incredible host as he always is.

#3 Crooked whos decision to take his car when the van rental fell through allowed at least 4/7 Canadians to attend.


- The Fenceline skirmish. Anyone who was there for that knows there were two teams. One team behind the fence line and trees above them and another team standing pretty much in the open trying to take the fence. It was impossible to get close and impossible to mortar shots because of the tree cover. I cannot remember who was near me but I sort of quoted a line by Jesse the body Ventura from Predator. "Sons a bitches are dug in deeper than an Alabama tick." (Spit)
laughter commenced. Someone near me remembered the line from the movie and said the very next line of the other character. "Your bleeding man" to which I replied " I ain't got time to bleed." It was priceless.
Almost exactly like this scene minus the mortar fire.
The funny thing is, I actually was bleeding at the time he said that. I was dodging some shots along the path and I backed into some bush with thorns all over it. My calf got a thin gash in it about 5" long.
I cannot remember who the other guy was. he had short black hair and was there the year before.

- Camelbak. I have seen in some other photos of Nerf wars that some people wore these at Nerf wars.
When I remembered how hot it had been the previous 2 years I knew it was going to be worth the $40 I spent on it. Come to think of it, I would have paid $100. It served me very well.

- Being at a war with over 80 people. I am pretty sure it was over 80 if I counted right. How many people weren't in the group photo who attended? Anyone who has ever spoken to me about Nerf knows I love the big wars. It was cool to realize I was once leading a team of 18 Nerfers into foamy combat! It has always been the more the merrier in my books. I can only hope to one day build up the Canadian Nerf scene so we can have massive wars up here as well. Kudos goes out again to Kuhlie. I was stressing when I had to host a war with 40 people. I can only imagine how much harder it would be with 80+

- Repairing Doomsayer on sight.
In the 3 years I have been going to nerf wars I have never once done an on sight repair or modification.
For some reason my plunger head shrunk or the Plunger tube grew and the rubber didn't in the Jersey heat.
Up North I could blow down the plunger tube and no air would escape.
At APOC there was a ton of air travelling around the plunger tube. Turned out I needed to wrap E-tape around the plunger head like 6 times. That's some serious plunger shrink! Even though the gun was basically manual rotate for the rest of the day it still did its job. I think in future APOC's if people are still sticklers about its "Goodness" I can remove its auto rotate ability. It had power accuracy and range and thats all I needed.

- Seeing how many people have grown/changed since the previous year I had seen them.

- The giant thumb sized wasps to which we still do not know which species they are.

- Realizing that even though I did not do as much Cardio as I had hoped, the decrease in body fat% made me last longer and a bit faster on the field.

- Facing off against Tank many times.

- Jlego kicking ass. What can I say, I undoubtedly name him the MVP at APOC this year. Shooting me in the center of the forehead from over 100' away. Then later that same round shooting my shin which was the only thing exposed while I was taking cover behind a tree. I think he was about 80+ feet away for that one. You were quite the threat on the field buddy. It was good seeing you again.

- Speaking with Twitch in person and as soon as he started speaking I tripped the fuck out and thought I was on a podcast or something. It was crazy.

- Crooked kicking ass. Being a great shot and a good sport.

- Badger reminding me the sweetness of cloves.

- Meeting Badwrench.

- The showdown with Muttonchops. Blocked a shot with his Manta then while distracted I shot him in the side.

- Muttonchops flanked my entire team and ran past each one to barrel tap me. Then started firing at the rest of my team mates who were shocked. Either OMC or TED yelled something like "You can't tap Angel that's impossible" I thought it was impossible also my friends. But Muttonchops had achieved the impossible.
That shit was Effeminate chops. I cannot wait to war with you again sometime.

- Wanting to get a head shot so bad on tin head but luckily I remembered my self made shock collar and olives.

- Facing off against Fenixharth 3 times.

- The scary showdown with that chick in the bushes who had the big blast. We were maybe 20-25 feet away from each other taking shots and jumping behind cover. Some other member of my team flanked her and she turned around and shot him. After the shot made contact with my team mate I had just enough room to get a target on her torso.

- Rushing outdoors again.

- Vacc hitting me with a + bow from like 20 feet away. The welt was gone in 5 days. The bruise was gone after a couple weeks. He had no choice though. If he didn't shoot me I was going to shoot him.

- Somebody ran face first into my Doomsayers barrels. I wasn't even concerned if my gun broke because I was laughing so hard. Think I got that one on video.

- Running with Vacc while chasing down both Groove and Zaxby's. We were moving pretty fast. Ahead of the rest of the team. I was mortaring shots in the air while running and they were landing beside Groove and Zaxby's as all 4 of us sprinted. But Vacc was smarter than their trap. He told us to stay away from the tree/fenceline because their might be a trap waiting. Sure enough, there was.

- Finally seeing a Monster super soaker. Thanks for bringing it badger!

- Ice lending me his new Lanard shotgun thingy to look at. With the stock it was definitely uncomfortable in my big hands.

- Seeing other people try to prime Doomsayer with one hand. Ha!

- Hearing that the one guys father still remembered that one serious talk we had last year. Cool guy.

- Picking up Groove.

- (After the war somewhere else) Talio and I getting face to face like in some MMA poster like a huge fight is about to break out then sitting down and having a beer together.

- Seeing that cool blue Longshot/double shot/other gun thingy. Only to find out that it was some dumb con artist who originally came up with the idea.

- OMC's grand welcoming of us upon entering the field. I didn't want to be over an hour late again for the war but Jersey traffic was a bitch.

- The beautiful hot weather.

- Making some good dodges for the day.

- Storming the giant bush mound thing and Shooting this one Asian guy wearing the orange cloth cape in the hand.

- Seeing Talio throw down his gun and storm at some kid to pick him up into the sky.

- Seeing Captain Slug again. Never saw him hold a Nerf gun. But he held that umbrella with style. It's like he would make cameos during the action of the day. Something that Alfred Hitchcock would do.

- Seeing Leet and FY215 again! Glad I could see some other familiar faces from the Massacre wars.

- Meeting Wave and Mutonchops for the first time. Cool people. Would love to Nerf/hookah with again.

- Seeing a few SM1.5K's in action.

- Seeing the Chimaras in action. Such strange contraptions to see in person.

- Tin heads powerclip darts falling a few feet from my position.

- Seeing how SGM and CNP do in the outdoors.

- CNP's skill with the SM1500 outdoors.

-Kicking ass with Jlego in the final round of the day.

- Also a huge thanks to Photo bug who took all the great photos.

All in all I had a ton of fun and even though I was unable to bring my "Secret weapon" and 3 extra Canadians, I had a blast.

So it has been 2 weeks since the war and I got all my footage from my video camera and my special video camera uploaded to my computer and into my "Raw footage" folder.

I would love to get started on making this video.

If I remember right there are 2 others that have video footage for sure:

Twitch's gun cam.

I heard Zaxby's also has footage.

If anyone else has footage or knows of anyone else who took video at this war please pm me.
or E-mail me at Forsaken_angel24@hotmail.com
So we can discuss how to transfer the files.

Once I have all the footage we can discuss which songs you guys want in the video.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 13 August 2009 - 01:13 AM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#206 digitalkid



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Posted 14 August 2009 - 12:47 AM

- Storming the giant bush mound thing and Shooting this one Asian guy wearing the orange cloth cape in the hand.

- Seeing Talio throw down his gun and storm at some kid to pick him up into the sky.

I wish I was there to see Talio pick up Chem-Goggles but sadly I missed it.

Awesome, I was the Asian dude with the orange cape. That thing really helped take all that sweat off my back.

The best round for me was the last one, where I was the last man standing and an entire team came rushing after me, with FA in front chasing me down and my 4B coupler breaking off. It was probably the last shot in the game.

With so many people, rounds last an hour long. I probably only played 6 games. But those 6 games were awesome.

Also there's a video floating on Youtube with great footage from Apoc 09. At 2:35 it was my first match, I got no kills, and lasted less than 5 minutes. That headshot was my last life and I fell over.


I guess that's a negative highlight? That was one cool headshot though.

Edited by digitalkid, 14 August 2009 - 12:54 AM.

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A problem has been detected and you have been shot down.



If this is the first time you've seen this Stop Error screen, count to 15 and respawn. If this screen appears again, you're dead. Get out of the field.

#207 Echnalaid



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Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:34 PM

Ok, while you guys wait for Angel's superior APOC video, here's mine for you to enjoy.

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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

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