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What... The... Fuck...

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#1 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 03:35 AM

EDIT: I'm sorry, this was a mistake, and should not have been posted.

That's right, after a few weeks of absence, I am back. I needed a quick break. Turns out, all I needed to do was find out that Simon and Garfunkel were the SHIT, and I would've been fine. I've missed you guys. Really. When I left, I was kinda getting a reputation as Nerfhaven's emo, so now that I'm back, I'm going to take that and run with it. I'm sorry I've been a little bit of an asshole in the chat. Anyway, that was really arrogant. I bet most of you have no idea who I am. I'm Foamfoot. I joined sometime over the summer of last year. I have been gone for a couple of weeks.

Now the reason I bring this all up, is not to boost my ego or anything like that. No, I planned to go straight back to posting, just like normal, without any mention of my very short absence. But... did I miss something? Did Uin13 make a hit TV show about a guy and a girl who just want love? Where are all the shitty threads coming from? The TOP three threads in the off topic section are closed, for good reason, and they are all made by different people. WTF? And the General Nerf section? HOLY SHIT. I don't even need to put in text what is wrong with the threads up in there now.

This isn't even barely the topics. Mods, Homemades, Wars, they are all still great as far as topics and beginning posts in a topic go. But what about posts? What about where a thread eventually goes? Examples:

That is such an old gun why bother putting it in here?

P.S. stop it with the grammar stuff if you guys wanna be critics go into the movie buisness (i spelled that wrong i know it).

(When it was clearly noted in the post)

thats pretty cool but why does the company need that many guns?

sad to say, but this has FAIL all over it.

Now, let us look at each statement individually.

One: Has a joke that is more annoying than replacing your alarm clock with a siren (Irony). Also, OH MY GOD I hope his statement isn't the future of the NIC. And yeah, horrible grammar, what evs.
Two: As stated, it was very clearly noted in the post.
Three: That was the entire post. There is no explanation whatsoever of why it has fail "written all over it". We have no idea what is wrong. Either this is simply a restatement of what has already been said, or it provides no actual constructive thoughts.

Look, I want to make something clear. I am not backseat moderating, saying that anything needs to be done, or complaining for kicks. There has just been such a HUGE, and very sudden influx of noobishness recently. I am just wondering, did I miss something?

What the hell happened?

Edited by Foamfoot, 26 February 2009 - 12:03 AM.

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QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#2 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 05:54 AM

One good thing you missed was Ice (uin13) putting a video on youtube warning goobers (particularily underage ones) to stay away from NH.
I can't explain the rest of the crap, probably an admin validated a bunch of people.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#3 Thomas



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 06:58 AM

Welcome to fucking nerfhaven, this happens all the time, and the admins are dealing with it. Jesus christ why is it that everyone feels it to take it upon themselves to make a complaint thread?
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Posted 25 February 2009 - 08:08 AM

Speaking of terribly useless threads, welcome back. When can you leave again?
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#5 MoonMaster



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 08:40 AM

Foamfoot, have you failed to realize the fact that a majority of the posts still have decent grammar and spelling?
I mean, when the admins validate more members, there's more work for them to do. I think that the standards they've maintained kick some serious ass. Sure there's a few annoying n00bs, but a vast majority of the posts I've seen are well thought out and supported. I don't really think this deserved it's own thread.

Edited by MoonMaster, 25 February 2009 - 08:42 AM.

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5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.

#6 Groove


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Posted 25 February 2009 - 12:58 PM

I am not backseat moderating, saying that anything needs to be done, or complaining for kicks.

Well, that's good.

Wait...what was the point of this post, again?

PS ~ Every time you post, a little part of me dies on the inside.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#7 Kyrativ



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 06:49 PM

Although I've been thinking the same thing...Vacc is right, it is just better to talk to a moderator about the problems privately to let them know your thoughts on the site and that it *maybe* requires some changes. ather than post a topic where all the noobs your talking about will come and either:
1. Try to redeem themselves by justifying theyre crappy posts.
2. Blame it on someone else.
3. Try to reverse it on you by bringing up any problems in your past 10 posts or so.

Seriously the moderators have brains, they will get to it, but they have lives as well.
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#8 boom



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 07:37 PM

Don't blame goobers for all of the stuff.There are probably guys who think it is cool to act like an age there not.But who cares the mods will take care of us
I'm just the scitzophrenic clusterfuck of randomness that is me.

#9 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 07:54 PM

GUYS, chill. Look at what I've done:

I've stated the problems, and stated why they bother me. I've combed through the posts of my leave, and I had no idea why things were suddenly different. I am actually wondering what happened. So, in reference to VACC's post, that is the point of this topic.

Edited by Foamfoot, 25 February 2009 - 07:56 PM.

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QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#10 DX-Robert


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Posted 25 February 2009 - 10:39 PM

Look, I want to make something clear. I am not backseat moderating, saying that anything needs to be done, or complaining for kicks. There has just been such a HUGE, and very sudden influx of noobishness recently. I am just wondering, did I miss something?

What the hell happened?

I tend to avoid these topics, but I think one thing needs to made clear. Nothing new has happened in regard to macro posting behavior. I'd like to add to JSB's point that things are no different than they were a few weeks ago, a few months ago, or even a few years ago. It has been this way for as long as I can remember, though with a bit less volume, as there were obviously less members. New members have tended to be validated in waves - there would be an influx of bad posting, arguments, bans, but eventually the quality members would emerge from the fray and survive to go on and contribute to the hobby. That cycle has produced many good members whom have stayed with us for many years. It is worth the hassle of having less-than-superior quality posters running around.

The admins deal with them anyway. It should be of no concern to the rest of us. It is actually rather easy to ignore the n00bishness entirely. Just don't read what you don't want to see. I skim the topic lists in General, Off Topic, etc., usually see things that aren't worth reading or replying to, and then move on. Been doing that since months before even obtaining membership. Personally, I'm in a sort of bubble where conversing with good members is the only type and the rest of the membership doesn't exist. That's why I've never even heard of some people who have been here for months or sometimes a year. If you just shut out the trash, all you see is the treasure. Kinda corny way to put it, but it is the simplest way to picture that viewpoint. And of course, membership length does not necessarily correspond to member value, but time does influence members in some ways that other things cannot.

Basically, bad posting and annoying members will always be present on a popular forum, and here they always have been, at least since I started reading NH in '04. There are two good ways to deal with it: Let the admins do their thing and ignore the junk so completely that you don't even know it exists, or use PMs to inform problem members of what they could be doing to improve their posting quality, along with PMs to admins when someone really needs a boot.

Either way, this kind of stuff should not be an over-arching issue. Nerfhaven is a resource first, community second. All forums share these concerns, regardless of their subject. It's more worthwhile to just discuss nerf and forget forum-related things.
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#11 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 11:03 PM

or even a few years ago.

You haven't read many of the CXWQ-era posts, have you?

Ok, I'm regretting making this it's own thread. I think it was just shock of coming back. I go into what has been happening in my life, as it most likely does relate to the shock, but that would be fucking retarded.

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(Unofficial) Wii thread
QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#12 DX-Robert


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Posted 25 February 2009 - 11:30 PM

I believe CX gave me my first welcome. I read much more back then I do now, as the information was crisper. Most topics nowadays have been regurgitated dozens of times over, but many of them had not really been done before.

It always looks different after taking a break. The topics and members change, but much of the same continues on.
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United Nerf Ops - The premier northeast US nerf club serving the tristate area (NY, NJ, CT)
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UNO also has a Discord server, DM me on Discord to join (@vincentdrake)


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#13 TED


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Posted 25 February 2009 - 11:50 PM

Nerfhaven now is no different than it was one year ago.
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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

#14 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 11:51 PM

I really, seriously regret starting this. This is going to go on for two pages. Dammit... I feel embarrassed, and ashamed.

EDIT: DS did actually make a comment that made some sort of sense...

*Rains fire*

Edited by Foamfoot, 26 February 2009 - 04:22 AM.

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(Unofficial) Wii thread
QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#15 Foamfoot



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Posted 25 February 2009 - 11:53 PM


(Server Triple post)

Edited by Foamfoot, 25 February 2009 - 11:57 PM.

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(Unofficial) Wii thread
QUOTE(Bedhed117 @ Aug 14 2009, 03:49 PM) View Post

Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#16 TED


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Posted 26 February 2009 - 06:04 AM

EDIT: DS did actually make a comment that made some sort of sense...

*Rains fire*

Stop posting please.
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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

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