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First Shots Of The N.b.w.s Snake Eyes

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#1 Naija Blue

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 03:26 AM

Hey everyone,

this is the first shots of Snake eyes from one of the shoots from last week. Hes rocking one of the modded N.B.W.S longshots & SMG recons. We also have some storm shadow and firefly images coming up so be sure to check those out. As always Comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are always welcome. In the meantime I hope you all like it, and if not try not to upset snake, or else the foam will really start flying!

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Edited by Naija Blue, 03 February 2009 - 12:33 PM.

#2 zombiegaara



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 06:30 AM

dude thats some sick body armor u got there. thats like gray fow for mgs series. but nice setup. do you, or the guy in the suit, where that to wars?
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#3 Blacksunshine



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 06:58 AM

snake eyes is a ninja. why is he carrying around blasters? he should be rockin the nblades or something custon. this snake eyes feels dirty to me. also you need a wolf.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#4 slowguitarman



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 07:28 AM

dude thats some sick body armor u got there. thats like gray fow for mgs series. but nice setup. do you, or the guy in the suit, where that to wars?

You should read the CoC.

On topic though, I like the suit, but I honestly hate the pictures. As BS said, he is a ninja, so you should have taken pictures where to main weapon focus is a sword, and then maybe a small gun that's less prominent. The second pictures is way better than the first, but it doesn't capture Snake-Eyes, in my opinion.
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#5 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 08:12 AM

SMG Maverick?

I think you mean SMG Recon.

I'm a little at a loss on how you constructed it though. Why is the foregrip on the Magazine?
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#6 imaseoulman



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 09:51 AM

The only thing cooler than a ninja is a ninja with a sn1per rifle.

Seriously, when are people going to realize that if ninjas rock with swords and the like, how much more deadly could they be with more powerful weapons? Have you not seen the one? Jet Li with a gun rocks!
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#7 Salindin Naz

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 10:07 AM

I personally like these pictures, as well as your mods and Paint-jobs. I know I'm kind of in the minority in the way I Nerf (cosmetics and such taking the forefront, as opposed to making a blaster into a welt inducing shit-storm of violence) and I really enjoy all of the stuff you do. Don't anyone get the wrong impression from me though, I love those singled Titans and all. Your mods are always very clean, and well presented. Had I the time and resources to create such elaborate scenes and costumes, I think it would be quite fun to do these photo shoots. And I personally really like your SMG, as it's probably known around here that I have a misguided love for the Recon. And the clip, is it rounded at one end? Like inversely? I could go for a shot of that bad ass Recon on her own.
Again very nice work and keep it coming ;) .


*Edit* Hey imaseoulman and Naija, can't you see this iteration Snake Eyes rockin' this s.ni.per rifle?? Maybe done in that satin/flat black to match the SMG and Longshot.
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Edited by Salindin_Naz, 03 February 2009 - 10:11 AM.

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#8 Oni Kadaki

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 12:17 PM

The only thing cooler than a ninja is a ninja with a sn1per rifle.

Seriously, when are people going to realize that if ninjas rock with swords and the like, how much more deadly could they be with more powerful weapons? Have you not seen the one? Jet Li with a gun rocks!

The ninja had no personal attachment to their weapons as the samurai did, so if one of us went back and gave them an M9 with some ammo, they'd surely use it.

Also, Snake eyes used guns often in the comics, if I recall he used an uzi.
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Posted 03 February 2009 - 12:33 PM

The only thing cooler than a ninja is a ninja with a sn1per rifle.

Seriously, when are people going to realize that if ninjas rock with swords and the like, how much more deadly could they be with more powerful weapons? Have you not seen the one? Jet Li with a gun rocks!

The ninja had no personal attachment to their weapons as the samurai did, so if one of us went back and gave them an M9 with some ammo, they'd surely use it.

Also, Snake eyes used guns often in the comics, if I recall he used an uzi.

Well, it must have been a Laser Uzi, cause that's how the Joes rolled.
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#10 Foamfoot



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 12:46 PM

You painted a longshot black...

I'm not going to say anything about my opinion on it, but shouldn't all these threads be in the paint jobs and modifications picture thread?
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Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#11 slowguitarman



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 12:55 PM

You painted a longshot black...

I'm not going to say anything about my opinion on it, but shouldn't all these threads be in the paint jobs and modifications picture thread?

VACC didn't say anything about it, so I'd say that it isn't a problem if a founder has no problem with it. Also, why would you post this in the mod/pj thread? These pictures are about the modded people more than the nerf guns.
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Your dreams were tight like a baby

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#12 Naija Blue

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 02:00 PM


Im going to try and respond to everything in one post since I have to run out in a few minutes.

Thanks, and the outfit was never worn to a nerf war. Sorry to say.

To BS,

Ninjas were scrappers. They use what is available, and snake rocked plenty of modern day firearms in the comic series.I do have his and stormshadows sword though.

For further information you should check out the book Modern Day Ninjutsu by Oscar Diaz-Cobo. Its ninjutsu from a military point of view.

As for a wolf. The best I could do is an all white husky named Ki. I'll see about getting an image with her for you.

To SlowGuitarman,

Well, I did shoot stuff with a sword, but, not with my official snake eyes katana, like an ass I left it in LA. I didn't post any of them here because this is nerf haven, and I wanted the shots to be all about nerf. heres one for you though. With all real weapons.

Posted Image

To CrazyIvan,

Thanks for pointing out the maverick thing. I was way tired when i posted these!

As for the construction on the recon. It was made that way for a reason. it was modeled after the SMG from resident evil. So the grip had to be mounted to the mag the way it was. Although to make it a functional upgrade we also mouted a bit of weaver rail to the slide so that the grip can be moved and the gun can be cocked a lot faster.

To imaseoulman,

you are 100% correct.

To Salindin_Naz,

Thank you for the compliments as always. you are very kind. The mag is a very simple mod. Just a bit of weaver rail mounted to the bottom so any standard accessory can be mounted in its place.

Your Longshot broke my brain. I love it! if I would have known you made something like that I may have asked to borrow it. I am working on a barret 50 cal LS mod for my Nerf Resident evil film, but like the other guns from that project they will not see the light of day until the first day of the shoot.

To Oni Kadaki,

You are spot on. You know your ninjas and your G.I. Joe.

To Vacc,

I wanted to do some shots with an old school laser gun from the cartoon. I even have the old g.i. joe lazer tag gun, but like the sword I left it in LA. The only reason I had the visor here is because I had 2 and sent one to my brother for Halloween. We made the firefly, and Storm Shadow here too! Even though I had an almost complete Storm Shadow on a table back home. Always a pleasure to see comments from you Vacc, and I hope you enjoy Resident evil nerf when it comes out!

To Foamfoot,

Always a pleasure, and I feel like these are in the right spot. Have a nice day!

To slowguitarman,

You are right, these are in the right place. if not vacc surely would have set it right.


If i forgot to answer any questions please let me know, and if I missed anyone it was not intentional.


#13 slowguitarman



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 02:16 PM

Thanks for posting that pic for me. I quite like it.

EDIT: Is anyone else happy/excited that Ray Park is playing Snake Eyes in the G.I. Joe movie? The movie looks like it could go either way, but Ray will be awesome, most likely.

Edited by slowguitarman, 03 February 2009 - 02:23 PM.

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Your dreams were tight like a baby

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#14 Blacksunshine



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 02:55 PM

I will give it to you that your version of Snake eyes does bear a strong resemblance to version 23 of the 38 different versions of snake eyes that have been released. And tho SE did come with an uzi in most versions of the toy primarily his preferred weapon is a long blade. And to really capture his essence its required. Do a google image search on Snake eyes. You will quickly see how important the inclusion of the blade is to complete the costume.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#15 sputnik



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 02:56 PM

EDIT: Is anyone else happy/excited that Ray Park is playing Snake Eyes in the G.I. Joe movie? The movie looks like it could go either way, but Ray will be awesome, most likely.

Dude...Darth Maul and Toad?

That's amazing.
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#16 oh1134



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 03:20 PM

There is this pistol I saw at Cabela's, its this revolver that shoots these little rubber bullets (not exactly darts) for 15$. It is really powerful (it stings stock) considering it's flint-lock. I thought you could paint one, It would be sweet.
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#17 BustaNinja



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 04:08 PM

As a costumer you are probably one of the best I have seen. Although they are little more then solid color basic paint jobs, I forsee that you have something really cool hiding within a Nerf gun, like some awesome body work to pull of something like slowguitarman with his Lancer. I see all this Nerf related potential and I see you just painting them solid colors. YOU CAN DO WAY MORE!!!!

Again, you have awesome costuming skillz...
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#18 Naija Blue

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 07:11 PM

To Slowguitarman,

I'm glad you like it. Like I said I was a bit hesitant to post non nerf related pics here. I feel like I may already draw enough negative attention to myself. lol.

And I am freaking thrilled that Ray park is doing the role in the movie!

To BlackSunshine,

It appears as though I owe you an apology. You know your stuff. Very much so in fact. Did you dig the image I posted for SGM?

To oh1134,

Send me a link. I tried to find it on their website and I had no luck.

To Bustaninja,

I fully understand what you are saying. these guns you've been seeing in my shots here were made for a sort of tactical/function look. Like what a swat team would carry. Hence the lack of flare. We are working on a bunch of new designs that are a lot more complex and more interesting creatively. I'm not sure if you've ever looked through my site just yet. if not its NaijaBlue.com Theres some stuff there you may enjoy a look at. Thanks though for vote of confidence. I think you will be very pleased with the future stuff. As soon as RE nerf is done we will be moving on to the new designs.


I'm off to the shop. So I will have those ranges for the noisy cricket in a bit. I also hope responding to the posts like this is better for everyone whos reading.


P.S. i just finished this one up in photoshop. If your wondering why I have a real gun behind my back, theres a simple answer. this was shot in Philadelphia. As soon as you hit the city limits you are issued a sidearm. lol

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Edited by Naija Blue, 03 February 2009 - 07:59 PM.

#19 Blacksunshine



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Posted 03 February 2009 - 11:05 PM

To BlackSunshine,

It appears as though I owe you an apology. You know your stuff. Very much so in fact. Did you dig the image I posted for SGM?

None needed.

I had all the original joes. And watched the (original) show during my childhood. So I will just say I'm particular about the way I remember things. Don't get me wrong I love the work that you put into this and what you have come up with. I think just a little refinement is in order. A little accessorizing would go along way. Either some Kung Fu butterfly's across the chest or a katana slapped across the back.
Hit up this link for some images of all the SE's that have been released and it may give you a few ideas for some accessories you might add to finish off the look.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#20 Naija Blue

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 02:52 PM

I had all the original joes. And watched the (original) show during my childhood. So I will just say I'm particular about the way I remember things. Don't get me wrong I love the work that you put into this and what you have come up with. I think just a little refinement is in order. A little accessorizing would go along way. Either some Kung Fu butterfly's across the chest or a katana slapped across the back.
Hit up this link for some images of all the SE's that have been released and it may give you a few ideas for some accessories you might add to finish off the look.

dang, I had some of that stuff too! Oh well. I will do better on storm shadow. He was always my favorite.


#21 slowguitarman



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Posted 04 February 2009 - 08:29 PM

Nope, wrong Joes, Bob. The original Joes being referred to are the original 3-3/4" figures which came out in 1982, I'm pretty sure. The original G.I. Joe did come out in like 1964, but that isn't what is being referred to here.
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Your dreams were tight like a baby

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