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Another Longshot Issue

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#1 BobRedshirt



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:02 PM

Having finally finished my longshot modification, including an Angel Breach, I decided to test it out, and found, to my dismay, that it was having some issues with jamming. As far as I can tell, when the breach is opened, the dart is pulled backward by friction with the brass, and ends up not being pushed up far enough to feed into the breach. Does anyone know what my problem is? I can post pictures if necessary. I saw this topic, but I'd prefer to not modify my clips to fix this. Besides, it seems like that it wouldn't fix my problems, since the plastic rods don't (and can't) extend all the way to the top.
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#2 CoasterDynamix757



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:25 PM

Imagine this

When the bolt is pushed back the clip will push it up into the breech, then when you close it the rods keep the stefans inline. Then when you pull the bolt back the "rods" also keep the stefans inline so they don't flip around in the clip and that's why they should be modded.
Or something like that...
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#3 BobRedshirt



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:56 PM

I do realize that modding the clips might help, but I would rather avoid that. What I'm wondering is whether this is a problem that is just part of using stefans with standard LS clips or a problem with how I made the breach. If there's really no other way than modding the clips, I guess I can do that, but again, I'd rather avoid it.
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#4 Darth Tom

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 10:48 PM

If you don't modify the clip to have those strips of plastic, the sliding back of the breech will cause the stack of stefans in the clip to slide backwards and out of alignment, causing the dart to jam. If you intend to use stefans, you need to modify the clips.
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#5 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 10:48 PM

If I'm understanding this correctly, it seems you don't have your tightening rings back far enough to hold onto the dart.
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#6 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 02:12 AM

If I'm understanding this correctly, it seems you don't have your tightening rings back far enough to hold onto the dart.

That wouldn't matter. I believe his problem is (poorly) diagrammed as follows:
Posted Image

Left side is how an angel breech is supposed to work. Right side is how his works. Blue is breech receiver, yellow is mag, green is breech cover, black are stefans.

Crucial "frame" is the middle one. A regular breech slides back, allowing a dart to feed up. When his slides back, the dart slides back with it, such that it feeds diagonally and improperly.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any solutions besides modding the mags.
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#7 BobRedshirt



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 04:14 PM

You got it, Zorn. Well, everyone seems to be saying that I need to mod the clips, so I guess that's just what I'll do. Thanks.
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#8 Darth Tom

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 04:25 PM

1/8" square plastic rods work the best. You can get them at any good hobby store for rather cheap. They may also sell 1/8" square brass rod, which will be equally as effective.
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