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Nj Apocalypse #8

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#176 digitalkid



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 11:25 AM

That war was Effeminate. The last round was the best, since I was last man standing and FA and his entire team came rushing after me. Oh shit. But yeah it was great. I still love that dodge-spin-shoot-hit combo with no delay I did to someone. Who did I shoot, and how did you like the shot you caught with your stomach? :)

Traffic to New Jersey is a BEAST. You do NOT want to drive in there.

My first round sucked for me. Three deaths in the first 5 minutes, and no kills. My last death was a headshot and I just dropped.

If you're missing a lot of darts, I did a dart search and I came home with about 500 or so. So I probably have it. :P

EDIT: chimera on chimera with missile and rocket as ammo from a distance of 5 feet - yellow missile wins. hahaha

Edited by digitalkid, 02 August 2009 - 12:19 PM.

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#177 Langley


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Posted 02 August 2009 - 11:51 AM

Posted Image
Just a small sample of why Apoc was awesome.

Edit: Also, Gnomefest Link for everyone asking about the date/location.

Edited by Langley, 02 August 2009 - 11:53 AM.

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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#178 Talio


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Posted 02 August 2009 - 11:54 AM

It was way cooler then I expected it to be, which is to say it wasn't the complete disaster it could have been. Honestly, everyone there was pretty cool and I enjoyed myself. I hate big wars though and when I say big wars I mean 20+. If FA is right and there were 80 people there, that's way too much for me to enjoy myself. However, I did actually enjoy myself much to my amazement. I think I fucked around for a good two thirds of the day and that's really what these wars are about anyway. So yeah, fuck it. It's was pretty good.
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#179 Langley


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Posted 02 August 2009 - 12:32 PM

One other picture I forgot to post. I wish I had actually gotten a photo of the storefront of this place we passed on our way to get gas heading back from the war, but this map will have to suffice.

Posted Image

Canadians be warned: We've found your secret base in Jersey
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
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#180 Split



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 12:39 PM

One other picture I forgot to post. I wish I had actually gotten a photo of the storefront of this place we passed on our way to get gas heading back from the war, but this map will have to suffice.

Canadians be warned: We've found your secret base in Jersey

That post will do wonders for your facebook, FA!
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#181 Skitzo



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 02:03 PM

Honestly it was not one of the best wars I’ve been to this year but it was still a good time as always. I most likely will not be returning next year if I don’t have some sort of substantial income by then.

-Driving to the war and back taking well over twice the normal amount of time thanks to traffic.
-Arriving during the second round after 3 hours of traffic
-Record apoc attendance
-Meeting a few familiar voices from the nerf podcast along with all of the new players.
-Seeing many of the new blasters along with Silencer’s 1k, Ted’s vortex tornado and some singled longshot monstrosity(never got the name of the owner)
-Silencer’s “raptor screech” alerting the enemy, dodging a whole power clip and getting a gun hit off from five feet away
-“Defending the shade”
-An amazing string of dodges one after the other while facing a line of opponents “It was like a firing squad”
-Charging past my teams front lines into the enemy lines taking a person out and busting trough a tree line to safety all within a few seconds
-One of the rounds getting split up into two separate battles without anyone noticing and continuing to fight a loosing battle because the rest of my team was supposedly dead
-Leading many of the charges/retreats when my team became indecisive
-Showdowns with Silencer as usual
-Four kills with the Bow N’ Arrow in the last round
-Being out-flanked all day thanks to the huge amount of people
-Only surviving one round but taking so many people with me in every round
-Wendy’s and model trains

I'm looking forward to all of the video and photos.


Edited by Skitzo, 02 August 2009 - 02:05 PM.

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If soldiers were to begin to think, not one of them would remain in the army.- Frederick The Great

#182 diamondbacknf1626



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 04:49 PM

Good stuff, had a great time. Am absolutely looking forward to next year. I must agree with Gears. Small wars and large wars are completely different things, and should not be compared. While there were a ton of people there, there didn't seem to be any problems with numbers. Very well orginized and hosted.

-Long day, allowed for lots of nerfing.
-The day flowed pretty smoothly. I was happy the round schedual was somewhat abandoned.
-Realizing that I could still kick some ass with my SNAP even if it wasn't shooting up to it's normal glory.
-Plenty of awesome hits
-Getting rushed by a massive amount of people (a full team) and basically having my team break down the rushing team, one of the hits during which was from my Zaxblast right to keef's face. Sorry about that, keef.
-Zax and I having the rest of our team not know what the hell they were doing, splitting up, and leaving us with three guys. We then had those three essentially sacrifice themselves, run around the outside of the wooded area of the grove, and we rushed through the inside, came out of the woods, and took out like three or four people when we came through the bushes.
-Hitting Zax while he lept up into the air to dodge it...with the "Zax"blast.
-Going one on one w/ my SNAP against FA and the Doomsayer. Having him circle around me unloading shot after shot at me, managing to dodge them all, circle the opposite way as him, and then peg him in the chest with the backup shot of my SNAP, seeing as the main shot hit a tree he circled behind.
-"That thing's a beast"
-Team orange getting split up in the forest during a round, after Groove and Zax essentially abandoned us, and a few other people apparently left, too. Then, holding off the other team on a path, making a break out the other end of the path and ending up in a clearing. Then another group of people started coming through the other side of the clearing, and we stood each other off, pointing our guns at each other, and then realized that it was the rest of the orange contingent that had finally met up with us again.
-One round at the final fronteer, where we essentially destroyed the other team, and pushed them back around a huge clump of trees, took them out, and came around the other end only to realize that they had like 7 people still left. Two of which got out thanks to some other members of our team, and then having the final five shots I took take out the final five guys on their team.
-Zax's crazy tapping spree w/ his pistol.
-Groove sneaking around behind me while I was chasing after Zax and tapping me with his pistol.
-Getting to fire the Guru Mk. 2
-Hitting the Mk. 3 when Groove rushed
-Having my RSCB'd LpL out-shooting x-bows, and my SNAPbow range-wise, and getting pot shots with it in the forrest.
-Running out of darts during that round like 5 minutes before it ended. RSCBs eat darts like candy.
-Getting great group shots and a lot of footage. I'll upload the pics ASAP.
-Meeting all the guys there. A group of some really awesome people.
-Meeting team Canada, Mag7, and the Ohio, Min. guys
-Noticing that everyone was pretty much awesome, and entirely different personallity-wise than on the boards.
-Matching voices and names to faces.
-Ducking under that awesome LS monstrosity and having it fly over my head
-Finally selling my +bow
-Earning enough money to get a new one of the above
-Not getting even close to running out of darts, even after sharing with several people
-My LpL getting some wierd looks
-Zax and I all of a sudden taking off out of nowhere seeing as we kept getting sandwitched between two teams in three-team deathmatch, and the rest of our team had abandoned us. (Same round as at the top of the list)
-Not getting stung by those massive hornets (no, not the nerf kind) by the parking lot.
-Getting a LBB, PETG, and another 1500.
-Hitting Tim with my SNAP as soon as he got to the war.
-Him still being scared of that thing, muah ha ha.
-Seeing all the guys from BCNOs again.
-Knowing there'll be another next year.
-Finally finishing this insanely long list of highlights.

There are many more, but seriously, I think that's pleanty to try to squeeze into this post. To sum it all up, it was a fun day. Meeting people was awesome, and nerfing with them was awesome. Oh, oh, and one more. The Canadians will really be the only ones to get this...

-My mom's car didn't blow up

EDIT-Oh jeez, that's really, really long. Well, it was a really, really long day.

Edited by diamondbacknf1626, 02 August 2009 - 04:50 PM.

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QUOTE(TxNerfer @ Nov 13 2010, 12:42 PM) View Post

Hey...I got a crazy idea: how about you stop all that sigging stuff? It's not even my thread and it annoys me.

#183 Saber



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 05:11 PM

As my first Apoc, that was probably one of the best days of my life (depressing isn't it?). After last minute planning and 2 parents grinding up my ass :D , I finally was able to get to the biggest day in ESN (Eastern Side Nerfing). Before I forget, I might as well put up my list:

~Using a gun that I never shot before and actually being good with it.
~Fighting alongside some of the biggest guys in Nerf.
~Killing my buds from NY several times.
~Keeping about the same number of darts almost every round.
~Getting between 8-11 kills in my first round.
~Surviving the majority of the time.
~Holding of Groove and 6 other guys alone in a Resurrection Forest round.
~Noticing that I'm almost as fast as the fastest guy in my squad.
~Getting picked up by Talio.
~Actually coming home with no welts for a change.
~Being able to go.
~Learning something that everyone would bitch at me about so I will not share it for now.

~Getting put on the guest list because my friend didn't ask my NH name.
~Being sleep deprived for 30 hours.
~Not getting as many good shots as I should have.
~Not seeing my friend slam into a tree this year.
~Not bringing enough money to get anything other then the Panda Bow (Still can't remember the full name)
~Getting shot in the bwut.

I will be going next year (ride permitting) and hopefully with more money so I can buy another gun and some supplies. Hopefully I will create/find some sort of shotgun add on for the Panda Bow by then as well.
See you all next year!

~Saber B)
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#184 Muttonchops


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Posted 02 August 2009 - 07:35 PM

Im going to confirm with everyone else and say that was a fun war overall. Personally, I had just as much fun talking to different people and watching how they nerfed.

Some simple highlights:

Strongarm-Manta performed well.
--Favorite three blocks: Chimera, 4b, Doomsayer
Forest stage was awesome
People laughed when I said the recon was my primary, then it proceeded to get kills
Sneaking in the forest/wood
The barrel tap to end all barrel taps.
--Note, its supposed to be a TAP, not a fucking falcon punch to the face with a coupler
--I did try to dodge under the tap by sliding, and I really harbor no ill will. If I hadn't moved, it would have hit my chest, so its all good.
Relaxing at the end of the day after parents left. Did you see the pirate ship?
Being the newest member to the LGLF

It was good meeting you guys collectively, this next year I am going to try and get in more traveling to nerf outside the PA/NJ area.


EDIT: Quick additional highlight I remembered: After getting off the ground blood pouring out of my head, I ran up and rushed a group of three kids holding a pair of benches. I got through, nailed one with the recon, and chased down a second. He looked behind him at me, and in horror just started screaming "I TAKE THE HIT!! I TAKE THE HIT!!" If you were one of those kids, I apologize for scaring the living shit out of you.

Edited by Muttonchops, 03 August 2009 - 02:38 PM.

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#185 Echnalaid



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Posted 02 August 2009 - 08:07 PM

People laughed when I said the recon was my primary, then it proceeded to get kills

Speaking of ridiculous guns, who had the Double Shot that he carried on a strap? He lent it to someone and he lost the shells.
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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#186 digitalkid



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 11:16 AM

hahaha Effeminate win.

CrooKeD Roll'd
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#187 CaptainSlug


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 12:24 PM

hahaha Effeminate win.

Please stop posting.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#188 slowguitarman



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 01:07 PM

Now that I am finally home long enough to post, I gotta say that Nerfing with tons of people outside was totally different that with ~40 people in a big gym. For the first few rounds, I felt lost. I thought that the round was some sort of Civil War type battle where no rushing was allowed. Once if found out that people were just panzying around, it was much better.


+Having an awesome place to stay thanks to RAMBO and his wonderful mom.
+Meeting up with my Canadian brothers, and making a new one: Tankrat.
+Being able to use my LS for the entire day without any problems. I also think I was the only person that used a non-singled LS.
+Getting plenty of kills with that LS, one of which included VACC, which was one of my targets.
+Going in from behind, dodging three shots from less than 20' and then shooting VACC in the chest.
+Being called a Canadian all day. It was funny.
+Getting a funny new sig that a lot of people got a good laugh from.
+Not losing all of my darts.
+Doing very well in the second last round of the day. There were less people, and it was awesome.
+Getting in two situations with Muttonchops in which we both decided to just go our separate ways. One instance where I ran as hard as I could up behind him, and then we ended up barrel tapping each other at the same time.
+Meeting some awesome new people. Jlego is absolutely awesome in battle and off the field. Same goes for VACC, Talio, Anthony (Wave?), Muttonchops and quite a few others.
+CNP saying that Talio was just like a Viking. She didn't know until then that Talio was referred to as the Nerf Viking.
+Chasing down the little guy (digitalkid, I believe) with VACC and Forsaken, Forsaken giving up the hunt, the guy yelling, " I surrender," and then VACC and I both shooting him from less than 10'. He took it well though.
+Hanging out at VACC's afterward listening to the crazy stories everyone had.
+Having a pros list too long to write out.


-Jersey traffic
-Losing most of my darts
-Being about 45 minutes late, even though we were all ready on time to leave at 7:30.

I have to thank everyone again for the great time, and I hope to be there again next year and be at some other smaller wars as well.
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#189 Groove


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 09:17 PM

As usual, Apoc was awesome. My life for the past week has been pretty much non-stop Nerf; from preparing for Apoc, driving 3 other people up to NJ, driving back and then driving to GA for the SOFA war.

The thing about Apoc recaps is that they're hard to recap. So much shit is crammed into 7 hours of Nerfing that it's hard to recall what went down. This year's attendance was INSANE. It's physically and mentally taxing to keep track of that many people at once.

Anyways, highlights:
  • The car ride up and back with Slug (Mr. Awesome), Zaxbys and Galaxy was fucking hilarious. Many good laughs.
  • Getting to see and meet with a ton of new Nerfers, and seeing several familiar faces from previous wars. I can't even begin to list off all the people I met.
  • Having my Splitfire break the NIGHT BEFORE I had to travel to NJ, and having Slug help and fix it. I owe you big time, Slug.
  • A huge thanks to Zaxbys for letting me use some of his darts, since I had little time to make more upon discovering the aforementioned busted Splitfire.
  • The multi-team DM in the Grove area with Mag7 was pretty awesome, got tons of hits, and when it came down to Famine, myself, DS versus bpso86 and the other guy with the blue rifle (I'm sorry, I forgot your name) it was a perfect end to an intense round.
  • Selling off the last of the NerfSTRONG wristbands. Seriously, I don't have any left.
  • Drawing the enemy fire from at least 10 people with Zaxbys in the 2-team DM in the Undiscovered Country after lunch, and actually hitting about 6 people in the process.
  • Luring the entire enemy team with Zaxbys in the same 2-team DM in the Undiscovered Country while the rest of our team moved into diddle positions.
  • Upon hearing the "1 minute to sudden death" call from Kuhlschrank in the same 2-team DM, Zaxbys and I barrel tapping a total of 6 people.
  • Faddle, and telling him I would un-ban him just so I could ban him again.
  • Starting a new trend with Camelbacks. I am a fucking trendsetter. That thing saved my life.
  • During the last of the aforementioned barrel taps, having a confused younger player unsure of what to do turn his X-bow around and present it to me much like an offering to some sort of Aztec god. I had to calmly explain to him that while it was appreciated, it was not necessary. Fucking most hilarious thing that's ever happened to me while barrel tapping someone. He was a good sport, though.
That being said, I think we all owe a huge thanks to those who helped host and organize the largest annual war on the East Coast, mainly Kuhlschrank and OMC. So, big thanks to both of my fellow clanmates for doing what they did. And thanks to everyone who attended. See you bitches next year.

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#190 Zaxbys


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 09:18 PM

What can I say... APOC was an awesome experience. It was definitely worth the trek up from Georgia and I will be back next year.

Mag7 you are a crazy bunch of guys but you are alot of fun to hang out with

+Car rides up and back were so much fun
+Meeting Mr. Awesome... you are funny as hell
+Put nitrates on your plants
+Nearly dying on our quest for doughnuts
+Great round with Groove where at the last sudden death minute of the round I went crazy shooting 3 people with my gun then immediately tapping 3 people with my pistol and hitting another with the loaded dart
+Sneaking to the side of the field with Jordan only to have the whole team realize we were there and drawing all of them to us
+Groove and I running the serpentine pattern for the first time which confused the shit out of all who were victim to it
+The jump, spin, and shoot headshot kill
+Meeting new faces and hanging out with friends
+Being asked if I was taken into the woods and hit in the balls if Groove would feel it
+Groove 2.0
+Reaping HAVOC on my hydration with camelbak
+Famine and Ted just being assholes.... but funny ones... all day long
+When at first you don't succeed... quit and complain then shoot people as they run by
+Alot of great laughs
+A great roadtrip from GA-VA-NJ-VA-GA
+Playing against a shit ton more people than I am used to
+Faddle... just wow
+Being a member of the three trend setters for Camelbak.... Scorpion, Mirage, and Havoc

If anyone got any footage or pictures of the war, PLEASE PM me so I can arrange sending me those files for a video that I am putting together.

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"Hey girl... you like water sports?"

~Groove 6/26/09

#191 TED


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 09:23 PM

I liked the nerf.
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#192 diamondbacknf1626



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 10:20 PM

Pics time...sorry, my mom's Kodack was crapping out. I have video clips too, if anyone wants them, PM me. I need to upload them still, though. Keep in mind, a lot of it's of me and my bro, seeing as we're her kids, but she got a lot of good footage of everyone as well, and some good group pics:

Did it work?
Posted Image
Meh, it's kinda big. That just gives you an idea of the shear volume of people there. I will be converting all the others as soon as I can.

Edited by diamondbacknf1626, 03 August 2009 - 10:49 PM.

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QUOTE(TxNerfer @ Nov 13 2010, 12:42 PM) View Post

Hey...I got a crazy idea: how about you stop all that sigging stuff? It's not even my thread and it annoys me.

#193 Zack the Mack

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Posted 03 August 2009 - 11:26 PM

Now THAT was a war. When my PistolSplats broke, I used my Signal Launcher. When I was too tired to pump the Signal Launcher, I used the LpL. I nerfed until I was ready to drop and then nerfed for three more rounds.

- Handling BadWrench's Lanard Shotgun, dropping it into the ground, and firing the divot
- Putting up with Faddle, then chasing him down in the last round
- Buying that delicious LpL from Koree
- Explaining how an RSCB works about 5 times
- Inventing and playing Titan Football
- Hookah
- Insane RSCB-fueled killing spree with Koree (Victims included JLego, FA, and plenty of 4B's)
- Reuniting with Ice, Gears, JLego, Koree, Mutton, et al
- Consuming 9 bottles of water, 3 bottles of Gatorade, a king-size BK drink...
- Defending against the entire team in Resurrection Forest using an LpL
- The only tacticool word we know is 'flank'
- Firing the Signal Launcher without closing the RSCB, then getting shot
- Watching [forgot your name] rebuild a singled Longshot in the field
- Mutton's ridiculous head wound
- My Gunslinger partner and I getting tapped in a drive-by
- Getting nailed in the head by Gears in Resurrection Forest
- Getting lost in the woods
- Facing off against The Original Doomsayer, and shooting FA 3 times anyways
- Dodging a firing squad of 4B's. Originality, people!
- Firing 100 darts in one round... from an LpL
- Meeting the canucks, Mag7, and the LGLF
- Did I mention shooting Faddle?

Kruhl... whatever, great war. Really well-planned, awesome attendance, bombastic atmosphere. See y'all at GnomeFest!
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#194 Fenixharth



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Posted 03 August 2009 - 11:49 PM

My team and I had a good weekend all told, with appoc being the appex of it.


-Getting to see JLego and langley again. See you in the trenches!
-Getting some okay kills.
-Not having any serious weapon failiures with the exception of my friend breaking his chimera and me having to fix it on the field.
-Getting a new arrow storm for $3
-Seeing so much media coverage of the game.
-Seeing The rest of the internet gang.
-Having fun in almost every round I played in.
-Anti-climatic duels between me and Forsaken.
-Allying with the Canadians in the multi-team game.
-Winning the multi-team game.
-There is just something about charging over the Hill that is just soo fun!
-Seeing Digital kid barrle-tap two guys right after we charged up the hill.
-Working great as a team in the Multi-team game.
-Getting a rocket kill.

I'm going to get out photo's up tommorow afternoon.

Also Big Thanks to Tyler and Hersh for running this game like true champs.

Edited by Fenixharth, 03 August 2009 - 11:49 PM.

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#195 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 03:13 AM

I got home at 3am today.

Here are some photos for now.

Posted Image

Posted Image

I have a good amount of footage and some "Unique footage".
It would be cool to do the video for APOC again this year.

Whoever else has video footage pm me and we can find a way to transfer it over.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 04 August 2009 - 03:53 AM.

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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#196 VACC


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Posted 04 August 2009 - 10:59 AM

Well, I won't lie, I was kinda dreading this war. Something this large generally turns into more of a meet n' greet than an actual nerf war. However, Apoc was a pleasant surprise. The few battles where we stuffed everybody onto the same field were predictibly cluster fucks, but the majority of the rounds saw small enough teams to get some good action going. Everybody seemed to have a good time and brush off my insultingly vulgar dialogue as well....which is always a plus.

Thanks to everyone for showing up and having a great time. Didn't see anyone trying to pull a fast one or causing any kind of bullshit. This is high praise for a war of this size.

Thanks to Tyler and OMC for running this with a nice mix of structure and flexibility.

Thanks to the Canadians for hanging out after the war for a bit. FA may be the only really vocal member of this group on the forums, but they're all very cool and completely different dudes. I gotta make it up there sooner or later. What we discussed sounded like a good time. We could nerf too, I guess.

Thanks to the Wave of the past, present, and future for coming to his first nerf war in years and showing everybody what it is to be a Horseman. Nerf-on, Wave.

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#197 Talio


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Posted 04 August 2009 - 01:42 PM

So this war has put me out of work for a few days and here's why:

Posted Image

Turns out there was something out there that I was allergic to and now I have to take steroids to make it go away. Fucking sucks.
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#198 VACC


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Posted 04 August 2009 - 02:42 PM

Holy shit, you're allergic to my seed?!
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#199 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 06:05 PM

Some more photos.

When choosing teams.
Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

That's basically the last of the photos I got.
I took mostly video.

The war was great and I had an amazing time.
I still feel tired from the war and all the driving.
I will post more on it later.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#200 Twitch



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Posted 04 August 2009 - 07:22 PM

An amazing war indeed; it was nice to see another war on the scale I'm used too. I'm currently still in the process of transferring all the obtained video to my computer before I can start the editing process, hopefully I'll be able to get it finished in a few days. As is a common feeling about such large wars, it was fantastic to put faces with so many avatars, names, and the ilk.
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