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Switch Shot EX-3 with NF internals

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#1 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 04:18 PM

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So, anyone who's ever opened up the Wii blaster has probably noticed that the internals very close to ye olde NF, but the restrictor requires drilling to remove and everything is a bit smaller. Well I would have none of that. Pardon my dust, this is my first writeup, and I'm doing it about a month after I did the mod.

Okay, step one is to take the business half of the gun out and open it up (only 4 screws! Hell yeah!). Oh, and open up your Nite Finder (you know you have a spare lying around).

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This is what it will look like when you're done, but you've got some cutting/dremeling to do. Not pictured is the removal of the two little tabs on the NF air chamber where the screws hold it in. Also, take the peg and AR out of the NF (if you don't know how, this forum and its search function are your friends).

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So, the NF spring will not fit where the current spring does; it will completely compress before the catch... catches. So, you cut a space here big enough for the spring, but not big enough for the NF air chamber move back (it fits perfectly there as is).

I'll take this opportunity to talk about the catch spring: it doesn't like you. I don't thing the stock one will do the job. I believe that I have the NF spring here, but I spent about half of my modding time looking for little springs on the floor. It might also be a LS frontgun spring. If a NF spring doesn't want to cooperate, and you don't have any other springs to try, you can do what I did here and cut the little tab at the top to give the NF catch spring some room, but be warned: you will have to play Twister with the thing every time you try to put it together if you do.

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Now on the other half of the shell, you'll have to shave/sand this screw well down a bit. Otherwise, the barrel won't fit. Don't think you can get away with taking the whole damn thing out; there are only 4 screws that hold this thing together, and these components fit quite snugly. So be careful not to ruin the well too badly.

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Now, we're using the original plunger, 'cause the catch is in a different place on the NF. That's okay, the head is the same diameter. Throw the second O ring on there, and replace the spring with the NF spring (there's a screw right on the front of the head, can't miss it).

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Now here's how your putting the barrel and air chamber in there. If you feel like there might be air loss from that little gap, you can try hot gluing it, but I wanted to be able to open this thing again. Also, things fit so tightly in there that I doubt there is any such leak. Note that the tip of the barrel has the point on the bottom: remember that you have to clip this back into the rest of the gun. This barrel is still a little big, and it will take some getting used to to insert and remove this thing into the body, but it's possible as long as the slope is in this direction.

And there you have it. I haven't busted out a tape measure, but it fires like an NF sans AR. You can still use the Wiimote if you've got the game. Thanks for listenin', children!

[Note: I rotated all of those pics, but P-Bucket doesn't seem to be doing it. Hopefully it will correct itself. If not... well I tried.]

Edited by Gas Mask Guy, 24 January 2009 - 04:19 PM.

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#2 dacada



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Posted 24 January 2009 - 04:24 PM

just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
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#3 xbox180



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Posted 24 January 2009 - 04:33 PM

[quote name='dacada' date='Jan 24 2009, 02:24 PM' post='205998']
just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Just for the record your spelling's gay.

I like this mod because I think that swich shot has a sick shell.
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#4 chefdave



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Posted 24 January 2009 - 04:34 PM

just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Just for the record your post is INTERNET POOOOOOP!!!!!. Seriously, unless you have something usefull to contribute don't post, oh and read this.

Edited by chefdave, 24 January 2009 - 04:35 PM.

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It's a distinct possibility. But seriously, that's all you could come up with? You are a terrible Troll.

#5 deadshooter711



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Posted 24 January 2009 - 05:15 PM

just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Hey, I happen to like the game.....slightly, just not the storyline.

Darn, I don't have a spare nitefinder. But nice mod. Would you still be able to replace the barrel?
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#6 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 05:49 PM

Darn, I don't have a spare nitefinder. But nice mod. Would you still be able to replace the barrel?

Oh yeah, the NF barrel isn't "attached" to anything, it just happens to fit like a glove (well, after some cutting). So if you wanted to put a new barrel in, you definitely could. It'd probably be permanent though.
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#7 Kid Flash

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 05:55 PM

But my cpvced switchshot gets better ranges than my cpvc nf.
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#8 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 06:26 PM

But my cpvced switchshot gets better ranges than my cpvc nf.

Hmm, well now you know how to fit a NF spring in there, which, I assure you, is stronger.
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#9 Draconis


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Posted 24 January 2009 - 06:46 PM

just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

You have a turd as your avatar. Shut the fuck up.

I, for one, rather enjoy the game. It is certainly not the most difficult, but it's fun.

On topic: Why didn't you just mod the internals instead of replacing them with those from a stock NF? Seems silly.

Edited by Draconis, 24 January 2009 - 06:47 PM.

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#10 General Nerf

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 08:07 PM

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I am Rambo Fear me with all your might! ugh nnnnnoooooo I just got shot with a nerf dart! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! eh..eh..help me...

#11 xtremejumpy



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Posted 24 January 2009 - 08:57 PM

The game was... Ok.
Anyways, I have part of a NF spring, (Both springs, and it won't cock, hehe, cock) Sorry, anyways and the original spring, its cpvc'ed and I hit about 70 feet. If you don't believe me, I'll make a video. But why not just cut about 4 rings of the NF spring, and put it in for more power?
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#12 Vinnie D

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 05:37 AM

You know I hear conflicting accounts. Some say the Switch Shot AR is very difficult to remove but My own I was able to break out with just my hands. I slipped in an extra maverick spring, plugged the hole, and CPVCed it, integrated with my BBB and it shoots dead even with my Bungied Nitefinder. The case as a Wii Zapper by the way is excellent. Even beats out the Nyko perfect shot. I've been kicking ass on House of the Dead with it.

But I'm getting off the subject. Maybe there are two models of this thing? One firmly glued and another with loose glue, or the loose glue is a fortunate defect.
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#13 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 11:09 AM

On topic: Why didn't you just mod the internals instead of replacing them with those from a stock NF? Seems silly.

My internals are very firmly glued together, and I don't have the right drill bits (or even long enough wrong drill bits). Also, I had done some terrible things to the shell of the NF, and was not hesitant at all to cannibalize it.

But why not just cut about 4 rings of the NF spring, and put it in for more power?

First off, don't have anything that could easily cut the spring, or at least not as easily as cutting some plastic so that the full spring will fit. Secondly, which is more powerful/reliable/etc., a full NF spring or a chopped down NF spring?
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#14 Nobber



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Posted 25 January 2009 - 03:05 PM

just for the record the game is GAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Dude, how would this count as an effective post. It was off topic and unrelated. And since mine isn't I'll acutally stay on topic now.

I really like the mod and just a note would an NF spring put stress under your catch? As in stress that you can see the plastic bending and forming a color of faint white. Also, get ranges please :)
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#15 xtremejumpy



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Posted 25 January 2009 - 03:43 PM

[quote name='xtremejumpy' date='Jan 24 2009, 08:57 PM']
But why not just cut about 4 rings of the NF spring, and put it in for more power?

First off, don't have anything that could easily cut the spring, or at least not as easily as cutting some plastic so that the full spring will fit. Secondly, which is more powerful/reliable/etc., a full NF spring or a chopped down NF spring?

Do you not have a dremmel? Thats what I cut mine with.
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#16 Gas Mask Guy

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 08:49 PM

Do you not have a dremmel? Thats what I cut mine with.

I have one, but I try not to use it if I don't have to. I live with 7 other people (college is fun), and dremmels are loud. I did this mod with a pair of clippers and a hobby knife, and for anything bigger, I use one of those things that lets you hold hacksaw blades like a knife.

Also, I said "easily." Last time I tried cutting metal with a dremmel, it took me 15 minutes and several shattered cutting disks just to cut a couple screws down to size. Bottom line is, it would've taken me about the same amount of time to set up a place where I could use the dremmel, cut the spring, and clean up as it did to do this entire mod.
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